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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by davehummell

  1. I never want to get involved in politics but it sickens me to watch the democrats. The day Pelosi is out of office it will be a great step forward for Americans. the aholes that wasted all our money going after trump should have to pay it all back out of their own pocket. I hope Trump turns on shiff and rest of them and sticks it up all their asses. Trump for another 4 years I need more money in my retirement account.
  2. I'd like to have one of those air cleaner pipe extension's if it was 4 and 1/2" id and the guy willing to part with it?
  3. This is the numbers on my mack rear and I'm guessing 4 66 number is the ratio? The other numbers are crd 78 65939 uner that number is 11kha4142 a2 and under those numbers is the 4 66 numbers.
  4. I understand there is a difference on the thickness of the bell housings and this one has the same arm setup coming out of the housing to use on a push throw-out bearing. My trans is jumping out of 10th gear on a climb and when floating with no strain on the drive line it gets old holding on the shift lever all the time just in case it jumps out. I am going to run it this summer but I am going to change it next winter. I understand with this tranny you get 13 speeds and high gear is overdrive with 3.90's it should cruse on rt.81.
  5. On my b model I have a straight 10 speed duplex and I can have a 720 triplex with a power take off for a good price. Will there be any changes other then the drive shaft length and new holes in the floor?
  6. The truck junkyard I go to for parts had a real nice 3408 setting and I was up two sat. ago and jay said someone bought it to put in a truck I should of asked what they got for the engine. Dave just got an e-6 300 hp that looks pretty clean in with a trany on the back I couldn't make out the year jay was busting me to bring back the one I got off them and put this one in I told him I got what money can't buy poverty. The last place I worked we run cat engines the company went down to two tractors one had a c12 and the other c15 the trucks were freightliners and the drivers liked to run the bigger engine of the two. I always use to spec 3406's in the triaxles and the tractor trailers years gone by but moved over to the c12's and c13's
  7. That same engine started out in scrapers and if memory serves 773 or triple 7's they worked for years you just had to do take care of them. they were also used as powerplants for gen sets. Same as the 343 I used to work on air compressors powered by 343 engines lots of air. 16 graders had them in 769 off road trucks some scrapers and 983 loaders. Every engine made you can find some fault with them its just what you want to put up with as far as quirks each makes have. the 3408 was a big engine heavy it pulled good what engine from that era got the fuel mileage of today's engines.
  8. I had to change the compressor on the mp7 at work it was in a frontloader took me over half the morning very tight area to work in. The compressor would pump just fine for a given time then just wouldn't pump I tried to get the valve kits but I was told not available pretty expensive pump on exchange. That sob would pump and then quit and would start pumping again about as bad as when a starter gets a bad spot in it and once a month it wont spin the engine but by the time I show up I turn the key and off it starts.
  9. You used to be able to buy the tool on the order of those at Cleveland brothers from the one safe source book did the same type of rubber in the old cabs on equipment.
  10. The local cop was telling me an idiot was playing hockey using his car to hit the garbage cans set out for pickup one local filled a can with concrete There he set stuck on the can the cop said the car had to be towed and the guy had a nice bunch of tickets. I got a car stopped in the ditch against my 4 or 5 tons of barrier at the end of my drive way the driver was pissed and wanted the statey to get me in trouble over my rocks statey said he was over the white line and if the driver didn't shut up he was going to write some more tickets told me in front of the driver If it was his property he'd have more rocks. Marianne was standing at the kitchen table and two high school kids came around the corner and lost control and ended up on my front porch about 5 feet from her the little shit tried to drive away the driver was texting she saw him. had one hell of a conversation with the father of the one boy they thought they were special and rules didn't apply to them I thought Marianne was going to rip the guys face off they ended up paying for all the damage I explained to him I don't give a shit who you are make it right pay now or pay more later.
  11. Some years ago my cousin and I was out in front of my garage about 20 ft from the road and an idiot came down around the corner and threw out a beer bottle and just missed us I looked at my cousin and he nodded and we found the guy and I smashed the bottle on his car I told him that would be unwise to meet me again never saw him on my road again. I pickup beer cans and food papers all year. A few years ago the kids were doing the bat against mailboxes and I found my box out in the yard 2 or 3 times so I went in the shop and made one out of 1/8 plate they came back and I heard them hit the neighbors the girlfriend said you going to do anything and I said I took care of it they stopped out front and I heard the aluminum bat hit the box and then all kinds of cursing never had any one hit my box again I bet that stung pretty good.We had a good laugh when I told my buddy's what I did.
  12. I use gulfway insurance out of Florida I thought the price was ok and fairly easy to get the coverage I needed in my state
  13. Glue the gasket to the pan with contact cement I just payed 84.00 for a pan gasket so you don't want to buy two of them.
  14. The anti rust quality's we all like is due to the amount of chromium and some other added materials. For instance 18-8 is the go too for average hardware it is stronger than specialized aluminum but not as strong as hot rolled. 400 stainless is what your average guns are made of lower chromium easier to machine most custom ss rifle barrels fall in that category. 304 some say machines better than 316 they are gummy when you work it. I had some contracts I had to use ss and always a letter of origin to prove what material I provided. 12L is a dream come true for machining but you have to be careful when welding makes great hardware if you don't need ss. You can go nuts trying to keep up with what engineer's request. My cost for a an aluminum 4"x6"x48" for one job cost 1,000.00 thank god I didn't screw up. I had a shaft on my bigger lathe that I had to fix, someone didn't read the blueprints that shaft was 5000.00. If you ever heard of golden technologies lift chairs every one of those chair subframe's went threw my shop for over 15 years.
  15. What diameter is the aluminum tank in the picture?
  16. Very nice I like the aluminum fuel tank. Thanks for the picture
  17. In the spring if it's really wet I run 2 dehumidifiers. The floor will be damp and I can't have the machines getting rusted up. When I was running the shop two shifts I had heat all the time but I am retired and cant afford to heat it when I'm not doing anything in it. I had rebar and mesh put in the floor. I have no idea what psi concrete was used the guy had a local concrete company and I rebuilt his front axle and resealed the backhoe valve package on his john deere loader backhoe. I payed less than a 1000.00 for 3 concrete truck loads and 5 guys to finish my floor I offered to help and was told I would be in everyone's way just stand back and watch.
  18. I had the guy finish my floor smooth and I had him seal it I can cleanup spills real easy my shop was designed for a machine shop not a mechanic's shop but I keep a bay open to work on my junk
  19. I ran black plastic drain pipe in gravel around three sides and I used double the layer of plastic but I didn't do the insulation under the floor but I spent it on the walls and ceiling and door. for thierty plus years I never had heat worth a dam where I worked so what I built was fantastic.
  20. I have a end 673 i'm willing to part with for you name it
  21. Not so dave collets 675's and 673's and he just got in a e-6 with a trans he sells all this range of engines plus trans and mack rears to Africa I beat them to it when I got the jake brake.
  22. Well me and my buddy slogged threw the mud today to see what this trany is, it's a trtl720 with a power take off. the main box shifts ok but the rear box lever is stuck with rust Jay said if i'm interested we could take the cover off and have a look. I offered 100.00 and he said he will ask the owner what he want's. Is this trany a good setup for my late model673 and how much should it really go for?
  23. Twenty years ago I built my garage and it is a pole barn so the guy that did the floor poured it a good 8" and put a heavy haunch around the sides I have about 30 tons off machinery setting on the floor and my b model one crack at the overhead door
  24. My truck is a b42 and it slid right out but I had to get the front axle higher than when you change tires.
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