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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by davehummell

  1. I just got back in the house for a warmup my gloves are frozen stiff. Had to get the Kubota loader backhoe and get my driveway opened up,my barncats are snowed in up at the house and they can't get down to the barn so I will have to plow a rode down to it all my livestock are hiding in the barn and I got to get water out to them and the chickens. the snow is over my knees in back of the house and the dogs looked out the door and went back to the couch.
  2. I have a john deere 1023 oversized garden tractor and I started out the garage it's in and I could not push the snow I have I think I got at least 18 inches and it's snowing like mad still yet, Haven't seen a state plow truck on my road for 10 hours
  3. some years ago we opened up another yard to sell brick out of and at that time a lot was shipped by rail. At our location there was a private rail company to spot our cars and down the tracks was a VERY large salt storage yard that they took care of. I got to know the guys driving locos and after a time they showed me how to drive the alco I ended up spotting our cars and moving some of the salt cars that was a lot of fun. I live close to steamtown in Scranton and we went up on open house day got to go threw everthing up there, that big boy loco is so large I am surprised it stayed on the rails
  4. I was up to kevan all's place and he is putting a v-12 Detroit in a large john deere tractor, he said this is the second one he's done.
  5. It is a Sheppard power steering box off of a B61 Mack, and this box had one style pitman arm only. I guess it is somewhat hard to find a box like this.
  6. I am looking for a 9QC387AP6 pitman arm
  7. according to sheppard it is for a b model mack and I was given a mack part number 20tc334. sheppard no longer supports this unit. It is a lot small than one I saw mounted on a b model concrete mixer. I called barry and he was stumped.
  8. Has anyone ever seen a sheppard 491e f4 power steering box? I need a pitman arm it got lost. Thanks
  9. I hope you hogged some of that out on a bandsaw. Some would say it's just an old mount for an alternator But in the eyes of a craftsman it is a work of art. I ran a job shop for 20 years on the side and no one could afford that bracket at todays shop prices it would be a weldment. I say nice job.
  10. Thank you for the offers. I got a good pump and with the deal I got an air compressor that has the hydro pump mount and the pump and remote tank and a power steering box that was on a b model. I am really happy I found all these parts
  11. Underdog, I lived up in what was called powderkeg hill. I went to the banger engine shows for years. I should have known the name of that bridge but it was a long time ago. Thanks guys
  12. I lived in banger and drove over to Netcong to work and I used the smaller bridge it was cheaper to use and less plugged up with traffic. That was 34 years ago maybe that bridge fell in the river by now.
  13. I was offered an ape used pump to me for 1,000.00 I think the guy is to high , I am sending mine to be tested and I am told there is no repair parts for them. I may need it but I don't want to overpay. It is for a end 673. Thanks Dave
  14. I have goats and donkeys and a horse and chickens. my property is zoned ag. but I am always worried some of those dingdong animal flunkys are going to bother me. I always try to get rid of the manure pile before it gets to big, even I have to have a manure plan? For years all the local little kids would have a ball petting the gang it was good for them to be around the animals.
  15. I owned and hauled with a white cabover that had a cummins tilted over. It had a air clutch peddle and I think the cab had a lot of fiberglass. I think it was a 1960 single axle.
  16. 66dc75 That looks like it. Where are you located and how much are you asking? Thank you Dave
  17. Well I thought I would give a update on this disaster I bought. I did a compression test as mack recommends and I only had 375 lbs at 1000 rpm mack states it should be atleast 500. So I pulled the pistons out but no resistance when I pushed the rods and pistons out Liners were glazed up real bad the 6 injectors that were bad didn't help any. Piston are good, rings are weak on tension. I have dealt with cook brothers truck parts for 25 or so years so tom and jeff found me ring sets and 20 under rod bearings. I guess I will pull the mains and see what I have to scare me some more. Dave
  18. Hello, I am looking for an exhaust manifold for an end 673. The rear section on mine is no good. Thank you Dave
  19. Gearhead, I agree with you I can't count how many of them I changed when they would not self adjust. Boy does the dot love to write up out of adjustment brakes, I don't think a lot of drivers really understand anything about the trucks they drive down the road and I have seen them time and time again get in and go without looking the truck over I found some didn't care if it had oil or antifreeze in the engine . I spent more time keeping an eye out for stupid shit they didn't see like flat tires, lights out. Underdog as I said before if your cam bushings have some slop they will not adjust as good. I think you are right about over adjusting them, I had one guy that drove like a madman with heavy loads and he adjusted his slacks all the time and I had to change his more often.
  20. When you install them don't forget them, If you got slop in your cam bearings they will not work as good as you wish they would. grease them often and keep the cams greased. I had to keep after them on rolloffs and frontloaders.When city driving I found I still had to adjust them. The other place I worked had long haul rigs and I didn't have to adjust them as much. The kit should have a gauge in it read the instructions and you should be good to go.
  21. I don't know the history of this truck. The first thing I did was replace the filters and fuellines and fittings that looked suspect and then I replaced primerpump and pulled off the transfer pump and seated the poppet valves. and replaced the metal return line and rubber compression rings on the ends plus removed the check valve and made sure it worked. added gauge in line, now I know I am not losing prime. The rear head was leaking oil an I can't stand that so I pulled the heads and cleaned and checked the deck and heads with a machinist straight edge I seated valves up with paste and checked with srewloose spray they were real good before I touched them up. It shows fuel out the exhaust pipe now when you crank it. I replaced the 6 injectors with ones I had checked on a tester. just now I went out and squirted oil in cylinder and it went from 300 up to 400 so that about says I will be looking for at least rings or more parts .
  22. At my age I figured out I know a lot less than I did when I was in my youth. So I have to ask what is dusted mean? I guess I had heard it before but I can't remember it. I am going to end up pulling the pistons and rering them. All 6 injectors were just pushing fuel so I think the cylinders are glazed, before I do I will try to reseat the rings with bonami cleaner we sometimes had to help out an engine on the dyno.
  23. Ten years from now you will be doing something with tools and think about the wrenches you did have. I found the new tools were just not the same as the ones I had.It doesn't take many tools to add up in the thousands any more. Good luck.
  24. I am sorry to hear about your shed but from the looks of it you are lucky that trailer house didn't get going more then that. I lost a garage to fire and all my tools years ago and I still think about what I lost back then. Its a tough thing to deal with.
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