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Pedigreed Bulldog
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Everything posted by davehummell

  1. I'm no expert but if you didn't use the intercooler I think you would loose some hp. I don't think you would have to redo the pump settings for a truck just for shows. I was hot to buy a 285hp. out of a r model but it turned out the engine was stiff from setting so I got a different engine I knew I would have fun running the second air intake. One of the easiest engine swaps I ever did was installing the later engine in my b.
  2. That 4300 look like the same model I had to keep running for my boss 350 cummins 13 sp. back in the dark ages the truck would of been a good one but it was run to death and put away wet by the time I got to it. If I remember they had a good size cab.
  3. That looks like me when I was told to back in a persons side yard with a dump trailer full meaning over weight load of rock dust bedding and the tandems sunk down over the axles on my trailer I used the 580 and the 930 to get the stuff out of the box so we could get the trailer out of the guys yard. I told the boss that it was going to sink but he knew better. I only made one load that day. The other triaxle driver was told watch out for the guys septic on another yard and the first time in he hit the lid and put the wheel in the tank. We had real beauty's back in the day too.
  4. There was a larger bore and stroke if I remember 103 or 107 per cylinder. I hauled a lot of tonnage with a 318 with the 13 speed.
  5. I had the pleasure of giving a Kenworth cabover with a 3408 a short spin I can't remember what trans but it was a real runner that was back in the mid 70's and I run a Kenworth cabover with a 380 external fuel lines Cummins 13 speed that was a good puller.
  6. I can't get jack sh-t where I live I got that hulu and amazon and netflix it don't matter there is nothing on any of the channels. Last night I fell asleep and I guess I was snoring so loud I woke myself up I must of scared all the dogs out of the living room when I woke up I was alone.
  7. I paid almost 100.00$ for the adjusting screw when I put mine on I got the whole thing switches and all for 500.00$.There are two different size washer plates I was told for different year engines?
  8. It's really cute but I don't want it in my yard the little bastard would be hell on my chickens.
  9. Is that an old 250hp. I thought some didn't have a turbo?
  10. Larry I just seen a photo of your truck did you paint the complete cab? That chrome grill looked real nice. Did you ever do anything about your transmission noise?
  11. It was 7 or 8 years ago and I didn't look for the interior green. Cook brothers phone number is 570-655-9152 I got some other colors that's when I was told that Kirker supplied paint to Mack. I think you could buy Kirker on line at one time I painted a dump box that long ago and the paint is still holding up I think it was about 60.00$ a gallon for black.
  12. My Two good friends owned a trailer park I used to hear all the bull crap they had to put up with. My property is most likely worth a lot less than most of the property's on long island. I only paid 25,000.00 for my property about 30 years ago.
  13. Wow I'm bitching having to pay 2,200.00 a year for taxes.
  14. Kirker paint was the company that suppled mack I bought it from cook brothers they had the mack shades in stock some years ago
  15. Years ago I was friendly with one of the tire guys that would do the tires for the company I worked at it was back when you would still see split rims. He showed me the ins and outs of dealing with those rims if you looked hard enough they were numbered to be kept together he claimed if you kept the parts together and in good shape he wasn't worried working on them. In the early 70's you would see a lot of split rims in the tire shops it was standard most trucks had them I had them on my New Idea manure wagon.
  16. Those air-equip ends are more money to start with but if you have a vice you can make up a hose pretty quick I always got them for around my shop I didn't want to get involved with a hose press.
  17. The thing that irritates me is the wasted money and effort spent screwing Trump right from the start. I would like to know how much was wasted that could of been used for our bridges and roads. Start there and then continue with education and other social good works. But we need infrastructure first. And enough with the bulls--t doing away with coal and gas and petroleum. Right now we don't have anything better. I like heat in my house and gas in my truck and diesel in my mack.
  18. That family that I spoke of I have known for all my 65 years I am really lucky they ended up my friends as well as my neighbors. Good friends are the most valuable asset a person can acquire.
  19. I guess my neighbors kids are millennials the one girl shovels the barn out by hand after 5 horses works every day and is raising a young daughter. the younger girl got a job on the pipelines right out of high school the two boys are employed on the pipe lines they are doing good. I was at work and they were off work and came down and the whole crew shoveled my driveway and walk by hand the father said they had to do it to try and return some of the favors I have done for them.
  20. If you stick with a 237 or another model like that pretty easy I had very little problems water pump, front balancer. the 285hp. has the tipturbo so you have to deal with another air inlet line and a newer model engine with air to air I don't know how much of a modification you would have to do.
  21. I would take a torch and heat the shoes and it would boil out the oil. The seals that were around back then weren't the quality we have today.
  22. Back in the 70's I run anything that held air. I was driving a brockway triaxle and the one front tire about had the inner tube showing threw so on went a almost bald tire. Every day I aired up the tires and filled that 318 up with oil and toped off the antifreeze. Right now my mack has four rear tires I bought out of a truck junk yard. I used to run recaps on cars and my pickups. In all the years of running caps I was coming up 81 with a load of marble chips in the dump trailer and I had the two new recaps that was put on before the trip loose the caps finished the run on the casings ripped the maxi air lines off when those caps come peeling off. Put a big dent in the fuel tank and hit the bunk so hard it took 3 years off my life. Had to improvise to get air up after dark with a flashlight that died right when you need it. Dot wasn't the force they are to day. We would run around the scales and the cb was a real tool back then.
  23. I have a 1980 engine in my b it is also a etz but 673? 260 hp.
  24. WE lived through the Clintons, Obama now we have this dynamic duo cut from the same pattern. I figure their moto is me first and the country namely us are in for a screwy ride. I did really well with my investments these last four years way way better than the other years of Trumps predecessors. I wish Trump came along years ago maybe the two guys I had working for me would be still working in my shop? I feel the election was Trump's to win but the Republican party has to learn to play dirty hardball just like the left does. It's not like Davy and Goliath its a dirty street fight with todays politics and the sickening news outlets. I will tell you about a friend of mine his sister had pancreatic cancer when she died the death certificate said she died of covid George took them to task and had the death certificate changed to the true reason he had a hell of a time but got it done how many more ended up like this?
  25. 673 end new rings and rod bearings good injectors and injection pump air compressor set for power steering pump. B 42 steering box nice shape. 464 rear dayton 11-22.5 rims and tires new drums and shoes bearings one new maxi. b oil bath air cleaner. aluminum battery box for 2 battery's. trans coolers off an 1980 fire truck for autotrans. right and left square b fuel tanks. best offer I'm hoping someone will get some use out of these things. I have the engine under roof under a tarp.
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