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About BJsDad

  • Birthday 01/23/1962


  • Location
    Woodstock, VA

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    Old Datsun 240Z's, old trucks, fishing and my spoiled dog....
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  1. Just a small correction, the EN414 engine is the Chrysler 413. Shame there isn't much left of the truck, it's VIN number makes it a 69, in fact it's only 3 behind mine. They built 201 of the 410P's between 1965 and 1970 so it's not one of the rarest R410's but there aren't many of the 350 or so 410's built still lying around. Personally, I'd love to find a 410S model twin screw.
  2. You could have at least given her my phone number Doug And don't tell me you lost it....
  3. Yup, pretty sure 325 V8 is right, don't know what they had behind it though. They also had 2 tractors pulling tankers back and forth to the tanker farm in Fairfax pulling fuel and gas to the truck stop identical to the wrecker. Might know someone who can give me the a little more info on the specs, I think they bought them from a local Mack dealer a buddy of mine worked for. I'm not sure, but I think the tractors may have had 375's. Or maybe I'm thinking of the trucks that replaced these, he always had them with the same specs. Toms Brook is one exit north of me, had a chance to apply for a job driving one of the fuel trucks once, but had no desire to pull a tanker or fuel.
  4. Looks like an old Preston trailer, IIRC they used the orange and black lettering.
  5. Since gas is a bit cheaper than diesel, wanna trade for an R model Doug?
  6. Looks good to me even if it did need a little "assistance" in the end. Now that you have "bookend" early F model single axles, what's going in the middle? I've looked at the pics of the blue one on Old Mack's, later cab and it looks like even the doghouse has been welded on the passengers side was what turned me off of that one. Now, that RL763 he brought back from the Hitching's auction is another story.....
  7. Jakebrake, on an older unit like yours I wouldn't be as worried about it, the newer units have Lippert frames that have been put together on a mass assembly line and very often the problems have been because of shoddy welds. The new trailers with their longer more aero nose caps have necessitated the use of longer extended pin boxes which which will cause problems on their own, let alone taking the twist of using the regular fifth wheel. Another option would be to replace the pin box with an air ride gooseneck hitch, you'll get no twisting stress on the trailer frame and you will lower the stresses put on the trailer frame without the extended pin box. Air Safe and a couple others sell air ride gooseneck hitches that will bolt on in place of the fifth wheel pin box. All you'd have to do is mount a plate across behind your fifth wheel plate for the gooseneck hitch, I've seen a few that mount it inside the frame rails so it can stay in place and is not as noticeable.
  8. hi my name is tom mcilrath i have a r-400 with the scania motor in it. i am looking for a eaton 2-speed shift electric motor can you help since you know about the r-400

    thanks tom 412 287 2110

  9. 6 people having a birthday today... and Rob's the oldest... And I'm second Happy birthday from one old fart to another.... Not going into the debate about the forum.. it could be better, but it used to be a lot worse.
  10. Cliff, I was wondering if you still had yours or not when I saw this post. Met you at Macungie and looked yours over in 09. Think I still have a couple pics of it somewhere.....yup, found em.
  11. Last I knew, Walker's in Ferrum. VA still had some OEM cab sides sitting in a trailer. They were the whole side panel from door post to back of cab for a sleeper model. Whether they still have them or not is a good question. I heard they still have a couple trailers sitting there with brand new OEM sheetmetal, but I'd bet it will go quickly since the word got out on the net that they had these parts.
  12. You'll probably be better off if you look for some 85 series tires in 16 inch, something like a 235/85/16 will work with dual wheels with little problem of being too wide and they are almost 32 (31.7 to be exact) tall. I've been running Goodyear Silent Armor's on my 2500 Ram and love them, great on wet roads and snow and aren't noisy except on concrete. Even with the Cummins turned up I can hardly break the back end loose on a wet road. So far have over 50K on them and still have half tread all the way around.
  13. I kinda figured you'd have to come in that way, probably still not much fun backing in that place while trying not to get run over by the idiots flying up and down 11. It used to be bad enough backing in the Chevy dealership at the top of the hill just south of there, no one wanted to slow down for just a couple minutes even if you had the whole road blocked to back in. Oh, and if they said that UTV is around 15K, I suspect you can probably buy it for 13.5 somewhere else. Their prices are way out of line there, always have been, always will be till someone puts them out of business. My Dad tried to buy a lawn tractor there back in the 90's, cash deal, he ended up borrowing my pickup to take to NY on vacation and came home with the same tractor for 1800 less.
  14. I heard there was a wild man driving a Peterbuilt thru Woodstock the other day.. guess I know who it was now.... Lucky for me I was on the other end of town safe in my bed then eh?
  15. You can pick up the electronic ignition from Summit Racing, they have Mopar brand as well as aftermarket to choose from for the RB engines. Luckily I checked my distributor before I put in an order from Summit, someone had already put an aftermarket electronic in mine.
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