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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by davehummell

  1. Here i set was going to go motorcycling with friends and woke up at 3:30 with a swelled up right wrist,crap! I was cutting wood on Monday so i could cleanup the mess after the tree guys got done and sh-t happens. I was told this morning i'm an old fart get used to the aches and pains. Its my right one so i can't even work a fishing rod.
  2. To me the drivers door looks narrow? I have found the mack cabs hold together but we justabout went broke trying to keep the trucks on the road because of problems with the pollution controls. We had an older acar with a cummins and i liked that frontloader over the macks. We were rearload only until the owners got a frontloader soon every thing was frontload what a time saver.
  3. I liked how the fenders swung out of the way on the two triaxels i drove. If i had too much fun on wed. night that 318 really got my head pounding on Thursday.
  4. Call kevin All he will most likely have a used one in his collection of parts 1-607-434-1063 he is in ny. up by Albany.
  5. who ever own's that b should be mighty proud. Nothing against anyone else's truck but i like this truck sadly it makes mine look like crap.
  6. I looked at the date and said screw it and went for a 153 mile ride on my spyder it was great
  7. Yesser that little shady going on's in the garden of eden has ruined us guys to a life of servitude to that one thing we couldn't live without in our misspent youth.
  8. All the info you need is on that box chances are it is a ross or sheppard box right around the output shaft housing should be numbers. You got to clean that box up to see them. Once you find the numbers do a search on the web you will find your info.
  9. That is the Bermuda triangle once you get in there that's the end of life as you knew it.
  10. On my white it had an air brake peddle on the floor and run a hose to a slave cylinder pushing on the clutch arm. It was 30 some years ago so i hope i remember it right.
  11. My white cabover had a air clutch and it was somewhat touchy. I never used it to shift gears just to take off and you wanted to use 1st gear bobtail or loaded good luck
  12. Maybe if the news plastered this all over the place and people see that you can die for your stupidity and it's not a tv show or video game maybe the next idiot would thing twice before pulling the trigger. Maybe it's too bad the kid got shot but he shot the girl and intended to kill her so screw him. Were i live i think they should take the prisoners out like a chain gang and fix the roads let them boys get a suntan and learn how to handle a shovel and pick. Then i wouldn't have to help pay for tv and barbells
  13. RowdyRebel i had the same thing happen to the older Brockway i was hauling riprap up in conn. I was on the job and the truck had to run . so the rest of the day i had no clutch that night i went and got one of the load chains and wrapped it around the trans and used a binder to tight'n it up there was 3 or 4 bolts left in the bell housing and the rest of the holes were not round anymore. I ran that truck for over a month like that . I should ad when people say they are on a tight budget we swapped tires that showed the cords to ones that were just bald.
  14. Every time i had to change a starter i was always worried i would loose my grip and it would fall on me. I found as the years got on they were making them starters a lot heavy'r
  15. I was always going on jobsites to fix trucks or the booms or forklifts always every one was just happy i got the product off the truck never did any union people give me a hard time but we were supplying brick on a social security building and i was trying to get the boom to swing here comes some union guy chasing me off the place i told pete the driver strap the load down were going home and to the union guy i told him the truck is not going to be back for 2 or 3 days due to the mechanical issuses. And when i send the truck back i will bill for another delivery boy did the crap hit the fan. After all the bigwigs got done bitching to the owner of my company he told them just what i said the union guys figured maybe it would be ok if i fixed the damn boom right now after screwing around for 2 hours i fixed the boom in 15 minutes. It sort of left a bad taste in my mouth for unions after that
  16. I had old cubs and wheel horse tractors and john deere 400 and a 318 i got tired of fixing them and bought one of those 1023e little john deeres i guess it's ok had it for 2 or 3 years didn't have to fix it yet.
  17. If you had your starter like i did i got a total rebuid kit for cheap and i replaced the seleniod my Bendix was good so i did it for less than 100.00$
  18. I was told some or a lot have separate generators that is powered by the wheels?
  19. When i was about 12 i rode a train from pa. down to around Tulsa and back again i will say i will always remember it as a great adventure. We have steamtown about 15 miles from my house just fantastic to see . there is a line in Jim thorp and the Strasburg railroad. Great places for rail buffs.
  20. Can you see these kids that ride today trying to get used to a fool clutch and remember indian and Harley worked backwards? And kicking over a mag ign. sportster or a 441 victor.
  21. Boy would i like to have that engine but i would't be able to rebuild it money wise. I used to work on that style engines in 2 autocars for a local coal company
  22. I wore redwings for to many years to remember then they discontinued the kind i always bought so i tried something different from red wing cheaply made and i ended up going to chippawa boots i think they are ok
  23. When i was a kid i knew what an apple tree switch felt like and i was first in line at a paddling by a 3 ft. yardstick. I really got what i deserved and i didn't end up hating my mother and grandmother. Today i look back and they were just doing their best to get me on the right track in life, I do think those video games that is all over the place are a little over the top but in my youth i loved roadrunner and bugsbunny's elmer fud so maybe i'm full of crap?
  24. My b model has a 75 mile an hour paint job, at dusk on a really foggy day it almost looks ok but i really don't want to paint it then i may have to wax it and i can't lay tools all over the truck and set on the fender to work on it.
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