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Everything posted by louisgbone

  1. Bob I must have hit the nail on the head on My last post because Your not talking to Me anymore.
  2. If You were buying them direct from the You would have been with 1 of 4 companies McMillan Blodel , BC Forest Products, Crown Zellarback, RW Saunders LTD or Tahsis Company from the way You describe things I'm going to say McMillan Blodel Franklin River division as for Mack LMSW I know what those Trucks were but they were long before My time I didn't get started in the Trucking industry until October 1970.
  3. Bob I would like to know from which dealer You bought Your HDX from as for Your HD there were many still unsold HD's around in 1975.
  4. Hate to say this Bob Dingsdale but Your wrong My family owned the Hayes dealership for the lower mainland and Vancouver island from 1970 to 1974 We dropped the Hayes franchise sept 1 1974 because paccar said they were closing the Hayes factory sept 30 1974 . After the closing of the factory there was one HDX left unfinished for M&B Franklin river Div that truck was completed by Peterbilt truck sales/Western Hayes in January 1975.
  5. OK Kscarbel2 I will stop using that abbreviation, but You might tell other people because I'm not the only one that has used that abbreviation.
  6. The overhead gauges were only on the early cabover before the Mack F cab. The first Hayes COE with the F model Mack cab was in fact a re badged Mack built in Hayward California. all Hayes frame rails were supplied by Wilkinson steel Hayes copied the F model frame design but those frame rails were manufactured in Canada by Wilkinson steel.
  7. First of all K or Kscarbel paccar closed the Hayes factory sept 30 1974 not 1975. second Mack did not have any choice about keeping Hayes Mack were ordered by Signal to sell Hayes or Mack's money supply would stop.
  8. Mike You missed one FACT Mack did not have a choice about selling Hayes Mack was ordered by Signal group to sell Hayes or risk loosing the only capital supplier they had that is why Jack Curcio quit in 1973. So Your theory of what Mack should have done is all BS.
  9. Hey J or James J Neiweem with all Your opinions and all Your knowledge You claim to have about Mack Trucks I would like to know one thing how many years did You work for Mack Trucks or authorized Mack dealership because I think Your just someone who tells stories with no facts I can speak for My self because I worked for Mack dealers for 7 years and worked for a Mack factory store for 1 year now how about You lowed MOUTH.
  10. J during Mack's demise Renault was at the helm. Before that signal sold out most of their shares to Renault. During Renault's reign sales of Mack Trucks were at rock bottom Renault was going broke Volvo bought the Truck division of Renault Volvo saved the day for Mack if not for Volvo Mack would not exist today I think everyone should remember that fact before You go around bad mouthing Volvo.
  11. J anytime You think Volvo is the bad guy just remember this if Volvo had not bought Renault which had control of Mack Mack would not exist today it was Volvo's money that kept Mack in business without Volvo Mack would have been auctioned off for penny's on the dollar.
  12. The ENDT 865 was introduced in 1970 if the model had a B example ENDTB 865 this just meant it had a mack engine brake the 865 was a maxidyne and the ENDT 866 was a thermodine also introduced in 1970 before that Mack had a v8 known as the END 864 rated at 255HP also a thermodine.
  13. T or Glen Akers I'm not going to disagree with You completely My beginning with Mack was march 1974 before that I would read the bulldog magazine every month Your correct on the idea of the maxydine engine was 1966 but the first time I saw a maxydine engine in a truck was 1973 when I went to work for Mack in 1974 My first question was why do some Macks have a gold bulldog and some have a chrome bulldog no one new the answer at that time. Later on in oct 1976 I went to a sales seminar in Toronto their were 2 engineers from Hagerstown MD at that seminar they were the ones that told Me that the maxydine engine was not perfected until dec 1972 they said before that time the maxydine engine was still being tested and was still in the planning stages. These 2 engine engineers also confirmed to Me that all Macks with a gold bulldog were maxydine engines and those with a chrome bulldog were thermodine engines if there was confusion about this well I heard it from the horses mouth all engines before the maxydine engine were painted Mack green, maxydine engines were gold, thermodine after 1973 were silver, econodine were light blue E6 with 4 valve heads were dark grey the last E6 rated at 350HP were painted black.When the E7 was introduced it was painted dark grey.
  14. My answer to Joey Mack and Mark T is in the early 70's around 71 or 72 Mack developed the maxydine engine which had a RPM range of 1300 to 2100 it was a 700 RPM split mack built 3 engine of this configuration ENDTB675 rated at 237 hp 6cyl , ENDTB676 later known as the E6-300 rated at 285HP 6cyl engine and 1 V8 known as the ENDTB865 rated at 325HP all of these 3 engines were all painted gold to identify them the minute You opened the hood. Mack thought it would be a good idea if You knew before You opened the hood so any Trucks built with a maxydine engine had a gold bulldog on the hood to match or identify that the truck had a maxydine engine. When Mack brought out the E9-1000 I don't know whether they made a maxydine version of it or not I was gone from Mack from april 1978 to oct 1982 when I returned to Mack.
  15. Bullhead.- There are many reasons for a 100ton+ logging truck to use a steel hood #1 the constant pounding that the logging roads did to a truck a fiberglass hood could never endure this.#2 w when You needed to remove a hood to remove an engine steel hood was easier to remove. #3 if You have an old truck where the original hood was no longer available You could fabricate new hood panels in a sheet metal shop. #4 I have seen where logging companies have ran the exhaust systems outside the hood and out the front fenders eliminating the hood side panels. there is one exception here on a kenworth model LW the hood side panels were fiberglass and so were the front fenders.
  16. Mack will only do what Volvo will allow them to do.
  17. I will ask this question to see how many people can get it right. Why do some Mack Trucks have a Gold bulldog hood ornament while most only have a Chrome bulldog hood ornament.
  18. I have worked for Mack dealerships 6 times in all different parts of North America both in Canada and in the USA.
  19. Mack will only do what Volvo will allow them to do.
  20. I don't know J if You would have said they were beauties if You had to sell them which I did. Mack could build trucks like no tomorrow but when it came getting parts for them and honoring their warranty I give Mack an F grade.
  21. fjh sounds to Me like You must have worked in Nanaimo all 28 CL350ST'S between 1977 and 1979 were sold in Nanaimo 1 CL350ST was sold in Burnaby to Apex House moving in 2007 that truck was still going strong. Though the CL350ST'S were sold in Nanaimo the branch did not benefit much,whatever parts business from them went to Tom Turner in Campbell River. The 3 You say You re powered with E9'S what did You put in them for Engine Brake's.
  22. I heard that Mack discontinued this engine in 2000 because it could not meet emission standards in California.
  23. I only saw 1 of these E9 engine in 1998 I had one in the shop with rocker shaft problems it was in a RWS model owned by Union Pacific it was used to haul lowboy trailers. What I do know is that mack brought out the RW series for the E9 engine because the E9 needed a larger radiator to keep the engine cool the RS700 series could not fit a large enough radiator to except this engine.
  24. Originally When the CL350ST was introduced Mack had plans to put the E9-1000 engine in them what happened was the CL350ST was ended in 1979 and the E9-1000 wasn't on the market till 1980.
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