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Jamaican Bulldog

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Everything posted by Jamaican Bulldog

  1. This rare AWD Mack MH was discussed here before. It was a pleasant surprise to see it at the Gerhart’ show. Not sure what driving condition it is in.
  2. Yep and thats why I rather see them go over seas and last another 20 yrs or more than getting crushed. OR better yet see them sold cheap to collectors here who want to show them 😃
  3. Most 90s and even later Land Rovers were absolute overpriced junk. They would have major problems before 80K such as buring oil etc. No wonder he company changed ownership so often. When we took them on trade we were lucky to get out of them without losing money. They were more of status symbols. The over seas market ones were better and simpler and often did not have the status symbol electronic junk on them.
  4. I sometimes drive by a dismantling yard near me ( Brookfield Resource Management) in Elmsford NY just to see the old trucks they have bought or hauled in. They seem to buy quite a few from municipal auctions. I know one in particular a 71 Flintstone R tractor that sell ran and drove well which they bought for $1600. Lots of trucks that look like they still have life in them. A few years ago someone told me that some were exported which to me is fine. Better than getting chopped up. How ever lately I learned that they no longer sell whole trucks, they all get chopped up and you can by parts if you want. Shame because some of them wouldn't need much to be seen at a antique trucks show.
  5. Weird truck. What was the point of the windows in the dash or cowl area?
  6. Is a RM hood the same length as a RD800 but only with a set back axle?
  7. How does a RD frame depth and thickness compared to a DM?
  8. Beautiful, what is the powertrain? It would be nice to see it and that Australian truck at a show on east coast.
  9. Yes I know the one you are taking about. It is good condition too and looks like it still works. It is the only truck I have ever seen with that engine
  10. I like the look of external air cleaners but do they obstruct visibility or cause blind spots especially during turning?
  11. I saw a AWD like the white one above last year in side the plant during the Macungie show. The paper in the window indicated it was sold to a company in or related to the oil business.
  12. Wow! rare beast now. Someone mentioned that the Israel military might have had RD800 AWD and some might have been log trucks. A RM V8 is also very interesting, it seems to have the room.
  13. Did Mack offer the RD 800 in AWD maybe for military applications? I know the set back axle RM was often offered in AWD and set up as municipal plow. Also did the RD and RM have the same length hood only with the RM set back axle and shorter fenders? Was the RM offered with a V8 Mack? I build models and want to get some info for realism.
  14. I learnt on here that the Superliner had external air cleaners as an option. The Australian models mostly seem to have it I am assuming to have higher air in takes in dusty areas. What influenced the different preferences in the U.S models? Did certain specs such as engine type influence which one was chosen?
  15. What id the V8 mack that was in the R700? The valVe covers looked like E9 but as discussed it wasn't in it. I build models and want to make sure i get it right.
  16. When did this grille come out in the R and DM or U? I always thought it was the same as the one in topic until the responses enlightened here that it was different
  17. I know most will disagree with me here but I always though the L cab was way better looking than the curved B cab.
  18. I believe they are now called Terrapro. I have seen some as municipal tandem dumps with plows in the NY area. Some have heavy specs and on the export market often converted to dumps too.
  19. OH. Thanks for clarifying. I thought maybe it had to do with engine, series or year.
  20. How come some Superliners have the air cleaners outside the hood like the R models and some don't? I build model trucks and want to make sure I get a Superliner right.
  21. My favorite Mack is a off set cab Mack like the DM or U.
  22. I also I heard from someone that has one it helped alot when backing up to stick your head out the window because sometimes the mirror would be vibrating so much
  23. Thanks, Maybe after this virus thing I will take a trip. Do you know if they are opened Sundays?
  24. Wow, it s shame that this CL is in such bad shape. I think may have driven this exact one during their 100 yr anniversary. They had an event where you could drive one around the lot for $1. Do you think it would be worth a 4 hour drive to go sight seeing at this junkyard?
  25. I have always loved Macks since I saw the first one in my town as kid in Jamaica. At the time in early 1980s this 1974 Mack DM was the only one around when most other trucks then were British. That truck is still working today! However, in Jamaica there were a few Bauxite companies ( the ore which aluminum comes from) operating. One of them was ALCAN. In the 80s till they closed they had a baby blue Mack R tandem tractor that pulled a tanker which to me as a kid was very very interesting because it was right hand drive! It seemed that every other American vehicle there were all left hand drive. Jamaica drives on the left as most former British colonies especially in the Caribbean. The only other place I have known of RHD Macks were Australia and NZ. Even though the Bauxite companies had other American trucks and there were other Macks on the island which got more popular, that blue Mack is the only RHD drive Mack or RHD American truck I ever seen there. Many American trucks are imported used but even the brand new ones were LHD. Does anyone know anything about ALCAN and this RHD Mack?
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