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  1. Frame looks great @hicrop10! Thank you for keeping us posted on your progress.
  2. Had a chance to chat with Rob Buckley tonight @Joseph Cummings. Showed him the photos of DT-61 which he said was purchased by his Grandfather. Rob drove the truck after graduating from high school. They don't have the truck anymore, but the Northwest shovel in the photo is still in their yard in Philly. Thank you for sharing the photos. Dave
  3. @Firemack any suggestions for @chewy0776 on his ignition issues?
  4. I was wondering when you would chime in Sam. I enjoy your videos. Disappointed that I didn’t make it out to Gerhart’s to see the ‘79 in person.
  5. @reb87 looks as if you’ve got two great canvases to start with!
  6. I caught the BMT mention too@The Heinz! I did a bit of searching but didn’t see any threads that mentioned a 79 with a KT. Perhaps Sam will see this and introduce himself… I’m a big fan of both Sam and Matt’s YouTube channels. My wife doesn’t understand why I enjoy the videos, but I tell her they are important as I live vicariously through these guys so I don’t have to drag anything home myself. 😎
  7. Sam from “Scrappy Industries” posted a great video of his 1979 Superliner with a Cummins KT over the weekend. Definitely worth watching:
  8. Thank you for posting this video link @Joseph Cummings! I’m impressed that McHugh had a 4 axle trailer and a jeep. I would have thought back in 1973 they’d have moved a 9310 with a single axle tractor and at most a 2 axle trailer. 😎
  9. Good point. At the same time I wouldn’t be surprised if the hydraulic tilt is electric…. Definitely would be a conversation starter at the campground. 😎
  10. Congratulations on your retirement Bob! Looking forward to hearing about all the trouble you get yourself into with the newly found time! 😎
  11. @Firemack do you know anyone in the market for an L85? Beautiful truck @Angelo
  12. Thank you Bob. Dad had a great run of nearly 77 years. 3 bad days at the end and a few hiccups over the decades, but overall a great life. 😎
  13. Have you been in since the sale to Century?
  14. Unfortunately we lost my Dad in 2018 @Red Horse, but I’m pretty sure that he trained Heidi before he retired in 2007. 😎
  15. A friend who lives in the area brought to us to my attention the day it happened @Red Horse . Not knowing there are other quarries in the area I assumed it had happened at the former Pandolph-Perkins quarry where my Dad worked for years. Appears from the videos I’ve seen that Onyx is in the process of building a new plant at an older quarry. Hard to say why that corner had been left the way that it had. May the operator rest in peace.
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