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Everything posted by DavCut

  1. Looks as if the owner is getting them decorated for “Christmas in July” a bit early. 😎
  2. DavCut

    Shop Talk

    As the Toby Keith song says: "I'm not as good as I once was, but I'm as good once, as I ever was." I'm heading towards 51 this year. Biggest thing I've noticed is my eyesight. I've worn contacts for distance for decades, but now I have to have cheaters to see the details on plans, notes, etc. Drives me crazy in the garage as I don't keep a set out there and don't think to bring them out with me... My Dad went to aerobics and zumba with my Mom for years. He swore that was kept him going. Was a big reason that we got to have him with us for 18 years after he had quintuple bypass in 2000. I need to get back into the gym routine so that I can do the same (less the bypass hopefully)!
  3. Glad to hear that @JoeH. Hope that she provides years of profitable service to you!
  4. At the risk of bringing up a sore subject @JoeH were you able to get the paperwork straight with PennDOT?
  5. Hopefully we didn’t scare you away @hurstscrambler asking about your progress. Hope all is well with you.
  6. Thank you for bringing this thread back to the top @james j neiweem. I don’t think that I had seen it before. Like many I have always enjoyed @kscarbel’s posts on the site, along with everyone else’s. Thank you all for your contributions! Dave
  7. Unfortunately I’m of no help with a door, but looking forward to seeing more about your project @Hendrickson Fire. How about you @Firemack? Any leads on a L85 door?
  8. Glad to hear that you are at least treading water with her @JoeH! Having to adjust the brakes every morning doesn't sound like much fun, but at the same time you know what the problem is and how to fix it, now to find the time. Good to see her on the road and making money.
  9. So @JoeH, did the lifeguard have to jump in after you? Enquirering minds want to know. 🙂
  10. Thank you for the post @mechohaulic and the link @67RModel. Barley broken in with 585k on the odometer. I’ve seen other here do amazing things with less to start with. I agree with the assessment of the newer engine @mowerman. Think that a 67 engine would have a tag on it with the words “Engine Exhaust Emmisons Control Information” on it? Too bad the date field on that tag is blocked.
  11. Looks like $11,639 @Mike Harbison https://www.equipmentfacts.com/listings/trucks/auction-results/212268689/1956-mack-b61t The trailer went for $1,236 https://www.equipmentfacts.com/listings/trailers/auction-results/212292941/1951-fruehauf
  12. Glad to see that you had her out before the paperwork expired and hear that she rode well. Nice job getting the left rear corner cleaned up. Hope that PennDOT comes through with the final paperwork without too much trouble.
  13. How are you making out with PennDOT @JoeH? Looking forward to seeing some photos when you have her out in service.
  14. A “new” addition to the fleet @storkmack?
  15. Thank you for your service @zukicidal and for the photos. Welcome to BMT. Dave
  16. I run with the pre-mixed 100% dinosaur from the hardware store in my small 2 stroke engines. I only go through a gallon or 2 a year so it's a small premium to pay to know that they will start every time I need them. For the lawn tractor I only buy 2 gallons at a time and dose it up with a stabilizer. Seems to do the trick so far.
  17. Glad to hear that she got you home @JoeH. Hope that all the PennDOT paperwork is less stressful than the blowout.🙂 Looking forward to some more photos once you have her ready for action.
  18. Back home and ready to put her to work @JoeH?
  19. Hope the rest of the trip goes smoothly @JoeH.
  20. Safe travels @JoeH. Looking forward to some photos and a full report on your trip.
  21. Thanks for the update @JoeH. I saw a mobile mixer on a MR owned by compaction grouting services on 33 near Allentown last night and thought of your project. Best that they get it right before you bring it home.
  22. Sorry for your loss @Brown Bear Looks and sounds as if your Dad had a lot of pride in his Mack. As others have said don’t underestimate yourself. Your Dad did the hard work to get the truck where it is today and you get to enjoy it with what will most likely be minimal maintenance. I would be surprised if your Dad didn’t have friends in the antique truck community that would be willing to teach you to drive, or at a minimum drive you to a few shows so that you could display your Dad’s work. If he didn’t, make some of your own! Two final thoughts (at least for this reply). First, don’t sell yourself short. You are not “Just a girl”, you are a Girl that can do anything who happens to own an amazing piece of history. Second, cheek out the work that @SkippyMack is doing on her B model:
  23. Have you headed west to pick her up @JoeH? Love to see some photos of the completed project and hear about your road trip back east.
  24. So @JoeH, how was your parent's trip? I'm assuming that they made it to Iowa by now? Enquiring minds want to know...
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