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  1. Picture of Mack trucks that I have made recently. HO scale models.
  2. For more information on the concept : http://dramisintl.com/
  3. Here is the website of Lagacé, unfortunately, it's in French... http://www.benneslagace.com/benne_lagace_lf400.html but... http://www.twinequipment.com/upload/litterature/Lagace_218.pdf
  4. Thanks for the feedback guys. For the MHD, personnaly, I haven't seen a single unit in the greater Montreal area However, we definitively see a lot of GUs around, 8x4 dump and mixer trucks (Demix/Holcim, Unibeton, for the larger companies but the small and medium size companies have bought significant numbers of GUs too). Last week, I even saw a brand new GU for Lafarge! I was wondering when they were going to start the replacement of their aging Paystars and older Mack models... Looks like it's kicking in slowly...
  5. It's an MHD, right? By the way, in terms of sales, how is this new range of truck doing since the launch?
  6. FYI, the Granite in the background with the two-tones (green and sand) cab and the yellow mixer is a GU 714 tandem-tridem belonging to the Candian company Rolling Mix Concrete (operating in Western Canada). It's equipped with a 13 yd London Mixer, rear discharge. Extremely impressive rig!
  7. Thanks again guys! Glad you like it. There will be more to come ;-)
  8. Thanks for your kind words Indeed, there is a lot of work on thos trucks... I must say that the natural light was great the day of the shooting...
  9. Yeah, that rugged look combined with a classic canadian/Quebec axle configuration!
  10. Yep, that's Garnier's!!! Nice shot ;-))
  11. A few pics here. Garnier's Titan was exposed at a Montreal tradeshow (see pics) http://quebec-chantiers.forumactif.biz/constructeurs-et-carrossiers-f31/nouveau-mack-titan-t142.htm
  12. Got to go to their yard in Laval but on a WE to see it. I have been there once, I saw it, but it was parked to far back to get a clean shot and there was nobody on the premises to ask permission to get in... I'll try again ;-)
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