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Puppy Poster
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Everything posted by dcrow

  1. I just did an oil change today and changed the Centri-Max filter and i noticed it is not spinning I took it back apart to double check and it is the same as the one that came off and it is not upside down. Any help is appreciated thanks.
  2. How do you surround the sensor with high humidity air?
  3. I am looking at buying a 07 chn with the ac 350 in it. Can anyone give any insight as to how good or bad these were as far as reliability. The truck has 950k on it which to me means time for a rebuild but I have heard that they go longer. Thanks for any help.
  4. I am looking at buying a used 07 chn 612 with the ac 350 in it. The truck has 950k on it and i'm wondering how long theses engines go and how good they are as far as reliability. I have not physically put my hands on the truck yet to inspect it but the pictures do look clean. What are the problem areas with these trucks and engines and what to look for when inspecting it. Thanks for any help.
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