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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by davehummell

  1. I putted around on a 34 vld and a 40 80 flathead both restored I liked the 34 a lot. I always had a Harley around but I bought whatever caught my eye. I put a mikuni on my 63 sportster it started better than the tiltson.
  2. Call Kevin All 1-607-434-1063 he is in new York and he ships parts
  3. Them foot clutches are some fun when your on a hill at a light and you want to turn left and that left throttle took some getting used to. I like your Indians I had a couple like the red and white one I got an eighty and put it in the one. they were faster than the Harleys of the day. the indian oil pump system was not as good as the Harley if you rode hard so said my uncle and grandfather.
  4. Years ago I vacationed in the paper company's lands up in main up past kattaden park I know bad spelling , on their roads the triaxle loads looked like that top heavy and the last thing the guy told me at the check in gate if you see a truck coming get the hell off the road they have the right of way it's their roads and the trucks really rolled on those dirt roads.
  5. Back a few years I sent the triaxle from our other yard over to the tire shop for a steering tire the driver came back with made in china printed on the tire I told him take the truck back and get a good tire he didn't want to so I told him it's your life and you could be putting someone else's life in trouble. I was shocked that tire lasted as long or longer than any other we had installed on that truck. Jump forward to my new job and the owner put double coin steers on all the trucks we were in the trash hauling and it was ruff on tires. His reasoning was we had lots of flats and always cut tires so we never saw any real tire life. He had 10 trucks and 6 trailers and we spent a lot on tires every month. I moved over to a can am spyder and the back tire was made in china or god know's where it didn't last over 8000 miles go figure
  6. Why can't a person look to a machine shop that does shaft grinding make the pins for you they should be able to find the right grade of steel and have it hardened ? Bushings should be cake for most shops. you could find tie rods that are close and have machine shop open the taper to fit, then go to a good truck junk yard and match up a tie rod to fit the ends. When I put a 292 chevy engine in my fj45 pickup I put a chevy power steering setup on it and I had to scrounge around to make things work.
  7. Don't forget to hook up a vacuum gauge to the intake make shure your vacuum advance is working on the dist.
  8. If you ever spent any time around a working dragline you would soon learn all about open gear lube ten times worse than any chassis grease to get off.
  9. Did someone over grease the throwout bearing?
  10. Should be an adjustable end on the air cylinder someplace. Its 35 years ago I had the white with air clutch.
  11. A few years back I did a 18000 lbs axel and in the kit was those bushes with nylon coating I had to use the reamer setup from the dealer I bought trucks and parts from. you can't hone the nylon like the brass lined ones I didn't have a reamer large enough and I wasn't going to screwaround and set it up on my bridge port to bore them out. I didn't care for that setup but the bushes held up. Now I think back getting them pins out on the front axels were a real pain in the butt I never had a pin press at the different shops I worked for. Back in the early 70's I worked for Cleveland brothers and we had to pound out the track master pins fun times. Now they have a pin press for the job
  12. FJH I think they were the kind I used back in the day on the rs and f models when I worked at a all mack fleet garage. they were pretty slick for getting the truck back on the road.
  13. try chocking the wheels and then releasing the brakes and get down and give the shoes a wack with a hammer you don't drive the truck everyday maybe the shoes are sticking a little. have you greased the fittings a lot on the s cam? you got air there pull the lines off the chamber and put the air to to it and see what happens. you should have q quick change shoes.
  14. Don't forget to check how much it's worn across the face and how worn is the plate and pin on the trailers.
  15. I owned and drove a 1959 acar it had a 262 with a 4x4 aluminum frame, aluminum tanks and hood and aluminum buds on front axle it had a built in bunk small but usable. If I rember right it had fiberglass front fenders? Very cool truck still love the look of those older acars.
  16. That whole driverless bullshit is just about as stupid as some of the gun control laws.
  17. That is something I have never seen before you would have the coolest welder in the state. Thanks for the look.
  18. Those two trucks of Tim Hoover's are something to look at I talked to him about the repairs done on them and It wasn't like doing a b model. If you get the chance it's worth hearing about the work involved.
  19. ITs been years ago when I changed the parallel switch on my white cabover and it was not cheap then god only knows what it costs now. That system really worked very well if everything was in good working order.
  20. Joe I live a mile from Harveys lake now but years ago I lived in harding for time.
  21. If you want to be very smart you will take off the side plate on the fuel pump and make SHURE the 6 injectors are free. This stuff is very costly and hard to replace. If you do pull down one of the bearings make shure you don't take the shell out of the cap. I looked long and hard for a set of 20 under rod bearings. Those 5 ring pistons are going to be a real treat to find rings. You should soak the injectors with a good brand off liquid wrench even if they aren't stuck but they will be if it sat for a long time. Get some good batterys and spin the engine over until you have oil pressure with the fuel knob pulled out. Good luck
  22. I had a 65 I think chevy short bed with coils on the back when I got it the shocks were wore out and it rode just like the pogo stick I had as a kid we had a lot of fun cruzing around with it till I replaced the shocks. It had a 235? six and 3 on the tree it burned so much oil I would dump gear ninety in it and we would go down that hill out of scranton pa and see how bad we would smoke out the road.. the one that singer did the 30,000 lbs of bananas song about. My parents never understood me in my youth???
  23. On that second truck problem I had a mack engine that ran along alright till it needed to be rebuilt it started to use oil so we pulled it and did the engine up with new parts. Started to run it in the fleet and it would overheat and push water out??? After screwing around for days I figured out it had a pinhole threw the block so I had to put all that stuff off the one engine onto another spare block then it was ok odd the way it went I would of swore the deck was screwed up.
  24. That reminds me I was hauling riprap up in conn. and the shifter broke about five or six inches up from the top cover we didn't have a welder and no one would weld it for me so I found an old pipe and jimmied it on and drove that old brock for a month like that. What a pain but you sometimes have to make it work.
  25. Until I was 10 years old the house I lived in had just a sink with a hand dug well with cold water only no bathroom. Everyone used a metal washtub for bathing. Out back of the house was the outhouse we used it all year long spiders and snakes you just got used to it I didn't know any better. In the summer the well would go dry and down the road was a little pond we would fetch water from I bet that water was sanitized? We never new any different and most of the kids I was in school with didn't have it much better. We lived threw it fine and dandy. I don't ever remember going to a dr. Gram had a cure for most of the ailments we got. My mother did take me to see about my crooked back and my hands but back then the dr.? said just live with it there was no money for stuff like that. Sure is different today for the youngsters.
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