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Truck Shop

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Truck Shop

  1. Walla Walla, paint is getting tired and interior needs some work but not bad condition, 220 and 10sp. With the possibility of it being for sale.
  2. I think I still have the lower section and manual box from my B75 if any one is interested or could possibly use it. Free.
  3. Scatter shield or horse blanket keeps your feet from looking like the guy who drove the Swamp Rat.
  4. Makes me glad I work and live in the middle of wheat fields. About the only noise I hear is the screech of a red tail hawk. The less people in general is better.
  5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ultra-low-sulfur_diesel
  6. The biggest problem with most frame extensions is the material used. Many jobs are done with only cold roll about 62,000 lb tensile strength. Standard rails from factory are 80,000 lb tensile strength and can go as high as 120,000 lb. Plus many liners or inside frame rails that are installed are nothing more than cold roll formed. I've done major frame jobs through the years and never had any problems, knock on wood.
  7. Main shaft end play, rear main shaft support bearing or input shaft bearing allowing 3rd and 4th sliding clutch to move, does the shift lever move fore and aft when throttling up or down while moving. Plus 3rd and 4th gear clutching teeth are probably worn right along with the sliding clutch teeth. 3rd and 7th are used alot and first to go. Plus a worn broken main shaft key can cause issues too.
  8. It's a synchronizer hub in the back section, and yes you do have to remove the counter shaft bearing covers and install retaining straps to hold the counter shafts in-place It is much easier to just remove the transmission, stand vertical on bell, install straps on counter shafts and remove the rear section. It's easier to reinstall plus easier to check/reset counter shaft end play..
  9. To stop the problem-I think everyone should get sprayed in the face with it.
  10. In civilian life once you drop the hammer your life has changed forever and usually not for anything good. Fact And your giving the little pukes too much credit-----they don't even know what the word liberal means. Their only goal in life is to be destructive.
  11. I use to see Van Cleve years ago at SIR. That car always had a nice launch.
  12. I remember a 69 issue of HOT ROD mag that pitted the Z28, Boss 302 and the AMX. The AMX killed the other two, Both the Z28 and the boss couldn't break 100 without slicks. I owned three of these at one time years ago, two GTA's one GT. One GTA had a 428 with a manual body C6 with a Side Winder intake and several other fast parts.
  13. Remember Wisconsin-the V4D-V65D IIRC were pretty rugged engines.
  14. NAPA-National A$$hole Protection Association.
  15. I use to be a Republican but I'm an independent now-and not everything boils down to liberal BS or conservative BS. Most is just straight BS.
  16. Brazil has thousands of acres of soy beans and china is their big buyer. And china has adopted our eating habits when they let the golden arches move in. They are starting to have trouble with obesity especially in children, eating too many of those rotten french fries that are nothing but grease, starch and salt. Obesity in america has surpassed smoking as the number one problem, really the fast food joints is Americas biggest enemy, people are fat and they don't want to work. Mc Donalds, Burger Stench, Taco Smell, Pizza Smut and the rest have produced food that is total garbage. Two egg Mc Stuffins and you just ate half your days intake in calories. I think the object in america is to gain weight not loose it. Women with a roll above the waist line--how many do you see in a Sandals Caribbean add. None because no one wants to see that.
  17. More than likely those are headed to Fort Lewis near Tacoma.
  18. The original that was in my B75 was totally shot, The upper shaft had two deep groves worn in it. But I replaced everything with a TRW-TAS power box and used a fixed column from a 98 T800.
  19. Some trucks are tougher than others----------until a fellow named Bob Tinker gets behind the wheel-he could tare up a perfectly good anvil.
  20. Well one old Cat deserves another-1956 14A D8 and the 1956 B71 that moved it.
  21. Is this an option? It says long lasting but it's going to take a bunch of those little cans.
  22. Funny thread, reminds me of the oil & filter threads on a Gold Wing forum. Discussing weights of oil can be very interesting-like watching paint dry or grass grow. Now going to a demo derby can be entertaining. Look at the people setting around you-don't bother watching the derby.
  23. Looks like it was using coolant at one time, IMO.
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