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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by davehummell

  1. Tom out to that injection place there is a woman at the counter and I think just the one guy I never got his name. If you call at about 4:30 I got the guy and he was good to talk to he didn't talk down to me. the phone number is 800-326-9785. I have bought parts off airbrake in the past but them and heavy duty parts always slip my memory. I see in you picture the shoes are bolt on back in the day I got pad kits from McGeorge's and you had to bolt them on the bolts were brass bolts.
  2. I was wondering if there was someplace that did that sort of thing in todays throwaway thinking. I used to deal with franconi's and they would do all kind of relining of brakes and clutches. Back in the day around here when the stripings was still big I used to reline shovel brakelinings for different coal companys when I worked at Cleveland bros.
  3. Larry how or what did you do to make the clutch work on your change over to the 237? I figure you used a twin disc clutch?
  4. I just finished putting the pump back on and it works just like it should really happy with that. I mounted a muffler on it that straight pipe was hard on my hearing and fixed an oil leak down on the air compressor. I am going to take it out to a car show tomarrow. I can recommend diesel power service the guy repaired and no leaks.
  5. When I quit doing the 1000 yard benchrest comp. I sold my rifle to a fireman that was at ground zero he talked a little about that day and the days after. He was injured and is disabled his lungs are screwed up from all that dust in the air. He admitted that he lost firemen from his station and it haunt's him to this day. What a thing to live with.
  6. I picked the pump up this morning and the bill was 118.00 I talked with the guy that did the work and he explained to me the high speed spring was shimmed about .100 to much. He thought some one might of tried to get more power out of the engine. He did some other adjustments said it was in good repair other than screwy settings.
  7. I started using black beauty it cuts rust and paint and last pretty good in my blast cabinet. you use glass bead if your doing pistons or some other parts that the surface is critical. For my pressure pot outside I always use the black beauty.I found the ground glass is good but after a time it really gets dusty.
  8. this morning I took the pump to diesel power service out in Williamsport pa. I had a talk with the guy that does the pumps he is old enough to have worked on b 's for stroeman bread company . some one shimmed the high idle spring up so the low idle wouldn't work but I could get 2300 on high idle. I dropped the pump of at 11:30 and it was done by 2:45 I don't know how much but at this point I don't care. I thought the service was very good, pleasant people to deal with the guy explained a lot to me over the phone. I just thought I would give them an attaboy for not trying to over inflate the repairs I needed.
  9. I have fresh fuel I keep steeling it out of the truck for my other tractors when i'm to lazy to run out to get 5 or 10 gallons.anything with fuel gets fuel additives. Yesterday I had a talk with a guy at a different injection shop told me the slip drive is shot he said he's been fixing injection pumps for 40 years and he seen and heard macks acting just the same as mine good news I have a pump ass. that the only good thing is that slip drive and some of the governor parts. I just wish I could take the governor of without taking the whole pump off.I guess I have seen stuff like this but I seem to forget people tell me you did this for me or I made parts for them and I don't remember any more. Back in the 70's I worked at a fleet garage and I worked on r's and f's with the 675's
  10. They have or had a big boy up at Scranton steamtown setting on a siding. When we went up they had steps set up to see in the cab that was 6 or 7 years ago
  11. I have an low idle problem with my 673 engine.When I first start it up I have to pull out the hand throttle to about 800 rpms or it will shut down, after it runs long enough to warm up it will idle at 700 rpm when I back out the idle screw to lower the speed it will hunt a little bit and stall it will not stay running under 700 rpm it don't help shifting I would hope I can fix this without taking the pump up to charley at Dunmore injection. new fuel filters new fuel lines injectors were checked all 6 were good. It runs fine and dandy down the road enough power for me but it is bugging me about the idle. If anyone can think of anything here is a big thank you. Dave
  12. I will see that truck sunday and if I can I will find out who own's it.
  13. I talked to him at a couple of shows and I can't remember only he lives in the bunk it has a kitchen and shower and I think air conditioning. He has two really old trucks he takes to the shows he will be at Harford I will ask about the mack.
  14. That yellow b model has a late model running gear under it and a different cab air ride homemade by the owner. He will be at the Harford show in sept.
  15. Heavy gunner your right that isn't a 250 or 292 valve cover i't been years back when I had the chevy engines.
  16. I had a 3/4 ton chevy with a 292 engine slightly souped up pulled real good. I put a 292 that had a lot of upgrades in my 65 fj 45 pickup I like the chevy 250's and the 292's. I used to have a 65 chevy short bed I liked that truck.
  17. Gulfway got back to me today and I set 10,000.00 value on the truck with a 1,000.00 deductible. For the year it's 188.00 I am happy with that price.
  18. I'm finally looking to put my b on the road how is gulfway anymore with their prices? The lady wouldn't give me a ballpark price and I hate going in blind mybe i'm being picky but I cut the money tree down two years ago so I have to watch how I piss away my money anymore,
  19. Still has the generator on it and with air conditioning strange combo of parts. I drove them r's and air would of been nice in them hot boxes.
  20. JoeH I had a97 and I had to replace both front fenders, the doors ,rockers, cab corners. I used the china crap panels I couldn't find any good ones near me, the fenders fit soso . The doors were another story the drivers fit pretty good but the other one drove me to fits. I used the truck for two more years and was happy to get rid of it. I had 118,000 miles on it and I changed the track bar twice, new ball joints, radiator, front axle seals, the headliner fell down had to get that fixed, two fuel pumps, two starters, rear spring hangers, gas tank straps, The cummins engine was great but the rest of the truck didn't impress me I had a 91 dodge cummins and I had better luck with that one. I used the trucks in my work and liked the 20 mile a gallon I got loaded with 3600 lbs on the flatbed. Now that I am retired I have a f150 ford to me it's a pisspoor excuse for a work truck but it drives pretty good.
  21. That pressure regulator is a good idea but with the small amount of fluid in the steering system will the restriction bring the oil temp up to high? If it has a return that sends back the excess oil to the tank and not trying to push all the flow through is that how it was done on the mopars? Yea I have lost some road feel in my truck it steers like a 60 caddy.
  22. I was going to do that kevin all did that in his camper. I started but I took the thing apart and made a new column used a lower shaft with the joints from a freightliner. I mounted my box out front of the axle like a modern truck. I'll get my cousin to take some pictures I haven't a clue how to do all that on the computer.
  23. I had a massey harris 22 the engine was shot so I put the iron duke and a 3 speed in the tractor that engine ran real good had a woodward govener on it. When I was young my cousin had a chevy 2 stationwagon with that engine she run the crap out of that car. didn't they use a head of a 283?
  24. When I did my old 673 I got a price from cook bro. 500.00 for the two gaskets wow! I got them from the gasket company out west for a lot less. I think it was Olson's . My engine had all the studs the same size if I can remember I painted the gaskets with aluminum paint when it gets hot the gaskets seal really good . never put the heads back on a 675 without painting them.
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