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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by davehummell

  1. The longer the braided steel line the better going down to the air dryer. And having an air dryer I always drained the tanks every day I run the truck and I preached that to drivers for years and if you let the air dryer's filter get plugged you aren't moving the truck.
  2. I have used my flatbed B model to haul round bales for my animals and I was told in Pa. it was legal even though I have antique tags on the truck. Just so long as it is my stuff that I have on the bed, and it isn't for resale.
  3. My company opened a new yard and I got stuck road testing drivers, the owner was pushing for a guy that had a collage education I took him down to turn the truck around and he couldn't back the triaxle in a 20 ft. wide driveway. I let him head out on the main road and he couldn't shift the truck 8 speed. We limped down to the light and I got behind the wheel and drove it back. The next guy did everything right and I hired him.
  4. When I was in a car wreck, I broke my nose and had a gash in it. I was told to put vitamin e on the cut it helped heal it.
  5. The president of the local truck club has an H model. Steve usually has it on display at Harford Pa. truck show.
  6. When I ordered a new trailer, I had it setup that the rear spread axle would deflate it made turning better in our yard. I could have done the front axle, but I figured it would be better for the guys shorter turns and a little less pressure on the axles when turning. We hauled brick and mortar. Back in the day we used a 35-foot trailer today 45 foot and a spread axle.
  7. I had to register for the draft when I graduated in 1973 and it was told to me by the guy at the draft office It was a guaranteed chance, I was going to Vietnam so I never thought about sneaking off to Canada I would have done my duty. I never got called by the grace of God. Today I see people like Pelosi and others in government and I don't know if risking my life is worth it for those in office those people don't act like true Americans that I grew up with.
  8. The last two kubota tractors I bought had backhoes with thumbs it was far better loading my manure speader with the thumbs then trying to get a load in the front bucket.
  9. If and when I was changing a Dayton I always used a little block that I would place next to the tire when I was tightening the lug nuts I used a 1/2 air wrench I shot for as true as I could make them when I rotated them. I have seen some jobs that was so bad who ever put the tires and rims on the truck should have been fired. I always loosened the nuts and hit each wedge with my hammer I didn't the first time I changed a tire and the wedge I took the nut off flew about 15 feet just missed me I never made that mistake again.
  10. Back in the early 70's Cleveland brothers sold jcb backhoes and I had to work on them then all of a sudden cat brought out the loader backhoe and instantly the jcbs were gone. The cat equipment I worked on was far different than what they have today. The last job I worked at we had a cat wheel loader it was designed by committee poor excuse for a machine it got replaced by a case loader nice design. I looked at skid steers for my other job and ended up with case units they were simple and reliable units we had eight of them.
  11. I was rooting around my favorite truck junk yard when I found my jake on a 675. On another 673 setting there it had a double over triplex. I went right home and rounded up some tools and went right back and ripped off the jake and the yard guy Jay helped me get the trans off with their forklift. I took the owner for a ride in my B model, and it has brought me a very good standing when I go looking for parts.
  12. When I was in high school I read the book about JFK on the PT 109 it was an interesting read. If I remember he ended up with a back injury if my memory is working right.
  13. Dynatard works on a different camshaft if I remember correctly, I haven't worked on one for almost 40 years. On the flywheel it is marked for setting the dynatard I think you would need the corresponding flywheel.
  14. Make sure when you replace the valve covers you pay attention to the wires that activate the solenoids. I am guilty of trapping a wire under the cover.
  15. Macktruckman your year engine is the same as mine and I needed one disc and I bought it from Cook brothers my local Mack parts dealer. I think I paid about 70.00 for the part it was about four years ago but I can be wrong on the price.
  16. Freightrain If memory serves didn't jakes for Macks have two different size disks that went on the valves? It's been a couple of years ago that I put the jakes on my engine. I remember working in that fleet garage all Mack tractors and adjusting the dynatard brake system that was about 40 years ago, so my memory is not good.
  17. Back in the day the 1693 was a long running engine 1,000,000 plus I worked on them, and I could give you 600+ hp if you would want that power l worked on some engines that had 1&1/2 million miles before they were opened up. I always figured cat wanted a lighter engine when they rolled out the 3406. I remember cat wanted you to roll in bearings at if I remember 250 or 350 thousand miles and change out the pisser tubes.
  18. 70mackMb, I really got a big kick out of that cop. Thanks for posting it.
  19. 30 years ago, I owned a 1960 Autocar that had a 262 cummins and a 4x4 trans. I ran that truck up and down the eastern seaboard I can remember driving the truck, but I can't remember anything about shifting it. 67 year old brains don't work as good as 30 year old ones.
  20. A few years ago, there was some kids that liked to hit my mailbox. One morning I found it in the yard all banged up. So, I made a new one out of 1/8 plate. A few nights later here come the crew I waited and bang the kid hit the box with a metal bat. The hitter let loose a barrage of curse words and no one ever hit the box with a bat again. That metal bat made such a nice sound when it wacked my mailbox I can still hear it and I bet that kid felt it in his hands for some time. My girlfriend said I was a cruel person for setting up the kid like that, but I told her it was better than me chasing them down and me putting a 44 mag thru their engine block.
  21. That red and white one looks a whole lot better than the one I owned I bought it for 1200.00 or1500.00 and ran it till the trans started to jump out of gear sold it for parts to a guy for just a little less than I paid for it.
  22. I owned a 5000 cab over single axle it was either a 59 or 60 ran all over the northeast 220 with a 10 speed. I froze in that truck in winter.
  23. Other dog I know just how it feels I was welding up a new bed for a freshly restored Chevy 3/4 truck and caught the garage on fire lost everything including that truck.
  24. I went for my first ride yesterday in my B two months ago a guy blew threw a stop sign and I ran into his truck with my can am spyder this is the first time I could get in the cab picked up my neighbor and took him along over to get some fuel he admitted that it was a secret wish to get a ride in the mack made his day.
  25. I pulled and assembled a fresh rebuilt 318 DD in an older martz style bus the engine layed over the left cylinder bank was vertical to the ground and it was side ways weird drive setup to the axle that was mounted in front of engine.
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