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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by davehummell

  1. This truck has me really thinking, It will not start when its cold without just a wiff of ether. I replaced fuel lines and fittings to were it keeps the fuel right there. I had the heads off and replaced the gaskets and went over the valves . readjusted valves and looked things over in the cylinders no damage in liners or piston crowns. I got 6 different injectors but I am going to have them checked 4 don't hit as hard as the other 2 they do slow the engine down when you crack them open. If I have to I will send the pump out to be checked. It seems to have equal pressure when you loosen the lines but that is just judgement call on the pump. I Thought it should have more pressure on cranking but it seems funny that all are that close and 300 lbs. I think this truck sat for a spell when I first fired it up and let it run for about an hour it slobberd oil out the exhaust ports, manifold is not on the engine so I could watch the ports. I then took it for a drive out around the block about 3 miles and now the ports are dry as a bone so I wonder if I run it 10 or 15 miles if it would help it ? Thank you every one that took the time to respond. Dave
  2. Hello, I would like to know what the cylinder cranking pressure should be for a end 673 I removed all the injectors and made sure the batterys were up and I got 300 lbs on all 6. I wonder if it is to low? I think the 675 or 676 were 400 lbs. I just cranked the engine like you would a gas engine. Thank you Dave
  3. I am all for doing away with the death tax. I was an executor on two estates and I find it odd the person paid taxes on everything in the estate one way or another and when the person dies the government want's more free money to piss away. I just can't afford to kick the bucket I don't have enough for every one with their hand out. If my ship ever comes in I plan on donating it all to the home of wayward strippers as the girls gave so much pleasure to so many. Dave
  4. Friday I drove up to a guy's shop in new York . He sold me 6 injectors and a complete later made headliner kit it is used but it will do the job. Plus I got the two floor mats and a sunviser. It was a 320 mile ride but I think well worth it. Dave
  5. I just took my injectors up to Dunmore injection and he says all 6 are just spitting out fuel no pattern. charley says no parts are to be had but he can get injectors from Mack. I can just bet that will cost too much. It is for an END673. Any ideas? I called that place in Philly and they want 125.00 each, I am just looking for options. Thank you Dave
  6. I never say anything political on the computer sights, but I will say this much I hope this disaster health care we are stuck with gets repaired. I didn't have any faith Hillary would help fix it. And I really am pissed about this free trade crap I owned a machine shop for 16 years had two workers plus me all the accounts I had all went to china. I say lets see what he can do. Dave
  7. Thank you, I found one on ebay . It covers my 673 . Dave
  8. Back in the day I had to sandblast caterpillar equipment before I painted them. Good hand protection,thick coveralls,outside air feed with a helmet that covers your whole head, I used black beauty . Try to seal up your clothing the best you can I really got dirty. When you sandblast a D-9 your there for the day. When I was ready to paint I would blow off the machine and wipe off some of the areas. We didn't think about air quality back then but it wouldn't hurt to use a paint mask. And try to have some way to have dry air to you and the blaster. Good luck Dave
  9. I need a shop repair manual for my engine all I have is an old motor book that if you know them everything you need to know is not in there. Thanks Dave
  10. Can you buy a spring for the return check valve? I took it apart and lapped the poppet to the body with compound. Someone had used an old screw to up the pressure. I have 16 to18 lbs when running. When I pump the priming pump I can reach 30lbs and It drops off within 15 seconds to zero. I don't think it should do that. Thanks Dave
  11. Hello everyone, I thought I could get some Ideas from someone smarter than me. When I picked up the truck I had to use ether to start it so I figured it was losing fuel prime so I put a gauge on it and ended up changing the feed and return hoses and one fuel filter hose and I change the fittings they were suspect. I now have correct running pressure. How long should the pressure stay on the gauge when stopped? I have new batterys and cables and it cranks plenty fast enough but I think it takes to long to fire off. I think I shall adjust the valves just to be sure if I find some valve cover gaskets. I hate to send the pump out to test god only knows what that will cost. thank you Dave.
  12. I took it up the road to my buddy's house an it steered good enough i'm not bothering to go the powersteering route. I have been busy changing fuel lines and I changed the primer pump got a new one from Dunmore injection for 22.00 bucks. Found an air seat at boots and hanks truck junkyard that will fit so I can see more than just the top of the hood. If I can figure out how to put pictures on here I will I only have a digital camera.
  13. those are the clamps mounted to my floor. Is that green cover like a rectangle shaped box that sets on the floor? Thanks Hobert 62
  14. Looking for the cover for a b 42 cab. Thanks Dave
  15. I just don't remember about this. There is a rectangular hole behind the shifter levers with two holdown clamps. Was this for the parallel switch? right now I have just an opening that someone screwed a sheet of tin over. Thanks Dave
  16. Underdog, The pump is the style mounted back off the frame with a drive shaft. This truck had it mounted on the frame behind the cab but no pto. Dave
  17. I found out today why the truck steered so hard, both tires had 20 lbs#. Way better now. I just took off the 5th wheel if anyone wants it come and get it plus a hydro. pump it will save me hauling to scrapyard. Dave
  18. Bertram, How much do you want for that air steering parts? thanks Dave
  19. Jhancock, the truck is that b-42 that was for sale here. it has hub pilot wheels 10-20 tube type . I remember doing early kingpins on r an f's you turned the brass bushing in with visegrips they were prefitted. I had 27 trucks to keep on the road. Thank you Underdog for your kind offer, I want to look things over a bit. I would like to thank everyone that has replied.
  20. I looked under at the spindles an I think this has a Rockwell axel maybe a 12000# looks like one on the freightliner tractors I used to repair. I was talking to my buddy and I don't remember my autocar steering this hard or my white cabover. He said maybe I am over the hill.
  21. Thank you, 57 bcr and back in black I didn't want air steering. I drove an F cabover with it and I just didn't care for it. I think the R steering setup looks like an interesting project.
  22. I took the truck for a short drive this morning. I will have to do something about the steering, I have a bad back and it just about did me in. Any ideas about power steering that a person can afford? I have a machine shop and fab shop I can use. Thank you Dave.
  23. I watch that show to see how bad it would be. I can't understand the big deal about the rear axle. I would of liked to see them working on it to see how they really sorted out that power steering.
  24. Underdog I bought the 42 jerry is going to haul it to my shop next week . I didn,t like the frame repair but I can do something with the truck. overall I felt it was not to bad. I am going to mount an old flat bed on the truck and haul some of my hit and miss engines to the tractor and truck shows. It is at least 35 years ago I worked on b models so I hope I remember something.
  25. Hi, I am looking for a short flatbed 8ft. by 9 or 10 ft. thank you dave h.
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