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Jamaican Bulldog

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Everything posted by Jamaican Bulldog

  1. The show was bit smaller than than last year. Maybe due to unset of rain or diesel prices but it was good to see the very last B model there. A tri drive 1966 B 57
  2. I think you forgot to put the link. It looks nice https://geyerauctions.hibid.com/lot/121457092/1986-mack-r-model-tractor?q=mack
  3. Thank you, I did not realize they had a Facebook page. I was hoping at least the Mack store at Macungie would be open
  4. Sorry if this came up in another trend but does any one know how long the Mack Museum will be closed for. I assume it was closed because of Covid but with so many restrictions lifted I hope will be open again.
  5. Interesting, Do anyone the story behind all those trucks? That's a lot of metal to just leave just laying around. Seemed like they ran when parked too.
  6. I notice some Mack LT or LTL have louvre type grilles and some have mesh style. Did that indicate engine type or were those options no matter the engines or year of build?
  7. Interesting knowledge. For some reason I thought the 2 huskies ornament meant it had V12. Also it was interesting that this concept would compete with the Maxidyne concept at Mack. Did Mack own Brockway at the time it was developed?
  8. Thank you , I have since been able to get some detailed photos of a real truck then I will try to do a 3 d image.
  9. I would like to make a scale model and looking for blueprint model of the Mack MH Ultraliner. I searched this website an Google and even though I found diagrams for other Mack Models I could find one for the MH. Does any know where I can find one?
  10. So it seems the change to Volvo frames influenced the name changes. I preferred the names
  11. Not sure what scale it is you are doing but even if its smaller you can use an online scale calculator to scale it down or up
  12. That's awesome, What scale is that? I believe the DM 800 chassis used in the 1/25 scale AMT model truck kit is very similar. American truck industrial Models in NJ U.S.A does a 1/25 resin RD800 kit and I believe the donor kit is the DM800. I have one but have not built it yet.
  13. I remember with great fanfare when Mack launched the Vision. However a few years later the name of the same design was transitioned to CXU. The CH axle forward used to be called the the Pinnacle then they started using the CHU while some versions of the CXU also used the Pinnacle name. Does any one know why those names were changed on those trucks even though the design/styling stayed the same?
  14. It really seems deliberate that Volvo limited Mack's powertrain choices especially after the MP series came out. Imagine how many Macks would have been sold if they offered Cummins in the Granites, pinnacle, Titan and even now the Anthem. It also seems they purposely designed the newer Mack's to not be able to use engines bigger than 13 liters
  15. Nice! I think I just saw it at the truck show in central NJ about about a week and half ago
  16. I just got a facebook reminder from ATCA old Truckin Nuts page so I guess its on
  17. I am going, looking forward to it
  18. Wow, I did not know that paint/decal scheme was a limited edition.
  19. Saw this in WSJ. Seems there is shortage of drivers everywhere. Some companies are even recruiting airline pilots used to long hours https://www.wsj.com/articles/miners-labor-to-find-enough-truck-drivers-workers-11632043801
  20. I guess the front axle would also have to line up with the wheel wells
  21. Some models of the DM and R series were available in both fiber glass and steel butterfly hood. However some like the DM800, RD800 and the RM series only came in steel hoods The steel butterfly hoods were advantageous to give access to servicing especially if you had things like snow plows or other things mounted on the front that prevented the hoods from tilting.
  22. Awesome pic! I have a few Mack CL like that in the exact color and paint/graphics scheme........... but in 1/32 scale 😆 Franklin MInt diecast models.Just beautiful to see it on a real truck.
  23. I believe the CH600 was also the set back axle tandem and the CH613 the axle forward tandem . It also seems like the CH613 were used for heavier applications like dumps and low boy tractors
  24. Thats very nice!
  25. Has anyone actually seen a new Autocar conventionals on the road? I have not seen one even at the numerous truck shows this summer in the NE. I also looked up to see if there were any dealers but it seems you have to contact Autocar directly
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