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Jamaican Bulldog

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Everything posted by Jamaican Bulldog

  1. Auslowe doesn't show the MH anymore but they have really cool Mack stuff.
  2. I bought a 1/25 MH from this site in Australia. He does both day cab and sleeper cab MH. https://www.robbosscalemodel.com/?fbclid=IwAR1nYLp7odRDr9KY7B40bmW7uzzhyAq8s-_wgh5-zHXogLOvx21fBRnnmAc
  3. I am going to be building a 1/24 scale replica of the Mack MH Magnum with E9 V8. Since there were no scale model kits of the MH made I was thinking of using the AMT scale model kit of a Cruiseliner as a donor chassis and mount a resin MH cab kit and resin E9 V8. Based on the valuable responses from this topic and also from a model truck forum, someone mentioned that the E9 might not fit the Cruiseliner chassis and suggested that I use a R model chassis as the donor kit. What do you guys think? Did the real Cruiseliner chassis accommodate V8s the size of the E9?
  4. Ohhh. That makes sense, I had feeling it had to do with that. I hope this particular truck gets restored. Sad to see them vandalized.
  5. Does anyone know how come this V8 U model at the Gerhart's yard don't seem to have the raised cab and extended bottom of front hood and fenders like other V8 models?
  6. I think this has the older 866 ci V8 or about 14 liters versus the 16 liter E9. I don't know about the 'Extra roomy cab interior', but it seems the cab and hood sits higher to accommodate the V8 with an extension on the bottom of the front of the hood and fenders to cover the gap for sitting higher.
  7. I saw the ad for this in Wheels of Time. Nice looking U model being raffled off at the Springtime Truck and Tractor Show in ME. Tickets are $100. There is no website from what I saw, this is via their Facebook page.
  8. https://newyork.craigslist.org/fct/hvo/d/norwalk-1986-mack-dm600-tri-axel/6779253808.html Being my favorite Mack. I wish I could afford this seemingly well kept DM which needs a new home since the owner doesn't use it much anymore.
  9. https://hudsonvalley.craigslist.org/hvo/d/1986-mack-superliner/6779363379.html Seems like a good price for a Superliner compared to others I have seen. Maybe there is more to it
  10. There is an auto recycler in Elmsford NY Brookfield Resource Management that scraps a lot of trucks. Elmsford is about 2 hours from Allentown PA to give some reference. Some of the trucks actually are not too old and look to still have a lot of life left in them. I believe exporters buy some before they are scrapped from there also. I sometimes drive by to see what trucks they have and hope some of them especially the Macks get a second lease on life somewhere. I do not have their number and their website does not see to show a list but you could probably google them and call. Since I am not seriously in the market, I haven't pursued further to see what happens to the trucks.
  11. These are interesting contrast and points. Why did the more reliable European systems take so long to make it NA versions of engines if the technology existed? If the Euro 6 was cleaner etc does that mean to they would not have met or exceeded the EPA2007 criteria? I wish Scania had bought Mack instead of Volvo.
  12. We sell up to F-550s. We have had very little negative feedback on the 6.7. Some of the car carriers that pick up lease returns use them to pull the trailers and rack up alot of miles and overall they have been happy. However, in the last few years we have sold less diesels as alot of operators have gone to gas because of the previous diesel issues no matter the engine. So if they can do their operation with a gas even if it sacrifices some mpg and torque many will do it.
  13. They really missed a huge opportunity then. I am surprised too that Nissan didn't offer it here instead of the NV vans
  14. GM has been left in the dust in the commercial sector by still not having a modern competitor for the Transit/RAM/Sprinter vans. There is still a gap in the Astro van size segment they left years ago too. Now the Metris is trying to fill that gap.
  15. Makes sense. Now that you mention it some DM and early RD with that grille also had bar on the front bumper. So by the grille being mounted onto the chassis, the bumper bar would not get in the way of the of the hood when it opened.
  16. My favorite Macks are the R and DM models. I know the early ones had grilles with multiple vertical vanes but at some point these series started having grilles or a radiator surround with 3 thin chrome bars and chrome horizontal bars crossing them. What year did they start having these? I noticed F series with them too. I really liked those. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mack_R_series#/media/File:Mack_R_model.jpg I can never seem to load my own pics here lol.
  17. Interesting article on the differences in the requirements and regulations between European and North American Trucks. https://www.todaystrucking.com/continental-divide-the-difference-between-european-and-north-american-trucks/?fbclid=IwAR2buo1Zm-my-nE9Sh6OY81NyDQ1FyMs-l_PSvOKqIltSr3jtve797zAlcw
  18. Here we go again. Govt and ideological bureaucrats who will make arbitrary rules on things they have no expertise on that will look good on paper but not in reality. I would like to see a tabulation and statistic on how bureaucratic rules and deadlines affected the reliability of large diesel engines and how many lively hoods that depended on them were affected by these rules. There is always the misconception that engines can only be more efficient and cleaner if they are mandated as such with deadlines. No competition drives innovation.
  19. Subaru is also good with customer service. When I worked at a dealer that carried them even if a customer is out of warranty and have a major repair, if they have records that they have serviced the car well AND a loyal customer Subaru would often cover the total or a part of the cost.
  20. If Ford wants to cut a lot of cost they need to look at better quality control via warranty claims. Too often Ford will have a faulty part and go years without redesign while racking up millions in warranty claims and pissing off and losing customers. The troublesome double clutch transmission in the focus and Fiesta went on for years. So did the PTU units in Edges, MKX, and others. We sell Ford and other brands including Mazda. A part fails prematurely on a Ford and it goes through the warranty claim process and they send back the same one. If it is a common part same shit. They went for a while sending the same throttle bodies that would fail on early Transits. Compare to Mazda and other brands with good quality control. We had a relatively new Cx5 have a problem with engine valves. Mazda gave strict instructions, don't go any further, send the entire engine back so they can evaluate why it failed and they sent a replacement engine . If it was a Ford they would just send a replacement valves or if you lucky a head but they do not have the same propensity to for quality control.
  21. If they are going to make a 4 door car based on a Mustang they should not do automotive blasphemy and call it a Mustang. Give it the Falcon name or something and offer it in AWD. Ford would make a killing. Chrysler is still milking the aged Charger because a tough, fast, good sounding rear drive sedan will still sell.
  22. Just curious because I do not know much about the distinction, why?
  23. Yep you are exactly right. These honchos think people like me who have been a Ford dealer for years have short memories. Eliminating the Ranger back then sounds eerily familiar to them getting rid of cars now. We remember them boasting how much profits were in the F series and then saying that since only a for a 'few' $$$$$ more people could get a F150, less and less people would want to get a small pickup. They were comparing the price of bare bones reg cab 4x2 F150 to a Ranger that had more content just as they now compare the price a bare bones Ecosport to a similar Focus or Fusion of the similar price which has more content. This also while for the purpose of 'clarity to their infinite wisdom' they were allowing the Ranger to die on the vine ( like they are doing to sedans now), not updating it with newer tech that were going into other vehicles and not offering crew cab while other small pick-up models were doing . The Sport trac though great was not the same of what could have been in a crew cab N/A Ranger but would have complimented it. As it happens often Ford plays catch up with something it already had elsewhere when they realize that GM could both sell and profit by selling both small and full-size pick-ups. They also played catch up with vans with Sprinter with the Transit they have had overseas for years. In some ways still catching up. As I have probably said here before many of my friends in the late 90s and early 2000s would never had considered a Ford till the Focus came out. Many now drive Explorers etc. because they developed a relationship with the brand and dealers. The same still happens with why you can't turn around without seeing Honda Civics and Korean cars all over. Affordable and sporty cars are integral in bringing new people into the brand and if you maintain quality and service people stay. Honda has successfully been able to simultaneously maintain customer loyalty while contesting new customers. It is not rocket science. Meanwhile Ford spends millions on 'creative' ways to market cars and sending people who have never been in the car business to tell car dealers how to sell cars.
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