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Everything posted by msbulldog601

  1. Thank you for the suggestion will check the sensor thanks again.
  2. Thank you for the suggestion will check the sensor thanks again.
  3. My 94 CH 613 Engine Shutdown Light comes on after driving a few miles the electronic malfunction light have been on for a few days before the engine shut down began to show up with blink code 2-2. I can drive the truck going through gears and it seems like the truck wants to stall almost just rolling can’t get it out the gear that it’s in I can push the clutch in pull it out of gear the truck seems like I would come back to life or just stall all out I make a complete stope cycle the key back then to the start position truck fire right back up. What would be the cause of this?
  4. My 94 CH 613 Engine Shutdown Light comes on after driving a few miles the electronic malfunction light have been on for a few days before the engine shut down began to show up with blink code 2-2. I can drive the truck going through gears and at seems like the truck wants to stall almost just rolling can’t get it out the gear that it’s in I can push the clutch in pull it out of gear the truck seems like I would come back to life or just stall all the way. What would be the cause of this?
  5. My water is not low and nice looking setup you got!
  6. No haven’t had to deal with mice and thanks I will check oil pressure will the oil psi.
  7. Hello Everyone, I’m posting to get some information that will point me in the correct direction I have a 94 ch 613 Day Cab with E7 Engine pulling a 24ft end dump…I keep getting the electronic malfunction light on the dash it’s giving me blink code 2-2 and recently the engine shut down light comes on now also so both lights are on but the truck does not shut down. Engine shut down only comes on after truck is running for a while whether driving or idle. When it does come on while driving sometimes it will come on and go back off. What do you think could be going on?
  8. I’m ashamed to say I looked today and I did see a button on the dash panel that says “engine brake” that I’ve never used since I had the truck so I don’t know if it works or not.
  9. I Have an electrical pump(grey plug on the side) so would this make mine like yours? But I don’t have a switch on the dash I’ve had this truck since 2013 and never used an exhaust brake. I only found out about this because I decided to reroute my exhaust because it got damaged
  10. Mechanical Engine and no engine brake
  11. The truck does not have an exhaust brake I’ve never used it I don’t even see a switch or button on the inside so I’ve never used exhaust braking with this truck service brakes only
  12. Okay thanks I’m going to take it off… what would the line/hose be going to?
  13. Hello Everyone I’m trying to reroute my exhaust and put a muffler on my truck right now it’s straight pipe. I look at the pipe coming from the exhaust and saw what looks like to me a little cylinder or a “gate” on the side of the exhaust pipe with a beaded like at the bottom (maybe air?) Do anyone know what it really is and what it’s for? Please take a look at the pictures. I want to run my exhaust under my cab but I’m not sure I’m I remove this what will happen. Truck is 1997 CH 613 Thanks for any input.
  14. Hey I noticed today that oil was leaking from my trucks turbo does this mean that the turbo needs to be replaced or does something needs to be tightened up? I have attached some pictures of what I’m talking about. Thanks for your time and help.
  15. Hey I noticed today that oil was leaking from my trucks turbo does this mean that the turbo needs to be replaced or does something needs to be tightened up? Thanks for your time and help.
  16. Governor housing ? Only connector I can remember of like that is the one to the injector pump... where would this governor housing be located?
  17. Okay I’m dreading going to the Mack dealer I know it’s going to cost me... I have one more thing... I ran the truck today until the “shut down” light came on pulled over at idle my oil psi is about 25psi so I accelerated a little to push it to 30psi and the light went off I put truck in gear go on interstate it came back on about a mile down the road I went back to the yard park accelerated push the oil psi to 30 psi again the light shut off. What do you all think of this?
  18. I started the truck up today after replacing fuel filters... rode the truck empty for about 45mins the “shutdown light” didn’t come on one time I drove the truck hard getting the temperature up to see would it come on and it didn’t. This was right before dark so it’s not as hot like the daytime. I have a picture of the injector pump should I replace this sensor since it’s a leak on it? The canister for my centrifugal filter is dented so it’s hitting the inside as it spins I wonder would that trigger the light and mess with oil pressure?
  19. Yes injection pump is electric.... when you say left side you do mean as in sitting in the truck so the driver side? Yes there is a oil pressure sensor on top of the oil filter pad. Should I just unplug the oil filter sensor Drive it and see will it come on? The “shutdown light “ only comes when the engine heats up.
  20. Coolant level is fine reservoir is topped off... where would the coolant level switch be located?
  21. Hello Everyone, Posting to get some help with an issue I’m having with my 97 Ch613 E7427 Engine while driving the “engine shut down “ light started to come on for a few seconds then goes off... anyone know what I should be looking for ? Do you think I can pull codes? Thanks!
  22. Hey I didn’t mess with it I topped the truck off with fresh oil let it run(idle) close to two hours not one leak hope it will be the same result when I do start up in the morning and actually work it. Thanks again for the help.
  23. Thank you all for your help... in the spot where the hole is located which is up in the front of the Pan I couldn’t actually use my hand I did use the socket and extension to get it started then I attached the ratchet after.... I also thought about trying to use a tap to correct the hole but it’s just the location so I was hoping I would be okay without a bolt being there.
  24. Hello, I replaced oil Pan gasket on my E7 427 engine because it was leaking one of the bolt hole is cross threaded. I didn’t realize this until the oil Pan was back up and I was trying to put that bolt back in so I pull the bolt looked at it the bolt threads was ok so I shined my light into the hole and saw the threads was messed up. Do you all think I could just leave that bolt out without the Pan leaking?
  25. Hello Everyone, I’m here with an issue that my friend has with his truck... His A/C does work it’s blowing cold but it only blows on the floor even when he put the controls on the vent selection for the air to come out the dash... what should we look for or do to get it blowing out the dash? Thanks in advance!
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