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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by davehummell

  1. My triplex is a double over. I can roll right along on the interstate with 3.73's in the rear. I bought a jake brake off the junkyard that sold me the rear axle great Addison to my truck.
  2. My old boss would have fired me if I didn't add those beads when I mounted a new steering tire.
  3. I pulled out the rear that was under my truck and bolted in a freightliner air ride axle 3.73 axle ratio I run low air pressure with an air seat I have back problems.
  4. One of my cousins thought that it was cool that I was a life long mechanic and liked to watch me fix stuff. So after he graduated he went to a diesel engine school got out could only get a job at a place that ran garbage trucks he said he mostly did greasing and odd jobs in the shop found out he got dirty working on the trucks so he quit and is a laborer for a construction company. I would like to know what his family paid for that school?
  5. After I left Cleveland Brothers I went to work for a trucking company that had 27 or 29 r and h macks 237 5 speeds in each truck got to know macks really well. I left Cleveland bros. crap pay after 6 years 4.65 an hour started at the trucking garage for 7.00.
  6. Back in 73 I went to work at Cleveland Brothers Cat dealer. I was put with the older mechanics to learn. I was sent to schools for engine, hydraulics, transmission, air filtration, injection pumps. I repaired everything that was on a piece of machinery. The 1693 engine and 3306 and 1674 and 1160 then the3208, 3406 were engines that I repaired in trucks.
  7. I was in the lowes and I saw a metal cut off blade for my 4 and 1/2" hand grinder so I got one to try out I always used the thin cutoff blades this blade has lasted a long time I would of went through a dozen of the other style cut off wheels i think it was about 10 or 15 bucks well worth it.
  8. After all the years I dedicated to repairing heavy equipment and trucks I could not watch some one purposely blowing up running engines old or new. I just wasn't raised to destroy anything of value. Those old engines made the USA.
  9. I made a living hauling rock with a 318DD. I thought the engine with the 13 speed did a good job. I would scale out with 90,ooo plus with bedding in that coal box and it would do ok the Brockway triaxle was not the lightest across the scale empty.
  10. Years ago, we painted the market van truck with sears easy living paint with rollers and brushes it looked pretty good for an old truck.
  11. My b-42 must have had the diesel conversion at some point in it's life a couple of years ago I stuck a 1980 260 hp 673 under the hood with a double over triplex the radiator does a fine job no overheating, and the truck really cruses out on the highway.
  12. Other dog the pictures are wonderful I enjoyed them immensely Thank you
  13. I had a can am trike it was ok. I started riding in the 60's had harleys and british bikes last two wheelers were rt bmw's. I'm going to miss riding but this was a real good wake up call. I am in the middle of building a 32 ford pickup sort of a rat rod with out the sculls and other crap.
  14. I am already tired of being a cripple I got my 31 model a out and went for a 10 mile ride just got back just loaded up on ivyprofin so I can still move. I'm looking hard at my b model maybe in a couple of weeks hope hope.
  15. Mrsmackpaul, I didn't make it out of the accident with my teeth lost 12 fractured my face bones, cracked left shoulder, some kind of mesh holding my left ribs together, cracked hip joint, cracked bone that holds the two hips together, I had a helmet on, but I ended up with out side and internal brain bleeding. I'm not going to ride another motorcycle the rest of my life.
  16. Otherdog, I visited with you last year. This year I was looking forward to going but on may17 a guy pulled out in front of me and it ended the trip to Macungie and a lot of other fun things I had planed, I hope you really enjoy the show.
  17. Larry find your self some ductal iron pipe and throw it in the lathe at work and do a little math maybe look in your machinist hand book and turn out the rings or get a copy of hit or miss antique engine magazine and look up guys that make old fashion square rings. I bought rings out of Perfect Seal they had the rings I needed on my door step in a couple of days. I collect hit and miss engines and they take square rings on a cast iron piston most have a Dutch lap were the ends over lap and there were ads for rings up to 12" bore the last time I looked in that publication. Or maybe Hemmings?
  18. Larry how about getting some of that exhaust pipe sealant. Check with caterpillar I may be wrong but if I can remember they had some stuff it might be in the one safe source book? How about furnace cement? Thats the best I can think of. Good luck
  19. I looked around and ended up buying that dry type of air cleaner from Watts. It fits the truck and looks like it belongs on my mack.
  20. Thats Casterline's truck a good friend of mine is his father-in-law I can't believe Don would sell it if it had life in it. Don buy's a lot of bigger equipment and I guess he has something to replace this rig.
  21. Freightrain I followed your lead with my b-42 and replaced my 673 with a much later 1980 673 out of a fire truck I did what you did fit with no real modifications other than changing the water pump and front pulley. It was cake compared to putting a 302 ford engine in a highly manipulated model a frame with a ford 33 pickup cab.
  22. About 20 years ago I competed in BR-50 and a box of 50 twenty two shells cost me about 14.00. It was rather expensive shooting my custom made 308 Bear that used 340 Weatherby casings that was for 1,000 yard competition my loads were 3,600 fps with a 240 grain boat tail. I also competed in black powder 300 yard bench rest using a Shilow open sight 45/70 I molded my own tips and used black powder. We also competed with standing shot at a small running metal target with small bore rifles and large bore rifles great fun and once a year I went with my friend and we shot at a van with our automatic weapons we had 30 cal. belt feeds I shot over 5,000 rounds at that shoot you should of seen that van when about 50 guys got done with shooting at it. My best shot was .046 off dead center at 1,000 yards and the best target was .200 of dead center and a 5 inch 10 shot group. I did some 50 yard off hand bullseye using my S&W model 41 and I did some 100 yard bullseye with a 22 cal. rifle was great fun now I can't see the sights.
  23. I ordered a Locar shifter for my hot rod last month and I won't see it till after February. The vega steering box took 2 and half months for that. I'm of the age that back orders like that make me worried I'll finish the damn thing.
  24. I needed a set and I got them from Cook brothers my local Mack dealer they were made of gold as per the price of each one.
  25. Licensed to kill I have the air suspension from a freightliner single axle and I put a lift axle control in my cab to adjust the air pressure I want in the bags I run about 5-10 lbs with my short frame but when I haul on the flatbed I can just reach over and turn it up. Very nice job on your truck.
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