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Everything posted by DavCut

  1. DavCut

    photo test

    Great backstory @jdazimuth! Post some more photos when you get a chance.
  2. I would expect with a rig that big there isn’t much you could need to perform a rescue that you wouldn’t have with you. Probably biggest challenge would be remembering where everything is! Thank you for sharing @GA_Dave
  3. A beautiful survivor @Red Horse! Thank you for sharing the photo. Dave
  4. No need to apologize @oldspwr! I only commented so that you wouldn’t think the original poster was ignoring you. Hopefully someone knows where the truck is and can provide an update. Dave
  5. So @JoeH how is the MR treating you? I don’t think I’ve seen any posts from you about problems so hopefully that is a good sign that she is out making money for you every day.
  6. Unfortunately it doesn’t appear that @rsteelehas logged on since 2013 @oldspwr Perhaps someone else knows him and can reach out to him to respond.
  7. DavCut


    I know this is an old post and that he hasn't logged on in years, but has anyone heard from @jake or know if he ever did anything with these F Models?
  8. DavCut

    photo test

    Now that’s something you don’t see every day @jdazimuth. Any idea on the story behind the photo?
  9. Beautiful setup for sure. What’s the back story @storkmack?
  10. Lettering changed on the bug deflector on the first truck.
  11. Thank you @yarnall for the sighting report. I didn’t make it to Macungie this year….
  12. I haven’t heard anything @BOBWhite I went back through my photos and he was at Gerhart’s in October of 2021 FWIW. He also is on a tractor forum that I frequent, but he hasn’t posted there since January 2022. Hopefully he’s just busy with other things…
  13. The FBM one looks very similar to the MH @farmer52 has. Perhaps it is a former Martin’s truck too…
  14. That’s awesome @Nickgsxrmack that you have those photos! Thank you for sharing them. Always neat when someone can add to the history of a posted truck.
  15. Welcome to BMT @Nickgsxrmack Unfortunately it doesn’t appear that @1693MackGuy has been around in a couple of years. Maybe your post will stir him up.
  16. Welcome to BMT and thank you for posting the photos. She’s a sharp looking truck @well drill . Your high school paint job probably protected it well. I can’t speak to value or rarity, others much more knowledgeable than me will chime in on that. However, having something from your Dad that you have personal history with is priceless! Unless you have a dozen more tucked in a warehouse someplace it’s one of a kind. Dave
  17. The Petillo fleet looks amazing @67RModel Neat to see the two CL dumps are consecutive serial numbers.
  18. Great photos and story @Bullheaded Have a few questions. What is the application of the hopper trailers? Do they unload into a stacker of some sort? Also, what is at the rear of the trailer, some sort of loading system? Thank you for posting. Dave
  19. Happy 4th of July everyone! Anyone run their trucks in July 4th parades? I always enjoy seeing the Radnor Fire Company B Model that @Firemack lead the restoration of in local parades. Dave
  20. My Dad’s theory was that everything he got rid of made whatever was left more valuable…. Enjoying the build @1961H67 . Thank you for taking us along for the ride! Dave
  21. Welcome to BMT @Truckie Harbison I never met Mike but always enjoyed his posts. Looking forward to to seeing more about you and you son’s Bulldog Rescues. Dave
  22. DavCut

    1963 c95

    Welcome to BMT @jp 69 Sounds like you have big plans. Unfortunately I’m just a spectator in the antique truck world so I can’t help with your questions, but others like @1958 F.W.D. are a wealth of knowledge. We love photos of everyone’s projects. Post up a few when you have a chance. Dave
  23. Welcome to BMT @limberlost. Truck looks solid. Do you know her history? I wonder if @GA_Dave has photos in his database… Dave
  24. Happy belated @navypoppop! Hope you had a great day! DavCut
  25. What’s hiding behind and above the A30 @yarnall? Any photos @joedontknow?
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