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kevin mccune

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Everything posted by kevin mccune

  1. The six speed in the 86RD is mighty hard to shift on cold mornings- anybody have any sugestions on what weight oil to use & the capacity of the 6spd? Thanks Kevin
  2. T- rides probaly alright-But Camel back forever!-Kevin
  3. Any difference between a 237C & a 237 Maxidyne? Thanks Kevin
  4. Try Rotella T or the MOBIL OIL' Cat 'uses in 15-40w-we had very good luck with 'Cats 'Mobil sometimes never having to add any between changes on a tight E7. Kevin
  5. DM stands for Dump-Mixer, generally with fishbelly frames-a really nice off road truck when equipped with wide floaters.Had to be careful though if you wasn't used to the offset cab a good way to get a sidewall on the right tire pulling on the narrow scales-Kevin
  6. Thanks for the info, ol 237 is great- just a tad lazy on hills-Kevin
  7. Had the ol 237 tweaked a little-any merit to installing a bigger turbo?-Kevin
  8. keep on I love it, these goodies from abroad will help drive innovation over on this side of the pond-now if we can get DOT to listen-Kevin
  9. they are money grubbers here too in Va. they just love to write you over axle-protecting the public from these bad truck drivers trying to make a living The exceptions the state has are ludicrus personally I would like to see them do away with the 1-5% overload stickers-generally they dont honor those permits on interstate -Kevin
  10. Thanks sbrem-thought she had a triplex-man that old dog sure sounds sweet-Kevin
  11. That guy is doing a nice job- the old ragged out B's we had never ran that good-Kevin[ is that a triplex?]-Kevin
  12. Hi Mack people, are there any diffferences in 237 engines?We have a gold colored remaned 237 in a 86RD that is not nearly as powerful as a green colored one in a 84 rd(even grossing 2 more tons the 84 would out do it thanks -Kevin
  13. Thanks for the info-KM
  14. Thanks guys-according to the Red Dot site , Red Dot still makes a couple of roof mounted models-Kevin McCune
  15. does anyone make a sealed electric AC for a truck?-Kevin
  16. To start with a centrifugal filter is a wonderful thing-never had no touble just make sure they are turned the right way-oil and air seem to to be somewhat mischible so you dont have to worry about bleeding the filter in my opinion anyway.I never bled one- but I always generally serviced Maxidynes,I usually put 32 qts of oil in a standard 300 with centifugal filter and 2 oil filters- Right in the ballpark usually on the other hand the tip turbine engine out of the F-model holds 15 gals + 3 oil filters, no luberefiner-I dont believe the centrifugal filter would affect the oil pressure on the newer engines it seems to just get some bypass oil anyway- Kevin
  17. Should be allright ,we run one in a 685s no problems so far it has around 470K miles and is a triaxle grossing close to 58K and we have an 86 with the 3 spring setup no problems so far-Kevin McCune
  18. Grab it! the 237 is worth more then that-check into the two battery 12v setup( screw terminals)& see what kind of brake setup she has-These B's sure fixup into a handsome truck.Make sure the front axle is not moving around-Kevin
  19. Camelback has a different mount setup(far better I believe,especially with metal bushings)does'nt mount directly to frame and has good travel on the trunnion tower like the hardbar setup-Kevin
  20. Have own tire tools- been beating em down for thirty years for the other guy.When I've cut right of way all day or been in the ditch all day, the last thing I want to do is change tires-you are right 22.5 's are easy to change . But the only shop I have is a 24x24 garage in the middle of nowhere-full of Junk with a single stage compressor.no tire deliverys either.There is no reason people cannot respect your property and take care of it-I try to respect others belongings-Service today generally sucks, can give you several horror stories from around here-Kevin
  21. Can anyone tell me why the tire guys think its allright to gouge and scuff the exterior of your nice looking aluminum Budds during tire changes?Makes you wanna bite nails sometimes-Kevin
  22. 10-4,if you are interested go to the Cat Truck engine site and compare the old Maxidynes to the the new C11's-Mack was ahead of its day-Kevin
  23. Thank you Valueliner- a question though- did the Valueliners have the the L series motors?(I used to drive 88 R Models with PL blocked off-EM6-300 and they would outdo the E7-300 97 model stock one I drove-Kevin
  24. Guys can you give me some part numbers-on my R-I have 5 inches or better, do you use same turbo? and what about injector nozzles? I would like to get the torque and power up on the old 237 a bit. The truck weighs 25000 lbs empty and on 9% grades even medium diesels are a menace- Kevin
  25. Gotta stay out of the big guys blind spots-was around when a chevy pickup got backed into by a 621E-the boss pulled in too close behind him-Kevin
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