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Everything posted by Beaverdam

  1. I got the email to
  2. I'm just wondering what would be fair price for a B755L radiator it does have damage on the core an no cap more pictures in comments thanks for any help
  3. Would like to find a 5831B brownie box 3 speed Aux trans around North Carolina if any one has one for sale
  4. I am buying a parts truck soon to get the cab an doors for my truck I will look at my old doors to see if window parts can be salvaged I will let u know soon as I get my truck to my house
  5. I called watts Mack the other day the man I talked to told me he thought they had some b77 badges I haven't called back yet to see
  6. That will be a nice truck I have a B773Ls w/335 turbo cummins but some one but A Rto-9513 roadranger in it I to am new to the site an have already gained a wealth of information on finding parts I will be posting new picture soon on my restoration good luck on that Alsome truck
  7. Hey thanks for all the help I have converted my tractors over to 12v an a few old cars I just wasn't sure about my Mack it was at one time 24 volt it has been converted to 12 volt negative ground but who ever in the past done a bad job I have got to rewire the truck thire are cut an loose wires hanging every ware nothing works but I did get the factory radio working I thought that was amazing thanks for all the help from those who commented I am glad I joined this site it's amazing the knowledge y'all have the is a great resource for anyone who has never restored old road tractor thank alot
  8. When hooking up a one wire alternator on a truck with more then one battery ware do you hook the wire off the alternator
  9. I have a B77 Mack with a 335 turbo cummins can I put a one woe alternator on it looks like it has a Chevy style alternator on now if I can what amp size should I buy
  10. I'm looking forward to this show I don't get to go to a lot of the shows cause I work a lot so it's nice we have a show not far from home see ya there
  11. Yea maybe I will see u there I'll be there with David Strickland 

  12. Piedmont Carolina chapter /American truck historical society antique truck show October 22 2016 9am to 4pm location piedmont/triad farmers market. 2914 sandy ridge rd North Carolina 27235 . Exit#208 interstate 40 . 1-336-431-6824
  13. That truck is beautiful hope I can make mine look as good as it
  14. Hey thanks for the info it was a lot of help I'm going to buy the cowl board to do my head liner using what's left of mine for a pattern thanks for the help I was going to sell my truck but since joining this forum an the help of people like you has changed my mind thanks
  15. Does anyone know who can do head liners for b model with the L model cabs
  16. I need a windshield gasket for a b-model Mack with the L model cab
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