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About pdoughty

  • Birthday 11/09/1943

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    Vintage Trucks, Tractors, and Equipment. I like to travel our great countries.(U.S. and Canada)
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  1. Barry, has there  been any more action on replacement chrome radiator shells for B models?

    Still looking for a good one.


    1. Barry


      No reproductions yet...we still kick it around from time to time but all plans have fallen through to date!

    2. pdoughty


      Barry, thanks for the response. I wish I had bought when you had them in stock. ("If wishes were horses, beggars would ride for free.")


  2. Barry, I wonder if the gentleman is confused and is talking about a Yellow and Black Mack on OLDMACKS.COM. I saw it there earlier. Phil
  3. Vlad, thanks for the redirect. I looked at the article.....now I am TOTALLY impressed with your work. Keep going friend. Phil
  4. Vlad Could you show us the tools and procedures you used to replace the rivets in the frame. I am always intrigued with that. I would also like to tell you that the frame is looking great. keep up the good work Phil
  5. At least he jumped from the truck before the train hit! Engineer and conductor not quite so lucky but will survive. Funny how some situations COULD HAVE BEEN YOU OR ME!!!
  6. Welcome to THE truck site. So many folks to help you through a crisis. Have fun and kick off your shoes and stay awhile. Phil
  7. Great Save we all welcome great stories. Looks good.
  8. That is the reward for putting all the time and effort Into YOUR project. Congratulations. Phil
  9. Diana & I send our prayers to you and your wife. Phil
  10. Keep them shiny and upright

  11. Mike I'll try it for sure......actually I already ordered it. I ordered one from Jim carter Truck Parts over a year ago and they didn't have one in stock. this spring I ordered again. This time they didn't ship because it was out of stock. I called and asked what was going on and talked to the service MGR. She said the floor mat was not available anywhere. I asked why it was still in their catalog, and she said we took it out this morning. I informed her that I would not longer do business with them and encourage others to do the same. Phil
  12. Thanx for the response. I would like to talk to you about the truck. I will send a message to you with my info. Phil
  13. Hello friends. I am trying to get in touch with tilynb61 he posted a topic in "trucks for sale" I have left reply posts to the thread and received no response. Ditto as far as personal messages. He wanted to sell a B-755 and I am interested but cannot contact him. Does anyone know him, if so pass this on to him. Thanx Phil
  14. Has anyone bought an after market 1 piece floormat for a C-60 Viking? I have tried and was told no longer available by some parts houses. But now I find them available at Ecklers. I am just curious if they fit the 60 series well. Thanx in advance. Phil
  15. Owls Head Transportation Show 19-20 July 2014 Open to all trucks older than 25 years. Midcoast Maine's largest truck, aircraft, engines, and tractor show.
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