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Jamaican Bulldog

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Everything posted by Jamaican Bulldog

  1. Thanks. Do you know which Mack models had them?
  2. Was Allis Chalmers engines ever used in Macks from the factory?
  3. So right about that. After the excellent 7.3 power stroke if they had gone Cummins/allison they would not have had to go through the expensive warranty costs associated with the disastrous 6.0 plus losing droves of customers. I am not sure if Dodge/Ram had exclusivity on the Cummins in the class 2 to 5 and can't see why it would have been more expensive to have those vendor components.
  4. Great points. Sound good unviable government mandates simultaneously helped killed domestic makers while putting many truckers out of business. You are right many European makers were large enough and could spread R&D throughput other vehicle lines. GM and Ford could have done that too but abandoned class 8 as they mismanaged the rest of their auto business.
  5. I still can't get over how North America is the truck industry's largest source of profits but somehow most of the American brands of heavy trucks eventually became European or foreign owned. SMH
  6. It will be interesting to see if it offers other engine and transmission options or if there will be a cab over medium duty Mack again. Hino also seems to be gaining in this market too. I see alot more on the road especially as tow and utility trucks in NY.
  7. Nice! looks nice too. Glad to see Mack in the medium truck business and using Cummins. As often discussed here they have greatly missed to while others are doing well especially the Japanese. Hopefully Mack will sell many as tow trucks too. Will there be a Volvo version to syphon sales from Mack intros segment?
  8. I build and collect model trucks as a hobby and have a friend who has business doing custom model trucks. Probably his biggest sellers are trash trucks of all kinds especially roll off. It is popular for both the kids and adults
  9. Will Mack still offer manual transmissions from vendor components?
  10. Another evolution of a proven Mack design that was aborted by Volvo and gone to waste
  11. I thought that was New Zealand version Mack.
  12. I have been thinking of doing the same thing and I might be able to out a truck in my back yard without the neighbors seeing it. Does anyone know about how long and tall is a day cab tandem axle R model Mack?
  13. Really a damn shame. I know automatics are becoming more a common place due to less people knowing how to drive one and the whole powertrain integration for emissions etc but Mack brand equity is carelessly and in some ways purposely wasted
  14. https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/922434804779476/ Not mine but it is an interesting heavy truck that someone here may want to have
  15. Thats amazing! Have you considered casting and selling that? there are few if any roll off kits this hobby
  16. Did you scratch build the roll off or did you purchase as a kit?
  17. I have been making a mental note of the new brands on the road in relation to new Macks. Seems about right but noticing more and more Volvos even as vocational trucks. Very few Anthems. Shame
  18. It is still opened on a Wednesday but I think you have to call. I believe there may still be trucks in side. Many are now with the Mahan collection in NJ
  19. LOL Those Lada lights don't look too bad either
  20. A similar think is happening with regular cars especially with more powerful and efficient turbo engines at smaller displacement. However I hope with the truck market the transition will be primarily be because of technology and market demand and not due to govt mandates by people who couldn't even identify 3 parts under the hood.
  21. I would go just to look. 😀
  22. https://www.todaystrucking.com/mack-pumped-about-truck-sales-construction-business/?fbclid=IwAR3_TMnKP4Nks4A74iy8zl_sk8G6bo81GdhWw-9QlBd8g4D7qXghr3q5a_0
  23. Ohhh ok, I had thought it was the short nose that made it a U model. You are right that does not seem off set. This actual truck is local. I am going to try to take a closer look. Another bit of knowledge I didn't know. This type seems to be rare, I have only seen one like this. If I meet the owner I will encourage to take to a show. It is still a working truck.
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