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Pedigreed Bulldog
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BillyT last won the day on January 11 2018

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  1. He who dies with the most toys wins!
  2. My school bus was a Federal,kinda resembled a Diamond T of the same year! Also had a 50s Federal bus with the one off stainless grille.
  3. Is that a Manley wrecking crane on the back? My first wrecker a Diamond T 201 had one ! What memories! LOL!
  4. First big truck I drove was a crackerbox 1963, didn't even realize it was uncomfortable! Of course I was 24! Pittsburgh to the west coast.
  5. Ten five,nice adaptation of a fire truck c@c!
  6. I've been in most of the stops mentioned! Used to haul steel out of homestead pa to Buffalo would go west one exit off I 79 to the Green shingle in the 70s became a rathole like speed @ Briscoe and many iconic stops! In the " old days" the waitresses were on "the menu" at S@B and the little place at x3 on I70 in Pa,also at "The Windmill" near Wheeling WV and that place on I-81 in Pa.and a stop on301 in S.C. Hey, anybody remember the truck stop on I 80 in Pa with the electric train running around the ceiling? Was a little bigger than "O" scale.Thanks for the memories guys!
  7. My third wrecker was one of them,had a lot of brake problems,but looked good!
  8. That Steel case rig is kinda cool!
  9. Only "modern" truck I like is the International lonestar! Those.Bmcs are bone ugly!
  10. Whites was one of my favorite truck stops,do they still have good food?
  11. Looks like a 9800 "binder" with a "Stoops" conversion never saw one of them!
  12. Stoops hauled hi cube low weight products like empty soda bottles etc.the chassis were cut off behind the sleeper with a gusset where they bolted together.I actually walked up and eyeballed the fabrication (being a welder!) Was told they had some kind of overdrive tranny to make up for the small circumference of the tire/wheel combo.Stoops was also a Ford truck dealer the combos I saw were the Ford 9000 Cabover s with the air ride cabs.The trailers resembled household goods trailers only flat from front to back! I always thought they would make a great hotshot tractor!
  13. Loved the old Hendricksons!!
  14. And the 681 C Guide headlamps like my old Diamond T!
  15. I loved old Studebaker pickups, but preferred the older checkerboard grille!
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