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Everything posted by Casper1988

  1. Log truck application Terry. Don't need to go more than 55mph. Lots of hills here and a few gears in between would be helpful. has a 300L motor in it. Thanks.
  2. More info, I have 5.03 rears and 24.5 tubeless.
  3. Well , I bought this transmission that supposedly was out of a fire truck, R model. 1810 yoke and 2" input and output shafts. The truck place did not want to part with the bellhousing. I know where there is one for $300 and the tranny was five. It feels good and the gears look nice and spins smooth. Problem is that it has no tag on it so not sure what model it is. Looks old so would it be a 9512 or 13. RT or RTO. Would like to know. There are #s on the output shaft, 16259R2. Is this crazy to want to replace my 2070 Mack tranny with this?
  4. Finally getting back to the job, all cleaned up and new bearings, brake shoes and spring kit and drum. Pretty much gonna start looking at all the others at this point. Would think that these could be original as the truck has 116k on it. Not much on it for a 1988. Has 44 rears and the spindle is not a bolt on. Hate to spin a bearing and wreck that spindle and have to find a housing. Will be worth it in the end to know what I'm working with. Thanks for the advice all.
  5. Bearing dosent' look bad but will be replaced of course. I could feel it when I spun the bearing before I popped the seal out. That was the inboard bearing. I will take a pic and post it. The outboard race was just starting to pit so that gets changes too. All my profit from logging goes to the truck this week, thats how it works right!!!!
  6. Ok, I see it. Looks like a crack in the spoke casting, ( bottom Left ) I will inspect. Notice the oil reflecting the tree from the sun. Weird. I chose to take the tires off and clean the spoke up and check it out. I may get a used brake hub as mine looks to have seen better days. How do you know when to change it out. ( the brake hub ). Global Truck traders is close to me and a good source for good used Mack stuff. Good people up there.
  7. Gonna have to replace bearings, races and seal and shoes. Races are really pitted. Makes me think it might be a good idea to look at the others. My new Milwalkee 1/2 " 18v impact was handy.
  8. I bought the seal today and also a 4 1/8 axle nut socket. I will inspect to see why it went and make sure the lip is cleaned up. I will post a few picks. thanks.
  9. I have a axle seal that has started leaking oil and need to replace. I am hoping someone could give a brief description of what it entails , take down and back together and and tricks involved if there is any. Thinking it is pretty straight forward job. One starting question would be , do I jack in the center of the spring holder and then use 6 ton stands under each axle housing and the proceed with disassemble only lifting those rear drive wheels. New to Mack trucks but not to turning wrenches. Thanks.
  10. First try to spray some weasel piss and then take a 90 degree scribe and work the threads. Maybe it will come out then without an air setup. I had to air chisel mine out but after I cleaned it up I could screw the new one in by hand. not sure if your set up is like my 1988 rd model pins though.
  11. They really smoke nasty when that Dynatard is on and fuel is rolling. Other than that its beyond me.
  12. Thats why I traveled south to get it, lots of truck to work with. Pretty straight for a 1988 log truck and the rust factor is crucial for me. This truck never saw road salt. Up here in the New England they salt the roads heavy now at the slightest freeze up, trucks frames get hit hard. Still considering a tranny swap but gonna run it for now with the 7 speed. I will say that .6 overdrive is crazy on the open road unloaded!!!
  13. What about economy tires that are made out of round. Had a few friends by 400$ steers and realize there was a problem with being truly round. Vibration as various speeds until tires changed out, front ends were tight.
  14. Tires on and toed in. Has about a 1/16 toe in. Much easier steering with these Firestones. Couple of pics of the old gal.
  15. The plugs were 1/2 drive not 3/8's as I stated. rechecked them the other day and topped them off. good to go.
  16. I am waiting for tires for the Mack ( Steers ) went to a 315 instead of the 385 floats as winter driving seems like it might be better with narrower tires. I plan on adjusting the thrust bearing after some use , thanks for the reminder. Always good feedback on this site.
  17. I have some time driving and shifting many different types of eqiupment around the farm (20 plus years ). I would say this 2070 is not the most easiest transmission to dial in but I am also in no hurry to get anywhere loaded. Once I drop the load though that .60 overdrive will get me home quick. Good advice on this site. Thanks all.
  18. So, what about changing up 4 and 5th gear in this tranny, could that be a possible solution instead of a different transmission.
  19. Went to the shop yesterday to get oil, this is a well known shop in my area and talked to a Mack guy who has 30 plus years experience. really confused now, he said the 12 speed is big long and expensive to fix if there are issues with it . So he thought a 9 speed would be a good match up. Everyone does have a opinion on whats best for a swap out, still gathereing info and next will be to find some trucks locally and see what there running. I did take it for a ride yesterday after oil in the rears and king pin job, went real nice.
  20. Went and bought Mack oil yesterday and did the job. Those plugs were really in there tight.The Mack oil was 75$ a 5/gal pail and looked good. stuff that came out was nasty. Thanks all for the replies.
  21. Kinda leaning towards a 12 speed Mack tranny. I will try to get the ratios on a 12 and see. Thanks all.
  22. These are pipe plugs that are in real good on the bevel and divider. A 3/8's ratchet end on the pot. Drained about 3 gallons out of each pot, does that seem right. Haven't opened up the others as I need 8 point sockets for the plugs before I resort to a small pipe wrench to get them.
  23. I am changing out oil in the rears of my 1988 R Model. It has 44 rears. What is a the weight oil and are there any reasons for using one over the other. Assuming this is 80-90 weight oil. Looks like two areas to fill and then just check the bottom level plug is what I am gathering from folks for routine checks. Is it true oil on the bottom gets thrown up to lubricate the top. Thanks.
  24. Pin is in and is nice and smooth and.000 movement side ways. I like that. Wasn't tat bad just alot of clean up to the knuckle and cleaning the threads that are exposed on the bottom. Turns in by hand now. will recheck it after a few runs.
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