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Everything posted by Mastewart

  1. Alright when's a good day for you
  2. So truck shop, about a year ago we chatted about an old green three stick Mack with a 220 Cummins in it in Walla Walla Washington. I've been stationed in Washington and want to go see the truck. Think you could help me out. Nice crop you got there btw.
  3. But hey It does go with the topic
  4. I hate stupid people..
  5. Okay where is it in the country? And does it even run and drive? How many miles/ hours? And I wouldn't consider it unless it's like one out of 1000 produced. But I would love to have that sitting in my garage.
  6. Truck shop, how much would you take for the truck?
  7. And what's the name of the vid on YouTube of that k model
  8. How difficult would it be to build a three stick tranny. I know it's not one tranny it's one with brownies. But what's available what would one use. And what's your limit with engine displacement.
  9. I've heard about one that's the triplex with a two speed rear. And heard there's three 150 rpm shifts. I really want to watch someone drive that. I bet not even 1% of the public could drive it. Anyone got a video behind the wheel of one. And is there one up for grabs in northwestern Pennsylvania.
  10. So I just joined the forum. For a long time there's one Mack truck that I've been wanting info on. A truck that a majority of people would call bs if you told them about. The three stick Mack. I first heard of it from a late friends of mines dad. Then talked about it with a guy I worked with. Even met a random guy at the fair who even told me. I've only seen two photos total of the interior with the sticks on the web and talk about on this forum on the dude with fake three stick kenworth (an eaton 13 with sticks for the splitters) I Beleve it was Mackdaddy that mentioned it. I want to know what years it came in, what model , where I could find one, and if there's a way I could talk someone into me driving one. I would greatly appreciate info. I would like pics too.
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