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  1. No it’s plumbed with coolant it has a radiator coming from lower radiator that goes to it then another radiator hose off the top that goes to the oil cooler As well I believe it has 5/6 different hoses that comes off of it
  2. That’s what it looks like
  3. Yes sir couldn’t get anything in it and didn’t want chance putting a hole in it I think I’ll just remove the cooler and see what’s going on I price it online 1200 smh lol but I know it’ll make a difference in the temp I’m sure it runs around 180 all the time looking at gauge but it’s not cooling the entire motor I worked it today put my hand on the radiator hose (bottom) and it’s hot put my hand on transmission lines just warm and the cooler is not hot
  4. Yes sir there’s the radiator hose that runs to the cooler then there’s a set of transmission lines that goes to the cooler and a line that runs to the reservoir tank on the firewall all comes off the cooler that the petcock is in but can’t get anything to come out when I open it or even take it out im thinking that it’s only cooling part of the system since it seems stopped up
  5. Hey Joey Mack you wanna replace the rear suspension bushings and u bolts for me
  6. I removed the fitting completely and nothing came out
  7. The cooler on the bottom of my engine on driver side if I open the pit cock on it shouldn’t I get water out of it transmission cooler there’s nothing coming out of it even when truck is running I’m trying to drain coolant and change it out
  8. Thank you it’s in great shape plan to paint it put aluminum wheels on back looking a air filter housing and mount that’s not 1000 lol
  9. Sorry bout the picture I was at work lol
  10. Sorry bout that for the Mack this 1 doesn’t have the filter on the motor like my others did or is there 1 located somewhere else
  11. It’s time to change out my coolant what do you guys recommend I dud oil now coolant rears and transmission next on the list thank you
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