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Jamaican Bulldog

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Everything posted by Jamaican Bulldog

  1. Interesting story. Do you remember if that DM 685 a fiberglass style hood or steel style hood?
  2. It uses a 9 liter Cat diesel engine with a electric generator and components similar to a freight train and get up to 20 mpg. Its not a pure EV so it doesn’t have the limitations of one. I believe they can have any motor that is sufficient to turn the generator
  3. Yep thats what people in the virtual world thought but real world conditions came knocking. Real truckers designed a truck using the best of both worlds that is more practical and less expensive. There was an article in the most recent Wheels of Time on them real truckers designed a truck that uses
  4. Smooth resin printing 3d technology has revolutionized the whole concept of 3d as opposed to FDM plastic 3d which tends to have lines. Very little sanding if any at all is needed with resin and can be done with a sanding sponge if it needs to.
  5. Government mandates that are forcing EV transition in the auto industry is also targeting the heavy truck industry. Edison Motors in Canada ( see video in link) started by two logging truckers have come up with an innovative idea that is more viable for many trucks to avoid the drawbacks of Electric Vehicles such range, charging availability and costs. The truck uses a diesel electric hybrid set up similar to freight trains to over a truck that is both more efficient than traditional trucks while having a lot of torque. A 9 liter Cat engine paired with a electric generator allows the truck to achieve 20 mpg and even regenerative braking avoiding the need for having a engine braking system. They also have conversion powertrain kits for older trucks and converted an old Kenworth W923 logging truck to this powertrain. It seems that such a technology could be viable to other truck uses as well. Is there any chance Mack might develop something like this with newly designed trucks such as the ones that will be using the Volvo cab?
  6. After many years or personally building model trucks especially with a passion for Macks, I launched globalscalemodeltrucks.com last year. It offers scale model truck conversion cabs using smooth 3d resin technology to convert existing model trucks or kits in models that were never offered before in plastic, diecast or resin. One of the great things of 3d technology is that a 3d CAD file can be designed and optimized to print conversion cabs in variety of scales. Years of pictures and measurements of trucks taken at truck shows like Macungie were very influential in the design processes. Numerous model truck kits especially in 1/24 and 1/25 scales are good sources for being donor trucks for chassis and parts to complete desired models. Global Scale Model Trucks currently model truck conversion cabs of 11 truck brands in 1/24, 1/25, 1/32 and even 1/34 scales. 1/14 scale cabs for remote control trucks may be available later this year. Many U.S market Mack models are available to order plus many unique Macks that were only sold in overseas markets such as Australia, New Zealand or Europe and Middle East. For available brands, models, prices and scales that can be ordered please visit globalscalemodeltrucks.com and it has a easy search feature. New models are added periodically so there is an option to subscribe for those updates on the site.
  7. Globalscalemodeltrucks.com started doing resin model truck conversion cabs a few months ago in 1/24, 1/25, 1/32 and 1/34 scales they are coming out with more models each month
  8. I got this message today about a new mack to be announced or revealed on 3/8. Does anyone know what it will be? I didn’t see another post here. So not sure if discussed already https://info.macktrucks.com/newbreed?utm_source=social&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=new_breed&utm_content=live_event&fbclid=IwAR3ow8KLcaPcuNFDrFNQHDuyMBWAD3uIeXsJuAC8ISd1XNxCZuRaL8J7gWQ
  9. I am doing scale model and would like to know if anyone knows the length, height and width of this Diamond Reo Giants hood. Thanks
  10. I searched for this answer on here but did not see it. When was the last year the steel hood Mack DM models were offered?
  11. Maybe you mean the RS models like the the rubber duck Mack in the movie Convoy. I believe it was to accommodate larger radiators for extra cooling on the mountains and also on the RS700L versions accommodated larger engines from Cummins, Cat and even V12 Detroits..
  12. With Scania and International now under the same parents. Scania roams north America under the hoods of Internationals.https://www.ccjdigital.com/test-drives/article/15295615/international-debuts-newlook-lt-series-heavyduty-truck
  13. There is a guy on the Facebook group ' Mack E9 V8' with some of these quad turbo E9s for sale plus other E9 parts.
  14. There is an ad right now on facebook page 'Mack E9 V8' for some of these engines and other E9 parts. Not sure if they were military or marine engines.
  15. I am glad to see this picture. Mr. Riccardi and the driver of this truck were good customers of mine. I sold them Fords when working at Griffin Ford in Greenwich CT. I actually made a scale model of one of his R dumps for him as gift.
  16. Wow , are those road legal? about how wide are they?
  17. An addition to this older topic. I didn't know Mack actually made a V12 marine engine for the navy. I wonder if any made it into trucks? https://www.dieselworldmag.com/diesel-engines/vintage-smoke-2/
  18. I saw this truck at show years ago. The show was kept at the grounds were it was parked in the condition in the pic. Not sure if it still exists or which truck show it was. Does any one know if it still exists?
  19. I was thinking the same because this B57 seemed speced heavy. Even the frame looked heavier than most B models I have seen. Looked like b81 frame.
  20. I am limited to pics i can post but they were heavy looked different from others I have seen
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