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Mr & Mrs Nobby

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About Mr & Mrs Nobby

  • Birthday 12/10/1958


  • Location
    under the truck, fixing something

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  1. Thank you Joey, greatly appreciated
  2. Hi there, does anyone know the torque settings for the bell housing, flywheel and big end bearing bolts please? The motor is a 470 etech.
  3. thanks Alex, much appreciated, I'm in Australia, so hoping to find something a little bit closer. It's a 2 position, four pin switch. Blades at 2,4, 9 & 10. The actual wiring harness it plugs to has 5 wires, hmmmm. I have found one one ebay that seems to be identical, except for the numbers on the side. I was mostly wondering how relevant that number is, does it have to be exact or is is perhaps a superseded number.
  4. Hi all, my strobe light rocker switch no longer rocks. I have been unable to find a replacement. My question, can I use a 4pin switch #1MR4342M9 to replace the broken #1MR4342M50. The pins appear to be the same arrangement. I have no idea what the difference is between the m50 and m9, and can't find any reference to the m50 on the internet. I have a 2004 mack vision. thanks
  5. Worst head lights ever. I'll swap you my aussie ones for your american ones. Yeah, I know, this thread is 3 years old. I cam across it trying to find a solution to improve the lights on my Vision. On low beam of a night I'm driving blind.
  6. wow, what a find. Good on you for rescuing the old dogs. Hmmm, now what do I need........
  7. ummmmmm nope, no comment from me
  8. hey Rob, happy birthday sorry I missed it it's 105 degrees here and the keyboard melted, otherwise I would've been in here first thing with bells on Mr Knobby standing in front of aircon >>> Me (mrs Knob) witnessing Mr Knobby standing in front of aircon >>>
  9. the t-shirt! and the girls expression
  10. Hi Joe Sorry I didn't say g'day earlier, been flat out on the grainharvest (in between the rainy bits) I'm based at Walgett (charming little town )
  11. G'day mate Nice to see more aussies here, I've been slack well busy with the grain harvest really and haven't popped in for ages. Great to see so many more new members.
  12. Hi Monty ('tis the better half here ) Yes, really enjoyed the weekend, I didn't expect so many tractors but they were great to see. My favourite was that old Lanz Bulldog belching flames in the tractor pull. And the ford V8 was an eye opener! Hubby got all inspired and went out yesty and dragged an old fergie TE20 home. I'm gonna have to find a better hiding spot for the cheque book. The trucks, cars and bikes put on a good display.It was good to see people put the effort in to bring their cars and bikes along. As for constructive critisism, well, a more active input from the trucks would be good, e.g, truck pull, b-model drag race, (ok only kidding on that one) driver skills test, reversing, parking, driving through witches hats etc, and I was a bit disappointed in the final parade as many of the trucks had already buggered off. Also day two was a rerun of day one. Still this was only the second or third year? so a great turnout I did hear a rumour that public liability insurance becomes a nightmare once the trucks become mobile though. So that takes a bit of fun out of things
  13. Just a few pics from the Vintage Tractor and Truck Show weekend in Dubbo, NSW, Oz. The weekend was mostly about tractors (don't know what you americans call them) but a few old trucks too.
  14. same over here, everything going to scrap metal
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