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Everything posted by cxn613

  1. Used with mp-8 415 and mdrive. What can this be uprated to or should I find out engine torque package first. Thanks
  2. Ok carrier bearing has some movement but didn't seem that bad. U joints are fine. Didn't check wheel bearings yet but will. Thanks
  3. R mack with five speed. In gears 4 and 5 around 30ish mph I have a vibration and doesn't matter if it's in gear in neutral or coasting with clutch pushed in I have this vibration. Sitting still revving motor or running in all other gears including 5th over 30mph it's smooth. Any thoughts? Thanks
  4. What are the torque specs on the three bolts with springs that hold the clutch brake plate to the front of trans.
  5. Checked fan today. It spins when engine running and harness unplugged, but it's not the strong fully locked in howling sound. It's the same weather harness is plugged in or unplugged
  6. ok I'll try that. thank you
  7. 2008 cxu overheats and shuts down during parked regen. Wasn't there when it happened so not sure if engine fan was running. I do know in the summer time while sitting still the engine fan won't run while a/c is on sitting still which makes a/c blow warm air. Once you start driving and moving air through front end it's fine. Didn't know if this fan issue could be the culprit for both problems. Thanks
  8. Took for test drive and still acts up. Noticed it only cuts in and out when pedal is pushed all the way down, let off pedal a little bit and it runs smooth. Could this be a peddle issue or something at pump. Is there a way to check the pedal for intermittent voltage? Thanks
  9. Thanks for the replies. I cut the wires on either side of plug and used a sealed connector and heat shrink to reconnected them. Before I did this I could get the truck to misfire while idling while moving the plug around. Now it seems to idle fine, going for test drive tomorrow. Thanks
  10. Does anybody have a schematic of that plug? I pulled the plug apart and the one terminal had the plastic guide broke off and the spade is discolored. The two wires going in and out of the plug at that position have a zip tie on then as if its been a problem for the previous owner. Thanks
  11. 1995 CL 613 with 427 and inline injection pump cuts in and out while pulling empty or loaded. Only acts up for short time then goes back to normal. Tried new fuel filters and new lift pump and still same thing. Was wondering something with pump or injectors or something electrical like the throttle pedal?
  12. Air going to service and parking sides of chamber even with brakes set. Any thoughts thanks
  13. Thanks
  14. Code mid 128 sid 5 fmi 5. What should I check?
  15. Can this still be the ac switch or clutch shot
  16. This clutch is different than our ch's. This has no air line going to it.
  17. Rd690s fan clutch runs all the time. Temp stays at 180
  18. Everybody keeps talking about the exhaust side and intake pipes and hoses. Have you looked at the actual intake manifold itself? Last time we had a whine like that it was 3 broken intake manifold bolts on the bottom side. To make it hard to find, the bolts were broke, but the bolt heads were still in the holes so it was hard to see anything out of the ordinary until you shined a flashlight on the bottom side of intake and could see were the gasket was slightly pushed out.
  19. Not sure if this will help, but we had a similar problem with our 2008 cxu 613. Our boost was dropping from 38 pulling foothills down to 20 psi. Truck had almost 300,000 on and never had the dpf cleaned. We got the filter cleaned and the truck now runs like it always did.
  20. That's correct that's how mine is
  21. This is a 73 positive ground
  22. So right now a negative from each side goes to the solenoid, and the positives from each side goes top the starter. If i put 12 volt batteries in, I'll connect the positives together and go to starter? And negatives together and go to solenoid?
  23. What I've found is the volt gauge wasn't reading anything, when i put a charger on the batteries it still didn't register any volts, but i tapped on the gauge and volts showed 13 to 14 then my signals worked with the lights on. The batteries are pretty much dead. Always have trouble with these six volts going dead. How hard to go to 12 volt system?
  24. turn signals work until you turn headlights on. If you just turn clearance lights on the singals will work, it's just when you turn the headlights on it will make the signals quit. What could be causing this? thanks
  25. Our 2008 with mp-8 lights up two $$ signs in the center display to let you know ur in the sweet spot.
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