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  1. Well Mack is telling me the problem is the VECU module. Anyone know where this is on a CXU613 ???? Would like to check it myself to see if perhaps a wire is burnt going into it. Of course if that’s the case that likely would have comprised the vecu
  2. I have an engine code show P114123 and the lightning bolt as well as check engine light when I start moving. The speedo won’t register till I reach about 35 to 45 km/ hr. Same when I slow down, engine brake and speedo cut out in that same range. I’ve had 2 wheel speed sensors changed and the speed sensor changed. These did help as I had no speedo at all when I first took it to the dealer. When wheel speed sensors were changed I had the speedo work from 50 km/hr and up. Then when the speed sensor was changed it got marginally better. When I check for ABS codes it shows “operation failed”. Any ideas, maybe a poorly installed wheel speed sensor, something entirely different?
  3. Anyone have experience deleting a 2014 MP8 or newer. I’ve heard many have issues, however Diesel Spec claims to have it figured out. And please spare me crap about going to a dealer after, I don’t go there anyway.
  4. I should have clarified, my truck is a 2014 and I bought injectors that are suppose to be for 2011 to 2014 Volvo and Mack MP8/D13. They have been installed trim files entered and so on. At first we got a code P026C00 which says injector fuel quantity less than expected. Apparently mechanic forgot to do one step when programming so that was corrected and that code came up again, also the turbo actuator was also replaced. Now I have no codes but the truck is running really rough and no power. Bobtailling only showing 3.4 mpg. At idle it seems smooth but not while driving. Tried to get boost over 30 lbs but can only get about 23 lbs. Tried this by getting truck into 16th gear rpms at 1100 and then flooring it. Feel like it's a software issue but confused by no codes.
  5. Can Volvo D13 injectors be used in a Mp8
  6. So update on this, found primary fuel filter may have been not quite tight enough. After having 4 times in a row where truck started poorly I checked return line in the fuel tank and seen bubbles. Checked the fuel filter and tightened it about 3/4 in. Starts better now. Then yesterday it started a after a few seconds it sputtered and stalled. Checked codes and gave me a p004607 which is a turbo actuator code. I killed the power from the battery for a few minutes then turned back on and it started and no code showing. Loaded pipe gross about 95000 lbs and pulled the coke and it performed excellent. Up to 39 lbs boost and smooth. Later in the day the BS started again with only 35 lbs then sputtering and boost dropping off. Finally had time to take it to the dealer and told them to check for codes, showed nothing active, and to check turbo actuator. Just got the call from Mack and they tell me the oil level indicator was wicking oil up to the ecm and this can give all kinds weird symptoms. Any thoughts people.
  7. Talked to a mechanic and first thing he asked was “how does it start”. For the most part good, occasionally it takes longer. I did change the boost sensor, it was carboned up really badly, that said haven’t noticed too much difference in performance.
  8. Having this problem occasionally and seems more common when it’s cool out. Truck is a 2014 with mp8 that has 550,000 mi on it. Injectors were updated after only 150,000 mi. Only code showing is p200200 which has been active for quite awhile. Doing long haul work between Edmonton and Houston. Asked the dealer and they said it could be injectors. However they wanted me to give them the go ahead to do up to 8 hrs of diagnostics. I left after telling them to get bent. Any ideas???
  9. Sounds logical. Will try this.
  10. Having what could be related issues. Truck just died while travelling, roll to a stop, check for codes and there’s nothing. Turn the key and the truck starts and runs normal. This has happened twice. Then today when bobtailing I had a sluggish throttle/turbo. Then after shutting truck off and restarting it now seems normal again. The truck is a 2014 with 760,000 Kim’s on it.
  11. Anyone have any success story with tuning a mp8. I have a 2014 rated 505hp. Would like better performance and contemplating tuning it. Looking for ideas and experiences.
  12. More info on the truck, 3:55 diffs, 18 spd, 22.5 Hankook dl12 tires, 670,000 km. Just had valve set done (said back 2 out by 40,000). I do calculate mpg by US gallon. Long term mpg is 6.2 (from truck readout). I've found that keeping engine load at 75% or less I can improve an estimated .3 mpg better. Running elog now and governed to 65. With elog I find I'm rushing more now so running less than speed limit doesn't make as much sense to me.
  13. Have a 2014 cxu613 with a mp8 rated 505 hp pulling a 48 ft tandem flat bed. Problem is fuel mileage, at first I thought it was just that I was encountering more wind then normal. Now I believe there is something wrong. I just ran from Florida to Edmonton Ab with only 6000 lbs on the deck and only got 7 mpg and top cruise speed was 65 mph. Last few trips between Calgary and Denver with gross weight between 76 and 79000 lbs I've been down between 5.1 and 5.3 mpg and on the flats I set cruise at 63 mph. I feel this should be at least 1 mpg better. Any ideas. Called my local dealer but he has not called back yet.
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