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Everything posted by cxn613

  1. We run the floaters on all 4 of our silage tractors and trailers, as does everybody else here in PA with semis. It's the only way to go if your dealing with moist conditions. Now your not gonna be able to run across a field that has just seen a few inchs of rain and expect not to get stuck. Speaking from experience floaters are the way to go if you wanna save your field in "somewhat wet" conditions.
  2. Anybody using or know of anybody using some kind of fleet maintenance computer software. Looking for something to easily keep track of all work done on our equipment and would have PM reminders for each piece of equipment we have entered. Our equipment in this system would be everything from Mack road tractors all the way down to skid loaders.
  3. I agree with everything you said. You gotta give them a chance. One thing for sure is, we are not gonna change the fact that volvo bought mack. We run Macks from late 70,s DM and R's, 95 cl, 98 ch's, 2004 cx, to 2008 cxu. How can anybody bash something that they don't have. Example: you can't bash the Mack models that came about when volvo took over when you never drove one or own one. I can tell you first hand our 2008 cxu is a HECK alot more comfortable than any of our "prevolvo" macks. And yes we've had some issues with our 2008 cxu, but so did we with all our other Mack models. I too aren't here to start an arguement, I just like to look at it with a positive view.
  4. Denny Slagle and Mack trucks will be on the CBS show Undercover Boss tonight at 9
  5. On our 2008 cxu you have to be going at least a steady 5 or 10 mph (can't remember which it is). The only way you can manually initiate a regen is if you set the parking brakes when a "auto" regen is in process. You can't just start a regen whenever you want (at least on our year model you can't). I hardly ever have to do a "parked regen" but usually if I do, I can run a at least 2 weeks before it does another regen. The only thing I would know to maybe check is make sure your regen switch is in the "neutral" position and not the "inhibit" position.
  6. Talked to a guy today that his company bought like 6 petes and 1 kw within the last year and half. The one pete has needed a new turbo, warranty covered it, they brought the truck home, the new turbo now has the same issue the first one did. Now warranty doesn't want to stand behind it. Like I said before, we've had some issues with our mp-8, but just simple issues, and yes we've had some warranty problems (that got resolved), but come on, you buy 7 cummins powered trucks within a year and half at well over 100,000 dollars a piece and warranty can't stand behind them? I think Cummins is the last thing Mack needs. I have a 2008 cummins powered Ram with exhaust brake from the factory and love it, but I think the MP is all Mack needs.
  7. I also think the mp is a great motor. I talk to guys with the new cummins and detroit and you hear horror stories about them. Stories of alot worse things than we've ever had with our MP. If the EPA would let the engine manufactures alone for more than a year or two before they want more emissions bolted on, than maybe the manufactures could get stuff worked out. I even know of some guys turning to Fitzgerald in Tn. that specialize in buying brand new freightliners from the factory. You can custom order the truck how you want, either a columbia or coronado with everything less the motor and trans. Then they do a complete rebuild on a 12.7 series 60 detroit and a reman trans from eaton fuller. So now you have a brand new truck with 98 emissions with a 3 year 300,000 mile nationwide warranty.
  8. As I stated in an above post, the FMI was 2 and 11 on seperate times. The dealer ended up fixing it without an active code. I had the first go around as stated above with the dealer. The very next day it threw the code again, but before we could get it to the dealer the lighting bolt went out and in return it was no longer an "active code" though it was stored in the "inactive codes". After having a nice discussion with the dealer that "APPERENTALLY THERES A PROBLEM" it fianlly got fixed. We get good service from our dealer both in the service and parts department. And I understand there are certian procedures they have to go through on this warranty stuff. I just think this is were Mack could maybe step up and be a little better to customers. As stated before in another topic, every manufacture has there flaws, it's how they get taken care of with the least amount of bullcrap determines how happy the customer stays.
  9. Seen a load of Macks today at a rest area on 81. There were 3 baby blue cxu's w/sleeper and a chu day cab. The baby blues looked like Martins color, but they had polished aluminum wheels and were tandems. Are these Martins???
  10. When they bought all there new IH's they went with steel as well as on there new trailers.
  11. I agree with everybodys opinions and suggestions, i'm one to look at both sides of the stories. I'm not taking up for volvo by any means, but if you have never driven a pinnacle model you do not know what your missing. I'm sure there are some out there that has that will maybe dissagree with me. From my experience we have a 04 vision with 427 and a 08 pinnacle with 485 and there like night and day difference. Don't get me wrong our 04 vision is a very nice truck, but that pinnacle with 485 is alot nicer. The powerleash on the mp-8's are awsome. I too like some older stuff, but this new stuff is very nice in my opinion. I don't care what you buy anymore, your gonna have issues with electrical stuff. We get decent service from our Mack dealer, but often find ourselfs frustrated with our Mack truck when theres a electrical issue and there giving us the run around on the extended warranty we bought, but then I think "theres gonna be problems with anything you buy, how frustrated you get often depends on how your dealer gets the problem resolved" So in a nut shell, your Mack truck takes the blame that the dealer should get. Saw a newer model Pete the other day at truckstop, id say 08 or 09 model with the hood up. Driver had a hose held to his ear the other end to a big red cummins that was running with a tapping sound coming out of it. Everybody can draw there own conclusion.
  12. Heard today that Martins Potatoe Rolls in Chambersburg Pa has ordered about a dozen new Macks. They were a long time Mack customer years ago and then started buying IH. This is good to hear for Mack. Also heard that Chambersburg Waste Paper will be taking delivering of some new roll offs soon. They have always bought freightliners and western stars. If this is all true it will be great for Mack. P.S. Today the dealer took care of our boost pressure sensor problem finally.
  13. Took the truck to dealership today. No active code showed up today, but the codes from sat. where stored in the inactive codes. Tech. downloaded the codes and the service manager told him they COULD NOT send it in for warranty because it's an inactive code. So in a nut shell they told me the problem is the boost sensor and seen that it threw the code multiple times on sat, but they can do nothing about it untill it goes into a active code and im hours away early in the morning with the engine in derate mode. How nice of Mack helping us when we bought the truck new from them and spent the extra to buy the extended warranty!! Truck is a sharp looking truck and a pleasure to drive, but it seems like the stupidest stuff causing trouble.( wiring and connectors) The truck itself and engine and even the DPF has never been an issue.
  14. Today I unplugged the boost sensor harness. Plugged it back in and started the truck, no lighting bolt and no active code. The codes still show up in the inactive codes but not active. I unplugged the sensor while the truck was running and it showed a code of MID 128 PID 102 FMI 5, so I don't know how close that is to what the other two FMI's were. Plugged it back in, lightning bolt went away, took for a test drive and ran perfect. Any opinions? Run it and see what happens? or take it to the dealer? thanks
  15. it registered the code twice. the first time it was FMI 2 and the second time it was FMI 11
  16. Our mp-8 lost power this morning which showed a code of mid 128 pid 102 which is "boost pressure". Would this most likely be a sensor? If so where is the sensor located and is there any secreats to narrow down what else it would be? thanks
  17. I agree call ANTRIM DIESEL!!! in Greencastle Pa. They know macks and performance.
  18. Anybody running this? If so is it good stuff?
  19. PennDot has alot of newer granites
  20. Check plastic gear on fuel supply pump. See already were the truck half runs, but there is an issue with the supply pump.
  21. I do not know what the longevity of dura brights are, but let me tell ya we got them on our 08 pinnacle and I love them. Truck is soon to be 3 years old and the dura brights still look brand new. All I do is wash them with soap and water. They get run through the salt and mud and still look great.
  22. Ok I'll check, when I installed the new mass air tube, it came with a new box that the plug plugs into. I don't know if its possible I bumped something on the left side while installing the new "plug in box"
  23. Replaced egr cooler and mass air flow tube. Truck started fine, once I road tested it, it seemed kinda sluggish and 4-5 code appeared. When giving it throttle while driving it seems to have a loud air sucking affect, or maybe even a more of a whistle out of the turbo than normal. Would installing the new cooler and mass air tube cause any of this? thank you
  24. 2004 vision w/427 is running top tank completely dry after 1 day of work. There is no visual coolant leak. Driver even complains of power lose. Could this be a egr cooler issue?
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