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  1. mines a 87 had mine replaced as didnt pass saftey the shop didnt have any problems getting one
  2. mine has this works very well in -30 C has toggle switch on the dash still have to have butter fly window open about an inch to keep windows from fogging up.
  3. My E6 4V did it to but sounded like from the side intermittent at idle was doing it for couple years,Don't recall hearing it after new injection pump.
  4. Looking at 87 mack superliner RW 75 are they quit a bit heavier than the 600 superliners this one has 3406 cat 9 speed maxi torque.
  5. Its doesn't seem to be pumping oil builds air a bit quicker.Mack mechanic told me a guy replaced compressor on cat engine he let it run 1 hour to break in he said compressor was so hot.
  6. yes forgot to mention mine has a splitter on the side.thanks
  7. yes mine just has dir and lo
  8. replaced with new one was told to open tank run at 1100 rpm for half hr to break in the rings thanks for the replies.
  9. Thinking about replacing my old 13 speed fuller shifter knob has two speed splitter not 3 to new style is it just a swap or is there more to it than that.
  10. keep air filter serviced.Good advice tho wouldn't have thought of that.
  11. i've put two rebuilded air compressors on my mack E6 350 both pump oil was wondering if getting one from Mack be better.dryer leaks oil have to change cartridges quiet often.
  12. seen a documentary on youtube on that expedition interesting.
  13. A little bit of digging got reman pump on its way.
  14. It's a ambac pump three bolts
  15. truck with 3406b. Flutter at low rpms loses hold prime after 2 days local mechanic said guy had issue with his losing prime to R600 changed all the fuel lines and it was good after that he said those braided lines suck air over time i'm sure mine are original so hes making new lines for mine. I'm not sure what type of pump mine is but will try and find out its a nice truck shame that parts are obsolete.
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