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Everything posted by Moparmike

  1. No wondering at all I'm thinking it's been off before..I just got this Truck not long ago about 3 weeks drives great just off Center..I'd like to place it back to center so my arm isn't straight all the time trying to hold on to the metal in the middle lol
  2. 2000 rd688 the steering wheel is so far off Center it's not comfortable driving I'd like to remove it and turn it back around..I tried to remove the shaft by unbolting it butilizes it has a slot the bolt goes back in and can't move it..so does the horn cap pop off or I need to pop the center that's kinda soft off ..thanks
  3. Ok guys put about 2500 miles on my truck running great ..this morning same problem going to work same injector broke 2 new studs ..what's going on here..I'm hoping that I can just screw the Olds 2 out this time and replace with new grade 8 bolts again but this is crazy ..any thing I should look for to cause this problem..
  4. Thanks guys ..injector look like there not very old 1 new line on back from injector to line..what's the oil of choice for macks ..I use Rotella in my cummins ..
  5. My truck I just got 2000 mack rd688 e7 400 has 380xxx miles should I have the lash set or checked..quad dump truck
  6. E7 400 8speed fuller trans..
  7. Ok thanks ..I'll check it out with a good load..none of my others have had a gauge ..
  8. Lol sorry it's a dump ..
  9. Ok thanks I'll take a look at that..
  10. I thought it was but it only gets up to about 5 or so ..what should I check..it pulls good runs strong..came home about 290 miles ran from 60 to 75 most the way in .
  11. Bottom right side what's this gauge for I'm new to this truck .2000 rd688
  12. Ohhhh yes your right it's in a shop ..we've been discussing our options cause I need it done right..we've used time sert on cylinder head on race cars so I was thinking it should be able to keep this in place...
  13. Sorry guys the picture is a little deceiving it's broken off about 1inch in the hole treads are gone looks like someone tried to get it out before and this is what left of there mess ..my new mess ..
  14. Thanks guys any other stuff to look out for on this ..I'm new to mack have had a few others still have a fld freightliner OK guys I need some help here ..however worked on this injector before made a mess ..how to fix it now..I'm thinking time sert..I'm open to all suggestions..I have 1 more thought but it's extreme lol..
  15. Thanks guys any other stuff to look out for on this ..I'm new to mack have had a few others still have a fld freightliner
  16. Few pictures
  17. Wow ok so normal thing ..are they grade 8 bolts or should I just replace with grade 8.. And thanks for the heads up on this
  18. Pick my dump truck up yesterday drove about 50 miles bolt broke out in last injector it popped out..you guys think it's possible to drill out and time sert it in the truck with no problems. Maybe remove the turbo and exhaust down piping.. I see its a lot of pressure on those injectors I tried to push it back in no luck about a 1/4 wouldn't go ...
  19. Thank you..I'm new to mack hopefully my truck will be here by next weekend..I drive the truck runs great ride great so there will be way more questions to come lol..I have a freightliner now had a sterlin and a gmc all dump trucks..
  20. 2000 rd688s e7 400 do they have boost gauges..could someone post a dash picture for me thanks .
  21. Thanks guys ..I think I made my mind up on a 2000 e7 400hp mack with 8ll ..I was really hoping to get a automatic but I'll take reliable over maybe anyday..I'll be sure to post up a picture when and if things work out Well I decided to try the 2000 e7 mack out hope to have it home soon ..we supposed to get snow tomorrow and Saturday so I know it will be a little while..
  22. I'm new to macks and would like to know how to check for codes..my freightliner has a swicth I flip to get them ..Truck runs great 379000 miles 8ll trans....thanks in advance
  23. Thanks guys ..I think I made my mind up on a 2000 e7 400hp mack with 8ll ..I was really hoping to get a automatic but I'll take reliable over maybe anyday..I'll be sure to post up a picture when and if things work out
  24. Have guys I'm mike new here ..been trucking almost 11yrs now freightliner sterlin gmc dump trucks and now looking to buy another..I've owned cummin and Detroit never had the will to buy a cat..so now I'm looking at a mack I have friends who own macks but are the e7 macks ..I'm looking at a ai300a engine 300hp in a dump truck..could anyone give any information about this engine ..good bad anything would help ..I have a few more macks I'm looking at but this is the newest 1 2004 and a automatic..thank you for your help
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