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Mr. Buck

Puppy Poster
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Everything posted by Mr. Buck

  1. I don't have much of an answer. The time to buy something is when it is for sale.I looked for three years to find my R with a 5 speed. At that point price was somewhat secondary. I would say look at what is out there and when its the right one for the right price you will know. These are not logical purchases, so trying to be logical isn't really a thing. We all buy what we buy for the joy of having it. So if it makes you happy, go for it.
  2. Nice. Good luck with the dash.
  3. Im up in New Milford. 72 R685ST. Hope you are having fun with it.
  4. Probably the best advice Ive ever read on here. At the end of the day it doesn't make a bit of difference.
  5. Thank You. Hit or Miss seems to be a fair number of things. LOL. I am by no means an expert, but that was kind of my observations too.
  6. I have a 72 R685ST. It id Mack from tip to stern. At one point someone put Chrome instead of gold Dog on hood. The doors are also sporting chrome Dogs. Should those be gold as well? Second part of question. I see so many Rs without door emblems. Is that depending on the years or simply were removed and not put back on at some point? Thank You
  7. Thank You Gentlemen I have seen the kits too, but prefer the hard Green.
  8. Im sure this has been discussed, but I couldn't find it. I have a 72 R685. Has beautiful steel door panels. Would this originally have had some form of fabric, or would this have been steel? I hope Im explaining that correctly.
  9. I think Many of us have had that conversation with our wives. though I would venture for most it did not go over well.
  10. I am sure people with far more experience will chime in, but I would contact your local Mack dealer and have them run it. Its how I found out my 68 R685 was actually a 72 R685.
  11. Evening Folks My 72 does not have seat belts. Does anyone know where to get them? What are you folks running?
  12. No Dates. No copy write date. Not even a published by. Which is what made me think it was an in-house thing.
  13. I ended up with a short book about Zenon C. R. Hansen. It is 16 Pages long No title on cover Just a white embossed Sticker of the Mack Bulldog. Anyone seen this before? I am guessing its Mack published propaganda?. Its pretty cool to me.
  14. Thank You for sharing all the pictures. Very Inspiring.
  15. I am going through registration in CT. I had to submit a notarized letter saying This vehicle will be used to attend car/truck shows and the occasional drive for pleasure. It will in no way be used in the furtherance of business and is specifically for personal use. This allows me to not have a DOT number and use Classic plates. I haven't started looking for a trailer yet, so I have no idea on that aspect.
  16. Has anyone run across a R model Glovebox interior? Im going to guess its a high density cardboard?
  17. I am up in New Milford. I hope I run into you at a show or two.
  18. It I believe actually may have come out of Georgia dealership. I am in the process of chasing that down now.
  19. So I have an odd sized Dog. The face is rough, which made me think It was a knock-off. It also is about half the size of my other Dog. The other Dog was plastidipped a few years ago to protect its finish. Is the smaller one off of the Cigar ashtrays? I bought it off eBay (yes I know) guy claimed it cam off his Mack with 600,000 miles on it.
  20. It was born the Dark Green. I haven't decided what color to go with.
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