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Everything posted by Moparmike

  1. Ok guys do I look it up by s400 or s400so69..I'm new to the turbo part lol sorry..if anybody has a link to them be great..
  2. Ok guys I really need help today out of no where turbo took a turn for the worst..Mack wants 1900.00 anybody know a better price place to get 1 ..also it tried to run away but let off the couch and shut it down very fast still has oil in the pan.. anything I should look for..
  3. I apologize it's clear fluid
  4. How can I tell which fluid is in it..the fluid is red doesn't smell burned or anything..i just purchased it back in November 17
  5. 2000 e7 300hp Allison auto what's the maintenance requirements on the trans truck is new to me so I wanna try to keep it up..also what fluid it use I'm sure Mack will sell it just trying to see if I can get it a little cheaper if possible
  6. Ok guys maybe the wrong place but how do I check pm on here..when I try to click on the right hand side where the number 2 is it just turn the screen dimmer ..thank you for the help
  7. I found it thanks guy
  8. Omg I never thought they would cost so much ...i thinkI'll just do vinyl for about 20 both sets
  9. 2000 rd Mack where can I buy the letters that go on the front under the dog. Got 2 no letters on either ..also is there a company that sells window visors that's not the metal ones..
  10. Thank you sir I'll do that
  11. Ever check on how high o can go mackpro
  12. Driving today turn cruise control on work fine.. tried again on the way home and the orange light comes on and the flash ..not sure if it's a code but it flashed 7 times paused the 1 more ..any help is appreciated..e7 300hp Allison auto..dump
  13. Any pics of it..i see a switch on my firewall by the clutch with 3 wires going to it..
  14. My low air buzzer stop working but the light still works is there a buzzer in the dash on a circuit board ..my freightliner has a replaceable hoping the Mack does too.. 2000 rd688
  15. Thanks guys ..i may stay where I'm at if it's a lot of cash to change..20 tons it pulls pretty good just use to 400hp lol 8ll
  16. It's a rd690 I believe last 6 are 031609.. Transmission is a Allison automatic
  17. Ok guys I thought my truck was 350 but it's 300hp can a computer program change ..its a quad axle dump I just got day before thanksgiving..350 or 400 would be great..my other e7 is 400 8ll pulls like a train..this truck pulls ok but it's working a little hard at 71000lbs
  18. I went to Mack got the box of Mack filters cheap had to buy air filter extra
  19. Says custom made for slappy trucking Inc. On the dash..so far good runner..e7 350hp automatic. Came out of Strasburg va.
  20. Got it out of Strasburg va ..so far so good..says built for sloppy trucking Inc. On the dash
  21. Why is my post here ..i don't wanna buy from a regular person just thought somebody could save me a dollar...smh... part number place whatever thanks
  22. Anyone know a good source for the rollers besides the dealer..they want 50.00 bucks each ..
  23. Is the water filter a add on i can't seem to find 1 on this truck..i got the filter kit..and Mobil delvic oil thanks guys..
  24. My truck is a dump I mostly do highway work asphalt /milling..i grease every 2 weeks change all filters at same time with oil change water and fuel except air which I blow out ..i try to keep air on every 2 oil changes..
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