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Joe palka

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  1. i know I'm a little late but I'm not far from you with a 1965 b61. it runs and drives. looking to sell it pretty cheap you can call or txt me at 267 243 291
  2. i know I'm a little late but I'm not far from you with a 1965 b61. it runs and drives. looking to sell it pretty cheap you can call or txt me at 267 243 291
  3. i know I'm a little late but I'm not far from you with a 1965 b61. it runs and drives. looking to sell it pretty cheap you can call or txt me at 267 243 291
  4. 1965 mack b61 tandem axle. was once a dumptruck. has power steering. non turbo 711 with 20 speed. truck runs and drives quite well. stops just as good. looking to sell to make room for another toy. willing to take 3,000 or best offer for the truck and parts I have along with an r model hood. so it's a good deal. call or txt me at 267 243 2913 anytime thank you
  5. the sending unit was definitly bad. but unfortunatly it wasn't 100% of my issues. its showing alot better on the gauge. she's staying just under 180 when idling and running around 180 but when heavy in the pedal it climbs just under 200. but then makes it's way right back to 180 when idling for just a couple minutes. so something still isn't right but we're making progress and i will check for that bleeder this weekend. thank you for the help and knowledge guys
  6. literally just got done putting in a new sending unit to the gauge and checking the temp now. hopefully it's allright but if not then I may be heading in the radiator direction. thank you for your help and input
  7. yea we're definitly going to replace the gauge, and i agree with you on the bad flow. thanks alot for your input man
  8. i have a 1989 RD688s believe it's the e7 with a 9 speed. the truck was idling and running around 190 - 195. after changing the thermostat and the water/coolant filter, it now idles at 180, but when running the truck both empty and loaded it makes its way back up just under 200. Another issue to screw things up is the red warning temp light above the gauge seems to go on at 150. then sometimes at 180. then on and off around 190. so it dosent stay too consistent. that light is all over the place. now with a temp gun the motor seems to be a few degrees cooler then the gauge which I'm sure could be normal. Im just debating on which route to go next as i chase this issue before the warm weather comes. But im looking to hear anyone's thoughts and maybe past experience. i appreciate any help. thanks.
  9. good shot from gerharts 2017, unfortunately the picture was sent from iPhone to android and became a little blurry
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