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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by davehummell

  1. Yes
  2. If the cab assembly is pretty good you can really get it set up to your needs without to much fuss and money.
  3. when you turn it all the way one way or the other you want the spindles hitting the stops before you run out of steering box travel.
  4. I graduated in 73 I went down and registered for the draft and was told your on your way to be drafted okay I didn't get drafted but unlike those that went to Canada or used political help to get out of going I would of went because I am an American citizen and it is the right thing to do. I am pro American as it was until the first of this year now things are really screwed up I hope the genie can be pushed back in the bottle.
  5. . As my uncle would say about some people he is so full of sh*t his eyes are brown. And he would screw up a one car parade.
  6. I bought the air cleaner from Berry over at Watt's and it went on with a new manufactured mount looks about the right size not to big. I like it
  7. And some had two big nuts you would turn and the newer ones you push in the adjuster and turn it.
  8. 151/2" wide x21" deep aluminum base and aluminum top
  9. d73tcat i sent you an email. dave
  10. What a crock of sh*t as my mother would tell me when i would try to explain why i did something stupid again. And it definitely pertains to this brain fart of an invention.
  11. Those two made a lot of sense about that Nasar driver's bullshit.
  12. I need that to move my cub cadet around. I wish I could get an up close and personal look that is really interesting thanks for showing that truck J hancock
  13. That takes the cake when I read about that lady that got killed over those little shits trying to steal her car. I was wondering what kind of life those little darlings led up to that point and how were they raised? Looks like little worthless animals that should be spayed so they can't reproduce any more worthless welfare shits. Now doesn't that just make me want to march for BLM. Now I'm to pissed off to go to bed. God help us!!
  14. Maybe my turning 65 had something to do with the way they calculated my rates.
  15. I just got off the phone with Hagerty ins. Ruddy called to bring to my att. that my insurance was being transferred from gulfway to them and he suggested i combined my 31 model a with my mack it ended up i will pay 65.00 a year for the mack and 160.00 for the A i was paying 180.00 a year for the mack threw gulfway and i am going to get my motorcycle on with them later on when that ins. is about to expire on the bike. That was one phone call i'm glad i took.
  16. Thanks for the pictures, now that is like rubbing salt in the wound that Macungie was cancelled and i had my truck ready to go.
  17. I spent many hours driving a few set up with the 237 and 5 speed tandems now i don't know if i could crawl up in one now.
  18. If you took that home you deserve to get a real good ass kicking. That is a two bagger one for her and one for you in case hers brakes.
  19. Wolf is quite the piece of work over this show, last week it was ok to demonstrate. And that thing in the picture next to him It should return back under the rock it crawled out from under I'm embarrassed it is from my state. How screwed up do you have to be to cut your penis off and act like a girl in public?
  20. He had a car show on one of the dish channels and I found it very interesting it had something different every show way better than the crap they call entertainment I am bombarded with these days I never watched Jay on the tonight show I had to get up to early.
  21. I think he is a stand up guy all that income instead of drugs running around with idiot hollywood actresses', he is spending his money and time on one hellava car and truck collection I wish he was in my neighborhood.
  22. If it is an early end 673 like mine is i had a hell of a time finding rod bearings and rings I pulled that engine and put one in that i can get parts easier.
  23. We had the 72 flood and the 73 flood and i don't remember anyone acting like the bunch in that video. Does say a lot about that part of town I NEVER WANT TO LIVE ANYWARE NEAR THAT STORE
  24. Boy that's some bright paint never going to lose that truck in a crowd.
  25. How about the poor bustards that went to work in all the coal mines you lived in company homes had to buy from the company store and had wages taken out for all kinds of things you needed to dig out their coal. You got killed under ground they threw your body on the porch and told the widow to move. When i was young Pittston was full of guys dying of black lung lost a lot of relatives to that crap. The ancestors in my area were nothing more than slaves. Maybe the welfareite's in the city's are better off than us workers? Free trade my ass I and a lot of my fellow business owners lost accounts that really should of stayed in America. My grand mother always said spare the rod spoil the child look at the news she was right.
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