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Truck Shop

Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by Truck Shop

  1. And a few RD 405's
  2. That one deserves another
  3. The B75 I'm working on at the moment will probably run 20K when I'm done. And that is completely hand building the truck, because everything will be modified. the hood 14" longer, a new frame and totally different running gear. I have to build the outside frame steering, clutch linkage, all crossmembers , air intake, exhaust system, visor and several other goodies. But for me I have a ton of connections for parts and some of it has been given to me. I have a friend that runs a great machine shop for those items, plus I have lengthened 72 trucks over a span of 44 years as a mechanic. My advise is do a bunch of looking and investigating on costs before jumping into a major rebuild, having excellent sources is key to keeping the costs down. $12,000 in the KW I did some years back, Again I had most of the parts already. Truck shop
  4. A new in 1975 359 tri-axle Pete with a stack of new Macks in the back ground, Newark, Calif. Truck Shop
  5. Fare enough! Truck Shop
  6. I see your a troll-standard Pennsylvania model or top line national model and one that can't read. I said I will get pics when I go back to get my parts. Truck Shop
  7. Well now I have to ask- I ran across two un-restored AC Macks and another that is restored today as a matter of fact. Now with those Mack's were two 30's KW's and a 1939 Pete. Now I have to go back to the salvage yard in the very near future to pickup the steer axle and other parts that were given to me for my B75 by the owner. And I'am going to get pic's. Big question does anybody want to see pics of the AC Macks. If so am I going to hear flack about the KW's and Pete I post under {Other Trucks}? Truck Shop
  8. That's true but they did build some west of the Rockies for a while. And I think that batch of cookies were the better ones. lol Truck Shop
  9. I think the title of this forum is Other Trucks. But I agree there are things everyone does not care for, for me it's anything east of the Rockies. Truck Shop
  10. I like damn near anything from 81 down. Old trucks have character, new trucks look look like a egg with small fins, can't tell one from another. And less reliable. Had a two reps from Freightliner-Portland in the shop a month ago discussing issues. I don't think they were impressed with me. I told them it's a good thing they don't build airplanes. Truck Shop
  11. The rig above was purchased as a glider kit new in 1966. Truck Shop
  12. Last three built and owned by the same person. What year is it? Truck Shop
  13. He is moving along. I haven't even gone by the body shop my 75 is in since I dropped the cab and fenders there a ways back. I suppose he will give me a call when it's done. Truck Shop
  14. Yes Cummins did make big cams with a front trunion mount. I have a 400 BC II CPL 449 setting in a Freightliner frame that has the front trunion mount. I know this is a old thread but-Cummins did make them. Truck Shop
  15. For some reason I can't post any photos on my B75 rebuild thread, will not show attachment bar. Truck Shop
  16. The R model steering box is a HFB64055 from a R686ST mid 80's. Truck Shop
  17. Oh yeah Superliners were available with the dozen there was one years ago that roamed the West Coast with twin turbos, engine was built by a boat yard in Long Beach Ca. That puppy flew. There was not a Cat or Cummins around that would run with it. Truck Shop
  18. Good to see you here. Members- 12V71 is a bonafide Detroit mechanic and pretty damn smart on Cat/Cummins also. Enjoy the Forum RZ. Truck Shop
  19. Yeah Big Mack Forums are pretty good. The photos are some of the best online that's for sure. There are a bunch of good folks on here that have some great humor. Truck Shop
  20. You mean one of these Royale's
  21. Well I'll be it's RZ, about time you made it here. Truck Shop
  22. I've spent most of my money on old trucks and motorcycles, the rest I just wasted. Truck Shop
  23. Because there is more open ground, hills and mountains to hide things. Truck Shop
  24. https://spokane.craigslist.org/hvo/d/diamond/6630104226.html Not Mine
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