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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by davehummell

  1. Next week I want to go look at a trans mounted behind an end 673 it has an aluminum housing? rear brake drum and pto. Where is the number that would be on it? It looks a little different than my duplex it has the bell and lever setup for the b single clutch I was told it was in a wrecker If I can get it for a reasonable price. There is another twin stick trans near it and it has a pull type clutch arm sort of looks like the other one.
  2. Ford trucks used a power steering setup that had two hydraulic cylinders on the truck so did a lot of farm equipment it was the change from true manual to an internal hydro steering box that came later. john deere had a setup on there garden tractors on the order of the drag length cylinder controlling pressure one way or the other. Back an air steering truck down a curvy road and tell me you love it.
  3. If you ever been next to a 1160 starting up when it was cold god help you we would start them up in the shop and it would stink us out. The 3208 was a better engine design but they were put in trucks that they should never have been in. We used them in ford flat bed single axle 33,000 gross they worked good. If an engine needed 8 sleeves we figured it was better to get a block exchange. Cat had some pretty good deals years ago on reman's. You could get a reman 3406 head and 9 times out of 10 it was new for not a lot of difference money wise when doing a valve job with new valves.
  4. I now have a pump that was on a mack firetruck the steering box came off a mack firetruck and the front axle is the one that was on my b
  5. To late I have the front end on and the truck runnable. I was in a hurry to beat the snow. here is a shot of the steering box.
  6. I mounted mine out closer to the bumper and that gave me the room. the different steering pump I am now using has a valve with three hoses going off it and now the steering is better more feel at road speed.
  7. I don't know what I did but somehow I got two pictures of my cab on here I hope I didn't brake the website.
  8. I was restoring a velocette Truxton and I bought a new head it was semi finished valve holes and a ruff hole for the valve guide and chamber was not finished I had at least 30 hours in that head and setting up squish band for the right compression and I had to machine the piston crown for the hemi head. That is the last British bike I wanted to own.
  9. That looks like my yard when I was planting flowers the girlfriend wanted
  10. You could have relief's cut on a mill and then weighed other wise you would have to figure out how far the valves open down in the chamber. This is standard stuff when you're building a racing engine.
  11. This is all I got after two hours screwing around my new etz 673 engine
  12. The front load trucks were a game changer over rearloads we could do double the pickups and it was less chance of the guys getting hurt. Pulling a frozen 4 yarder around with the cable and getting it hooked on the back of the packer was sometimes fun many curse words were invented. The role offs were ok if it was house cleanouts or remodels every constrution job we dropped a box at when they came back it was most times beat on from a backhoe or excavator dragging it around the yard. carl was trying to get a 40 yarder unloaded and it was so heavy I had to brace it from one side so it didn't tip the truck over with the cat front end loader he said the wheels were pretty high when he dragged that box on the rails. The weis shopping stores were pretty ripe when you were tipping but we picked up a movie theater and it was worse than anything else it would knock a buzzard off a gut wagon. the first trashhauler I worked on was a r600 and it was about 78 0r 77.
  13. I have a trans cooler off a mack fire truck engine it is 1980 and it was a 673 engine also it had some odd cooler on the top outlet to go to the rad. It looks like they are copper and brass. I don't want to junk these but I have too much crap around my place as it is so make me an offer
  14. Until you have to work on them for 60 hours a week for me the thrill is gone.
  15. After I got done putting the later engine in my b I just test drove it about 5 miles, Friday I got the new air cleaner from watt's and I pulled the old one off the truck and I stuck my hand in the intake tube on the truck and there was oil more than a film so I am figuring that oil bath that was on the truck didn't like breathing through my turbo just something to think about. And no it was not over filled and I serviced it under a thousand miles ago. Wow the 3.90 gears and 260 hp. really makes the old thing pretty jippy!
  16. I still have a couple of chairs like that one next show I think I will use them.
  17. I had a vickers 20 on my b I bought the pump used and It didn't work so I took it apart and changed the rotation then it worked. I remembered when I worked at Cleveland bro. we always punch marked every pump vane or gear so we got it right.
  18. When I did that changeover on my end 673 the dipstick was the problem for me. I ended up grinding a lot off the top backside of the adapter that is used to mount the pump.
  19. There was a set listed on craigslist this morning and it was the east coast for 50.00$
  20. Just remember you have a forklift rated for 4000lbs if you have a side shift it is less, you can cheat and hang something heavy off the backend like we did a mack 5 speed out the back
  21. Are you shore you may have the reach you need are the forks 42's or 48's and what model is that Toyota it should have a class 2 fork frame. My old clark has short forks but I used it as is with putting a heavy bar across the forks and I had no trouble changing my engine.
  22. call this number and ask dave or jay if there is one on that log loading mack out back 570-965-2026 or 570-983-4105 summit core supply
  23. The Brockway I drove had air down and spring up and when I was fully loaded I ran 60 lbs. I also had 10-22 tires on the front.
  24. This fall I drove up to the Harford truck show and today I got a card from the northeastern pa. chapter antique club with a picture of my truck going in the fair entrance I was touched that someone would take the time to do this for me. VERY COOL!
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