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Everything posted by Moparmike

  1. Took front wheels off looked at drums They have holes that are way bigger then the stud Centered them best I could put wheels back on bounce is not completely gone but it better I think I'm going to get so.e new drums new tires balanced and hopefully it's gone completely Thanks guys for your help
  2. Ok guys funny y shape water hose mack came up with got a hole in it mack says they don't have any and there almost 400 when they do Any body come up with a better solution to this crazy piping Small hose runs from thermostat housing to large water hose under oil cooler it spit right where they put the small hose into the large hose ..any help would be appreciated
  3. Ok guys dump truck 425/65/22.5 steer tires Truck has a bad bounce from 30 til bout 50 then it kinda settled down But it is not comfortable driving bouncing inside Had a alignment down it was out plan to put on new steers next week Was going to Tru and balance tires thats on it but I'm just going to replace Any thing I should be looking for King pins are good It's a stiff bounce like from side to side not back to front Thanks for any help
  4. Does anyone have the part number for national seal wheel seal I got a seal from mack stemco brand leak same day I put it on and cost 77.00 dollars I have replaced 1 before but can't remember or find the part number Need to order 1 in the am so I can be ready Monday The stemco was hard to get over the mounting area then wouldn't turn once it was on so I know it was going to fail but mack had closed and I was trying to work Thank you for your help
  5. 25162529 25170833 25014582 Those are the numbers I need I keep coming up with different numbers but not sure if they the same or what
  6. Where are you guys getting your torque rods mack want 1100 for 3 I think that's crazy high 2000 rd688
  7. I hope not
  8. All wheel alignment I had a wobble once back was out thought it was coming from the front Look at the back tires good inside will wear more like cupping
  9. Lol yes I have it at a shop to be done
  10. New parts came in Tuesday
  11. Can someone post a picture of the set up if possible I cant seem to upload the pictures of where I think it should go Thanks in advance
  12. Ok guys I have a fuel temp code I cant find it on the truck I know it goes on passages side I see the plug but no sensor.. Should it be a tee online with the fuel line going in the motor
  13. My trucks are 2000 and 2001 e7 rd688s and 690 the filters are in a tight place on the frame What or how are you guys using to change them I've been just taking the complete mount off the change and put them back but it has to be a easier way to get them off . Thanks
  14. Ok guys 2000 rd688s e7 400 8speed fuller I can hold the pedal to the floor in every gear it will reach the top end and the boost drops even in 8th gear Where should I start cause I can't remember the truck doing that before I have a driver in it so it's been a while since I drove it.. It does feel like it pulls like it use to when I did drive Check airflilter it's good but going to replace it tomorrow anyway
  15. Ok guys I can't seem to get a break .. Dump truck 300 hp e7 Allison auto Last week the pipe that runs to the back off the turbo broke in half rusted so I replaced it 400.00 smh 2 days later truck started making a noise like something is rubbing Truck was loaded asphalt got load off drive it home bout 40 miles took it to the shop another 15 miles had valve adjustment done to check things out everything is good replaced o ring behind oil filter set up as it was leaking thought maybe sucking or blowing air Pick truck up they said they didn't find anything but they hear the noise The noise co.es and go I check turbo wheels no play there no lost of power oil pressure is good like always 30 idle about 50 driving I'm at a lost cant keep tossing money at it I'll get a video today of the noise Any thoughts to check where to look anything would be appreciated Thanks
  16. Yes slow season is usually around December I've been keeping a eye on it since I had it welded and plan to continue until it pays for itself May just order the unit and have it ready and waiting till bad weather days shop says 2 days top but 1 most the time
  17. I'll try to get a picture of it today
  18. I've had it done its holding ok but I'm not a big fan of it cause it's hard to get in there and weld it right But I've had it welded to make it pay for the work itself
  19. Mines is cracked around the weld in the towers on both sides that's all I see wrong all other parts look great
  20. Think that's the 1 he use just cut old out install new no frame spreading what he said
  21. 5 to 6 thousand depending on what's good on my stuff springs my be in good shape
  22. Just got off the phone with a shop recommended by local mack dealership 1 to 2 days most time 1 day 5/6 out the door. Well looks like I have to hit the work hard to get it done
  23. I hope I spelled it correctly Anyone have a idea of the cost to replace the unit..my springs are in great shape rubber pads look great but guessing the rest needs to be replaced..any help would be appreciated
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