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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by davehummell

  1. Damn car died on us thankfully in my one cousins driveway last night had to go get the backhoe and give it a tow so i have the thing tore apart right now when my other cousin comes over later i'll get some photo's up
  2. We are still in the red? Every one i know is had it with the nonsense the local small store i go to yesterday the lady's threw their masks and said enough is enough. I was up near the n.y. border and i got to eat in a restaurant for the first time in a long time. That wolf governor is a real panda to the whiny the sky is falling set about ruined the state.
  3. If we can ever get to go to any truck shows i just bought a 1931 model a ford coupe i'm going to throw on the trailer and bring along just for the heck of it. pictures tomorrow if i remember how.
  4. Last time i was in a truck stop i felt like i was the foreigner.
  5. Cat tail foundry is Amish i seam to recall and it has a very good reputation. The neighbor lady's from across the hill use to show up to my girlfriends sisters farm at a regular time and watch their soaps it was something to see a halve dozen Amish lady's going at those soap shows all sprawled out in Stattler's living room .
  6. quite the pile of crap we got for the younger generation looking at all that is going on. I don't condone what those cops did but if that black guy didn't break the law he would be still kicking but i think there is a lot more unspoken about the leading up to the guys arrest. As for all the vandals in a perfect world we could go to their homes and trash and burn them down to the ground and load them on a leaky barge and let them take a little boat trip out in the atlantic in the winter large swells. About that so called girl i hope she is sterile so it stops at her. " Bufford t Justas said when i get home i'm going to punch your momma in the mouth cause you couldn't of come from my loins"
  7. remember if there is ware on the ends of your gears and ware in the pump housing you will loose pressure as a bypass in the flow of oil and it will show up worse as the oil thins out.
  8. Those big bang cannons you used to see for sale in magazines use a formulation on the same order water their mix and an ignition source and you get a pretty loud bang. I had one and shortly after i couldn't find it and no one had any idea what happened to it?
  9. joe biden has the integrity of a tick that is laying in wait in my back yard to latch onto one of my dogs.
  10. Kevin will sell every part off that truck I don't think anything in his yard gets cut up for scrap iron.Just down from Albany NY.
  11. I like the big Muskie model i never saw one like that.I have a book about the largest drags and straight front shovels and in it is info on the muskie and other behemoths that dug the coal.
  12. good b model steering box, nice aluminum battery box for two batterys, good rear single axle 470 ratio new drums and shoes seals 4 good 11/22.5 tires dayton rims and one new maxi. parts off my 673 end good pump and injectors, right and left square style fuel tanks make me an offer i can't refuse
  13. Call over to cooks and ask for tom or jeff they will fix you up with a seal and sleeve there has got to be some one near you that you could borrow a stemco sleeve installer just to drive the ring on.
  14. I had an air compressor stop making air intermittingly was the valves in the compressor head sticking and not sealing i looked for repair parts but non was available so exchange unite was installed.
  15. David Wild you have outdid your self that was more entertaining than most movies and tv shows on the air at present. That sir is a true classic I about pissed my pants laughing.
  16. I was convinced once trump was voted in the sleazy lifetime politicians that are in office would be trying to stick it to trump and i was 100% right. They didn't get trump with all they tried so far. God only knows what kind of other crap they will try to pin on trump before the coming election. If there is a true hell i hope they have an express line for self serving sleazy political hacks.
  17. Looks like you have a nice garage to put your truck together that truck will be neat when you are done. Good luck remember just because it came apart doesn't mean it won't fight you when you try to reassemble it. One nice thing if it pisses you off you can walk right out of the garage and do something else and come back another day and it will go better for you saves getting mad and using a much bigger hammer.
  18. I guess i'll have to swish off the goat poop and take a beauty shot of my kubota mx5100 doing something. I used the backhoe to plant some small trees yesterday I'm to old and smart not to use powered machines whenever i can.
  19. Years ago i did work for a shoe company they ended up just making cheap sneakers out of the country they at one time were a large employer in the area all kinds of excuses but i think some was management and workers were to blame too. I did a lot of machine work for the company they had a nice machine shop and had three workers in the shop but they sent me things that they should of been doing in house i was in the place at least three times a week i never saw them doing anything. At one time my girlfreind worked there and you could make a decent wage toward the end i had to stand in the show room and bitch and carry on to get 30 over late payments. If that is what is going on in American factory's no wonder shoes cost like the dickens. I lost a lot of business when the push was on for free trade I had to let two guys go that worked for me.
  20. Up to my favorite truck scrap yard there are two mrs they are low mount seats i would of got one of those but they were rode hard and wore out. With some steel fab. i think they would be low enough for head room and i think the backs may be thin enough for your cab. I have picked out a seat out of a freightliner small cabover low mount and thin low back cloth cover it has to accommodate my cousin which weighs over 250 lbs so he needs all the room he can get.
  21. I figure after putting up with bud wheels all the years if i had a chance i would of shot whoever come up with the design what a pisspor excuse for wheel retention on the hubs give me dayton or hubpilot.
  22. It makes me wonder when cops show up to warn the parent about kids playing together? I find it a bit offensive. I'm about sick and tired of this corona crap it's time to shit or get of the pot as my 90 year old grandmother would say. Dammit I NEED A HAIRCUT!
  23. It really frost's my ass when you find something that is good value, made very well, made in USA, actually fits and then the company has to faze out the product.How often has it happened to you? Or the USA made product is so dam expensive you can't justify the cost over some Chinese made crap.Does labor on a mass produced product mean that much markup or some ceo has to make 6 million a year plus stock options and then allow the company to run itself into the ground?
  24. These days i got what money can't buy Poverty and i'm independently broke.
  25. I always wore redwings then they discontinued the kind i used tried different brands and finally bought a pair of chippawa work boots been wearing them over 5 years 2and1/2 years in a transfer station were i worked i stood in mud, garbage, water, slop and other stuff best not named.
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