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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by davehummell

  1. I needed an injection pump for my 673 and injectors. Screw them, for over 40 years i have dealt with truck parts company and they were one of the worse i tried to buy parts from. Kevin all came to my rescue i will buy from him again.
  2. I saw that commercial and after seeing it i will never use that company. I got rid of the directv nothing i wanted to watch and if there was it was something i seen 5 times before. I just got that hulu with no commercials my naps on the couch only cost 11.00 a month before it was 117.00. That woman should of got kicked out the front door to never shop anyware again.
  3. The 97 dodge with the cummins really earned its keep i hauled upwards to 3600lbs 5 days a week to and from my one account for the life of the truck. the engine was way better than the rest of the truck. The 2011 i got it with the v8 and 373 rears and the 6 speed auto and 18 inch tires. On the highway on a good day i got 21 miles a gallon. with the cummins i got 20 miles a gallon loaded or not. my buddys had the fords with the diesels i just liked the straight 6 better. I would be happy to have a 300 straight six gasser under the hood on this ford.
  4. We have a sharmin paper company up from me and most of the transfer trucks are ng. They are changing the forklifts over to ng. they have two wells on the property.
  5. I just traded my 2011 f150 in on a 2018 it has the v-8 engine and i get 26 miles a gallon on the highway. the last two trucks were dodge cummins i can't justify spending the extra money up front and down the road for oil changes on a diesel anymore. I used to use the dodges to haul steel for my machine shop but i am retired and i want comfort when i drive now. This new truck was 48,000 i can just imagine what your going to have to pay for that diesel.
  6. I wonder? Could there be any water in the oil? That is a low point in the system maybe some settled in the box and can't get pushed out in the oil flow. I have a Kubota with a backhoe that the swing only works right until the oil warms up and the Kubota i had before had the same valve problems. ????? Crap like this will drive a person crazy Good luck
  7. I am retired as of june and i really don't miss getting up and going in to work as a lot of the repairs i did out side on a cardboard. But now that i don't have to do anything i get up at seven every morning to feed the chickens and water the goats and deal with 5 dogs and 3 barn cats. And two weeks ago i getting a little board so the water heater went bad on Tuesday spent the day changing that. wed. the bathroom shower fauset went to leaking so back to the store to fix that. Monday i was asked to get the spraywand fixed in the kitchen sink back to the store for a new fauset. This past Thursday the sinkdrain went bad. I was afraid i would have nothing to do if i retired?
  8. I remember paying less then 5.00 for an oil pan gasket on my old 220 cummins. I was in new mexico and ran into a team that was going my way i had the 350 cummins and i thought it ran real good they were running a kt450 i never saw that truck after we pulled out. A guy in the valley had a kt 600 i was told it ran away from most things on the road.
  9. 57bcr, Thanks for reminding me i had to work on one of those 1776's it was in the shop more than the owner liked. back in the day most guys ran 1693 ,around me to the coast i drove a supped up 350 small cam or a 370 external fuel line cummins . I drove both 1693,s and lots of 3406,s You wouldn't like the fuel millage on a 1693 on today's fuel prices Back in the day i picked up in elpaso and i would drop the trailer and go over in mexico and fill up for .17 gallon
  10. If I remember right it was before 77 when the 3406 came out the first models were prechamber just like the 1693 I used to doctor them up and I got 550 hp on the dyno. It pissed me off because we finally got all the little bugs straightend out and cat retired the engine. Cat had a twin overhead cam v8 on the order of a 1693 it was a poor engine. Cat had a smaller engine 1673 it was a pretty good one. The 1693 was a very good engine but it was heavy and used a lot of fuel it was used in loaders, pans, air compressors.
  11. I worked for Cleveland brothers years ago and I worked on electric sets at one school they had 4 v16 cat engines and one v12 I think they had 8 inch bores I know they held 250 gallons of oil and had 5 or 7 oil filters. That was one loud room to be in. The engines had 2 sparkplugs per cylinder and ran off a magneto,they would run them on propane or natural gas. I worked at another school they had a v12 and a 6 cylinder backup they ran on off road fuel. I was around a stripping shovel it had a 5 cylinder 24 inch bore engine we had one of the heads off and it filled up half an 8 foot truck bed the valve guides were the size of a beer can
  12. At the turn of the century that company name was big in woodworking industrial tools they were made right there. There is a foundry next door. Today they make carbide indexable heads for planers. They welcome you to walk through the warehouses and the repair shop and machine shop. If you have time go down to the end of the street and there is a very nice museum lots to look at.
  13. Hi Hobert, I got the little bosch table and it is handy for smaller stuff and I have a freud table way better with a 3 hp router. Hermance tools have used tools for sale look them up on the web.
  14. If I remember aren't the rings and rims numbered so they stay together? That was told to me when I was first learning to change tires.
  15. Have a look at king of obsolete's website very interesting an he runs an old ford with a 318. I saw him on that ice road show pulling a load along with some others. I have a soft spot for those old 318's
  16. The trucks that i started PMing from new I greased at 12,000 miles with the best grease I could get from psc . They have 900,000 plus but it was mostly highway miles.
  17. Tell tom or jeff you don't want the old style stemco's they will leak. Try a national seal they work real well if your seal surface is just a little worn . Look at the paperwork in the seal box it should tell you all you need to know how to preload bearings and torque on nuts.
  18. Back in the late 60's I lived in Baltimore and we had to get off the streets way before dark and you didn't have hubcaps or an antenna for very long and if they found your car locked they would smash your windows just to be pricks . I have little sympathy when read about their so called problems
  19. I remember the day he got shot I think somehow the country was changed from that time on and not for the better.
  20. Mike I have to agree kevin has been a large help to me. I have walked through his property and he has a LOT of parts .
  21. On my engine there is a heat shield mounted onto those two studs
  22. HI, I found out I had a frozen brake shoe on the rear axle and when I got it tore down someone has changed the spider over to later shoes that has the pins and set bolts . I wonder why someone would do that? I know it was later as the abs pickup was still attached.My truck is a 58 b model
  23. I always looked forward to mike's show. It was refreshing to see real life work that suck just as bad as my days at work. I wanted to fix motorcycles for a living but my family wouldn't have it so I became a caterpillar mechanic and spent time fixing stuff broke down in coal breakers and landfills and on the side of innerstates and driving some really crappy trucks. But watching that show many times I thought good god boy am I lucky I'm not doing those jobs. How bout everyone else?
  24. I live about 1/2 hour from the nickelson bridge it is truly a wonder how they built the bridge back then. Once in a while steamtown runs an steam train over it. It is still used for freighttrains.
  25. I got one from kevin all
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