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  1. Was told today by the Mack dealer that they have not took off the encovance because the truck would be dead in the water and wait until I found one to rebuild. Does that sound right? They told me that if they go out it's more than likely the housing. I asked about a rebuilt kit they said it's better to wait to take it out. Drove truck home today, drove great till 1800 rpms. Then went to shit. I can still work truck till I get that one in. Be a turd pulling if I cant get over 1800 rmp. But I got to work it. What have other people done to fix this problem? Replace the motor, fuel system or what? All help needed thanks. He checked the line going to it and the solenoid. Both are good. I trust the mechanic, he has done wonders in the past for me. So not doubting the Mack Mechanic.
  2. I think it's the vmac 2. One ECM. God forbid that goes out. ANOTHER headack.
  3. Oh I know that's why still looking. At least that one is in south texas. Doesn't get that cold there.
  4. I tried, no results found.
  5. Truck idled rough at low rpm, thought it was fuel problem. But it was timing sensor on fly wheel. Now when my truck hits 1800 Rmp its doing the same thing at a higher rmp and runs perfect at lower Rmp. Mack dealer told me it was the Econovance. They told me the housing was the problem and mack doesn't make one anymore. I found one in a junk yard. But is there another company that makes that housing or is there a way to replace it. I called all over the US today and found one. Why does Mack have this part on their trucks and no longer make it.
  6. All fuel lines are good, and all injectors are good. But did find the little black plastic line on side of injector going to the front of the motor to be pinched under all the lines to be the problem I hope. I'll find out Monday when I change it.
  7. Hello everyone, I have a 1997 mack ch613 with the 427. If the truck sits for more than 24 hours I have to use the hand primer to start it. Which I've been doing for a while. Starts perfect after hitting the primer 7 or 8 times. Only doing this in the morning. But starts like it should all day. Last week at idle my truck started popping. Already change fuel filters twice. Doesn't loose power when driving. It only does it when I stop sometimes. It may run for 2 hours with no problems then starting sputtering the rest of the day at idle. Get over 1,000 rpms and it clears up. It's not smoking. Does this sound like hand primer, hole in rubber lines, injector or etc. Bout to work on it in the morning. Just wondering which one yall would start at first. Thanks.
  8. Oh and when Im empty or loaded when I push down on the accelerator it takes it about 3 to 4 seconds to take off.
  9. Hey guys, new member here. I've got a 1997 ch 427 tri alxe dump truck. It is really really sluggish pulling any grade hill loaded. New injectors put in about 2 months ago, over head ran, air to air checked out great. I have the pedal to the floor and I'm losing power, down shift and same problem. 15 speed eaton in the truck. I was told it might be the shaft in the pump stripped out. Would that cause this problem. Going to check it out tomorrow. Was wondering what it could be. If everything checks out good I guess I will put the butane kit on it for boost. Is that a good Ideal to do, my neighbor has one on his 427 and it out pulls me 10 to 1..just need help and ideas in this sluggish as Mack. Thanks
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