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Everything posted by dickbuick

  1. Thank you for your help I was able to find a used one in Canada and it worked Old Mack parts getting hard to find Just like Old Mack mechanics
  2. I am looking for a 12ms45m5 ecm Any help or suggestions please
  3. Thanks Mackpro that # is the updated # from the one I posted I got it 4 days later from my local Mack dealer 12 miles away P/S I ordered it from the Mack dealer 70 miles away at 8 AM and had it in the shop 3 PM the difference in a good dealer
  4. Yes it is the pink stuff That explains why I haven't got it from mack yet they are mack only also I ordered the Loctite and activator wont be here till tuesday I am afraid to use anything but what is in the bulletin don't want to have to do it twice
  5. Thanks again Mackpro One more question sealant for cups Mack part# 1161059 I ordered it from Mack on Thursday and still has not come in. I crossed it to Loctite #510 and cant find it without ordering. What do you use?
  6. Installing new injectors and cups in 2012 MP8 I have Tech Tool where would I go to reprogram the trim codes and can I program the codes with customer level tech tool? In the past I couldn't program my 2012's but I can my 2014's That's another long drawn out story with Mack the Government and Jesus And is it important to reprogram the trim codes
  7. I am thinking throttle position sensor Without scanner or computer to check throttle % I would try to turn idle up with cruise control switches but that depends on what your parameters are set at To change the TP sensor I could only buy the hole pedal at about $400.00
  8. Problem code SPN 5246 Aftertreatment SCR operator inducement severity FMI16 data valid but above normal operational range moderately sever Then truck goes to derate Truck has new def pump and doseing valve
  9. Well after one month of back order. I changed venture tube and sensor truck has ran with no codes Thanks Mack Pro
  10. I don't think its just Mack Its just that's what I have if I had Pete or KW I would be on Bigpaccar.com
  11. Well about them turbo bolts. When this all started with this code I cleaned the tube replace the sensor cleared the code and went for a road test. Empty ran great no engine light so I went to the quarry half way back the turbo locked up great 73,280 no turbo. So any way when I had the turbo off with the now broken bolts I changed the cooler and valve since they were never changed. So looks like I will be waiting for my new venturi tube
  12. Yes Vevturi pipe is still original I checked with parts again last night he dose have a kit ordered for me but it wont be till late Nov.
  13. Has flat plug with yellow slide lock
  14. Yes I have cleaned them they were not plugged. I also changed the sensor I thought I would change the venture but my dealer says they are on back order.
  15. GU713 1M2Ax09CM012037 SPN2659 Engine Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR) Mass Flow Rate FMI18 Data Valid But Below Normal Operational Range-Moderately Severe Level
  16. I will get the code # and Vin tomorrow I am away from the trucks today. THANK GOD
  17. I keep getting code for EGR mass air flow rate valid but below normal Truck has new turbo EGR valve cooler and mass air flow sensor Pressure tested intake cant find the problem Mack has an updated venture tube and sensor but its on back order Any help?
  18. Rebushing rear suspension not rocket science just a lot of hard work if I could get 6k for that job that's all I would do
  19. Comment on the hub oil Packing the bearing with grease is always nice I like to tilt the rear after filling it and let the oil run out to the hubs splashing out takes a long time sometimes to long
  20. I was thinking that but wanted to know if anyone ever seen it happen
  21. I have a 2002 Pete 2.5 million miles 6NZ turned up to the max Stone hauler over loaded to the max Truck leans to the left in the rear 1" and to the right 1/2" in the front I put a string on top of the bottom right frame flange from front axle to front drive axle and it has 3/8" sag Truck was never wrecked but always over torqued Any one ever see a frame twist from torque?
  22. You really need to talk to who every did the programing as to different programing requires different mesures .
  23. Check the CCV left side of the engine the breather hose hooks to it. I had one the bearing seized and caused the same thing.
  24. No warranty Mack don't want to know anything they don't fall in the recall so there for they don't need to be done. So when the first one failed I wanted to do the remaining five my self hours of phone calls got me nowhere. The dealer where we bought two 14's and one 15's was no help I wont post there name or my true feelings. We do business with another dealer 100 miles away and they are no doing the other five for around 800.00 per truck. The difference in a good dealer.
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