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Truck Shop

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Truck Shop

  1. The 2017 Isle of Man TT super bike race is at the end of May and the first of June. The most dangerous of all motorsport racing. The ultimate knee drag racing. I don't watch much in the way of sports but this race I fallow every year for years now. Here is a video of last years record breaking race/laps. A race is 4 laps of 34 plus miles. Truck Shop
  2. I've been there, a lot of cool old iron. Truck Shop
  3. I bought this 94 W900 this last monday for the company I work for? Will stretch frame to 295" from 230" and install a Z353 Zacklift. It's for company use but we will probably use it on outside wheelift tows also. The closest wheel lift is 50 miles away. But I am building it to run to N.D or CO. if need be. It will be a permanent mount wheel lift. Truck Shop
  4. Looks like a 50 ton Century, either way it's a nice recovery unit. Truck Shop
  5. Without the LTL's and B models that Mack made, some of the coolest cab and grilles I would have had way less choices for my art work. Thank you Mack for the great designs! Truck Shop
  6. Here's the link to Eatons clutch installation instructions. Scroll down to page 29 http://www.eaton.com/ecm/groups/public/@pub/@eaton/@roadranger/documents/content/rr_clsm-0200.pdf Truck Shop
  7. Well the truth is it was built in conjunction with Hitachi for use in Japan building nuclear reactors until the quake happened a few years back. Since that happened this crane {other than going through testing} has not been used. Lampson was paid in full by Hitachi and Hitachi is looking for any local work they can muster. If any of you folks know of any jobs for it you might drop Hitachi a line. Truck Shop
  8. Ran across this picture of a nice B tow truck on another forum. Anybody know about this one. That's a A-Car on the trailer. Truck Shop
  9. I was at Lampson Crane last year taking pics of this crane and other odds and ends. That's me standing next to the tracks. Each concrete counter weight was stamped 71,000 lbs. It will lift 3,000 tons it's 400 ft high and weighs 7 million pounds. http://www.lampsoncrane.com/ Truck Shop
  10. Great, thanks for letting me know I always worry about packages being lost or damaged. Truck Shop
  11. No pictures, that always makes me wonder If it's for real or foolery. https://dallas.craigslist.org/dal/cto/6086275212.html
  12. Are saying it is a Mack or it's a nice picture? The reason I want to know if it is a Mack in this pic, it's in a logging museum and the curator wants to know what year it is and the make. Thanks for the replies. Truck Shop
  13. Is this Mack an Ab model and if it is what year -1925 maybe? Truck Shop
  14. Again I appreciate your input but I live in Walla Walla, Wa. about the only close truck show is in Brooks, Or. Plus when you do those types of things most shows require a vendors license or business license. Plus some shows charge a fair amount for a booth. So by the time you include the gas, food and motel you might brake even. The ones who make money at truck shows are the food vendors. Truck Shop
  15. Too funny -I just emptied it and your on the list Truck Shop
  16. Well folks, I had a website in 05-08 called Big Trucks In Ink. I took out 1/4 page ads in the ATHS Wheels of Time and advertised in other places also. Even had tee shirts screened. I sold about fifteen prints for $10 bucks each and the shirts were twenty dollars sold three of those. Had I lots of e-mails inquiring and I don't know how many said they cost too much, I had security banners placed across the pics on my website to keep people from stealing my work. And some even contacted me admitting they tried to copy it. Thank you folks for the concern but It's mine to give away. And there's only one real Truck Shop who does freehand pen & inks like that and I'm happy to share my work with folks like you who care. Truck Shop
  17. Sometimes only fifteen hours and some can run twenty plus hours. This steamer was twenty five hours. Well it wont let me load more than 14.65 so I guess I won't show it. Truck Shop
  18. I don't remember if I posted any of my art work, If I have just delete the post. Truck Shop
  19. ATHS forums discussion on the V-12 GMC, topic 92709. Truck Shop
  20. GMC did produce a few with factory 12v-71's. I saw a day cab with one in the late 70's. This CM 90 Chev sold for $5,800 a month ago. Truck Shop
  21. Wow that one looks to be in good shape. Truck Shop
  22. I think that depends on which side of the U.S. your on. There are lots of 20 year old FLD and FLC Freightliners running around the west coast. Mack dealers are few compared to Pete, KW and Freightliner out west. The main buyers of Mack out here are city and county and they use to mainly buy Ford LN series. Truck Shop
  23. Hull has some real nice trucks. Truck Shop
  24. I owned my own tow truck with a Holmes 750 and also operated an 850 and 1801. Those units are monsters-Holmes rated their units on a full drum of cable so the first wrap was a power house. This is the only W70 left and Holmes only built four of these units. Monster mechanical 70 ton wreckers, I wonder if they were rated the same way? I would have loved to operate a W70- you could turn a 220 wheel base into a 300 with this unit. Truck Shop
  25. Well here is the ultimate high binder street rod. Ugly as hell IMO, looks like it's constipated. Truck Shop
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