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    Normangee, Texas

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  • My Truck
    1959 Mack B61 673 Turbo with Duplex Transmission
  • Interests
    Old trucks and vintage motocross bikes
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  1. I have been working on the windshield wiper motor and hoses on my 1959 B61 and had some questions. I contacted Michael at Rome Truck Parts in Georgia and he was nice enough to send me these diagrams. I wanted to share them with the forum to save someone else the aggravation that I went through before I received this information.
  2. With much advice from Freightrain, I did the ENDLT 673 to 675 237hp swap on my B61, also. Still putting the finishing touches on it, but am now able to do some "shake down" runs in it. Now, I need to swap the rear end gear to get better highway speed. Don't mean to highjack this thread, but has anyone else done that?
  3. i ordered the 316GC184 pump and it was the correct pump for my ENDT 673, 2 sheave pulley. Fit just fine.
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