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Everything posted by dcrow

  1. You can try OTR performance see if they have anything. Just did my 07 aset with them.
  2. I am wondering about the pulling power of a 275hp e7 vs a cummins m11 330hp. I understand the older Macks had more power than their counter parts did with more hp.
  3. Check out OTR Performance. Just a block plate will throw a code and go in derate. Are you sure its a mp7 not an aset?
  4. Looks like that hood will bolt right up to an axle back ch.
  5. Does anyone know if a wiggle stick can be put in an Eaton auto shift trans easy. I am looking at an 01 and they say it has an electric issue with the trans. I can see the truck has a clutch so I thought a stick could be swapped in easily.
  6. I just installed the performance module yesterday and I did notice a difference today. Only used it for 1 day so far so I dont have any fuel millage results yet and no dyno test but it did have more power, not a ton but was there. I will post millage results when I have them
  7. Thanks for the update Iv'e been following this like it's my own. I think That 5" exhaust will make a big difference, get every thing flowing better. 2 questions thou ,why not build the exhaust yourself seams like it would be easy cut up a few elbows and some straight pipe and weld them back together the way you want them. And second this is the stock cam still right.
  8. Pretty close but just a bit louder. If a truck with one passed you you would think it's stock. When I installed mine I had some other exhaust leaks that I fixed at the same time and the truck was quieter. When I put a stock one back on I didn't notice any difference.
  9. With the wider frame hinges may not line up either. If its the right length and the wheels line up then hinges and tow hooks are fairly easy to custom make.
  10. Road salts are heaver on the passenger side of the road due to the crown in the road. The right side will usually always have more corrosion then the left so I would start with checking spring hangers and all of the mounting points on the right side. You did say it's a dump so the box could be off giving the illusion that the whole truck is leaning as well.
  11. My first thought was EGR cooler as well. Seems to be the weakest point. Check for traces of coolant in the mass flow tube.
  12. Yeah I think its too long. That would be in CL with a longer hood not a CH.
  13. Any updates on how this truck is doing fuel/power wise? Also a thought with the cam, can a machine shop grind and polish down the extra bump to eliminate the egr? I realize it's still labor intensive but maybe save a little on the cam purchase.
  14. I have seen this one too and was considering it as my mass air flow tube was bad. If you get it before I do please report back as to your results. I am just waiting for work to pick back up before I purchase it. Been a little slow the last few weeks.
  15. Thank you.
  16. I'm getting ready to adjust the valves on my 07 ac350 and the manual say I need a special torque screw driver for the spring loaded exhaust valves. What is the torque for this so I don't have to buy a special 1 use only screwdriver? Is this the same on all e7 engines? I already have the motor turning tool.
  17. Well that doesn't look cheap! How do I test it to make sure its that and not something else?
  18. I have a 2007 ch and the trailer seams to be doing most of the stopping. The trailer is older and does not have abs. When bob tailing it seams to stop ok but when hooked up to the trailer I can feel its the trailer doing most of the stopping. My first guess is the foot valve but I'm not positive so I don't want just start changing parts. Thanks for any help.
  19. Ok I did a google search of SID-277 FMI-5 and found egr mass flow open does this mean the sensors are bad? I did just have all of the egr components off so I could clean them. I checked and the plugs are in. The only real soot I found was in the cooler, the mass flow tube and intake were black but no amount of soot on anythnig else.
  20. The other day my engine light came on and when I got the codes off of the odometer it says 5277-05 and under that !M 128. Any ideas what this is?
  21. Thanks. Its working as it should now. I'm guessing it had to heat up and blend together. Now I'm wondering if I should use the Lucas on the next oil change or if i should add it different. On all of my other trucks I never had a spinner filter so I never noticed it before. I don't want to clog the filter and starve the engine of oil.
  22. Ok I got to use the truck today and it seams to be working. My guess is that I put the Lucas oil in first and the 15-40 on top of that so when it first started it pulled the Lucas from the bottom and was too thick for it to spin. Once the oil got good and hot and had a chance to mix it was thin enough to work. Does anyone know if the sump pulls right to the spinner?
  23. It makes a hum that you can hear after you shut down and it wasn't so i looked inside the fill cap.
  24. I double checked and triple checked the part and part number. I put it in with the dome on top so you can read the writing on it. It is the black one which my 07 owners manual says is the newer style. I did put 1 gallon of Lucas in first and then the oil on top so i dont know if that has to heat up and mix in first. When i took it apart to check i did notice it was full of oil and it did spin freely on the shaft.
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